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An excerpt from our webcomic that'll be posted on Instagram later today! Drawing Jon sad is never fun aha :,,)

On an unrelated note from the comic plot, it's been really, really interesting to see people's (and even your guys's) reactions to the episodes on Webtoon! I love reading the comments and seeing how people interpret the characters' interactions and little clues in the panels. 

In regards to this excerpt -- I won't say much, except that flowers have always been a means for Jon to show his love, and that they may return after Jon and Alex meet in the next chapter....;)




😭 😭 😭


Didn't notice the flowers' meaning, wow. I swear I love that kind of details, something that tells you indirectly what's going on or what's gonna happen soon... mindblowing.


aaa thank you so much!! 🥺💗 I’m a sucker for dropping little hints haha, even if they’re not noticed right away! ✨