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Last week, the first three episodes of our webcomic was finally released!! I was blown away by the reception, and can't thank you guys enough for checking it out and for your support 💗💗

Here are a few behind-the-scenes looks into those first episodes, as well as the new episode coming this Saturday. In the upcoming update, we will see inside Marcie's apartment for the first time. I have a very rough idea of the layout, but let's just say....there's a reason why I'm not an interior designer :,,)

My goal is also to share a little behind-the-scenes post a couple days before each new webcomic update. Is this the sort of thing you guys would like to see? If you have any other ideas or suggestions, feel free to let me know! 🥰




This is so super lovely. Yes. More of this, please and thank you!


Thanks so much! I'll certainly have to keep more of my sketches for future BTS posts then! 👀✨


I also love that you're not an interior designer. Most people who design apartments aren't designers. Of all the apartments I've lived in, exactly one was thoughtfully laid out/designed. This apartment says a lot about her without having to "say" it.


Aww that makes me feel a lot better about the design choices haha! Thanks so much again!! 🥰