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Finally finished my Halloween comic for the year. A couple days late, but I had fun doing this.~

Anyma decided to go trick or treating this year, but sweets are not something she was after.~




You know, this comic raises a very interesting question; why does Charlie hang out with Anyma? I mean, clearly Anyma gets a thrill with messing with her, and as we’ve seen with Anyma multiple times, she very clearly lives for the schadenfreude when she tickles the daylights out of someone (side note: The “tickle bag”, as I’m calling it, is an honest to goodness creative and tantalizing idea, and seeing Anyma use it for the pretenses of Halloween is just really fun). However, there is clearly a connection between the two that goes beyond tickler and victim. There’s a reason why Anyma continually revisits and hangs out with Charlie, and likewise, why Charlie continually puts up with Anyma. While I don’t think I can say what it is for certain, this comic does briefly touch on it, and I think Anyma put it best when she mentioned the “sparkle in [Charlie’s] eye”; whether Charlie wants to admit it or not, there’s a part of her that likes this. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s clear she knows that what Anyma does is wrong, and she knows well enough to not too involved in Anyma’s antics (though her compliance is not usually a factor most of the time), but at the same time, she clearly gets a thrill out of seeing people getting tickle tortured, and enjoys seeing Anyma dish it out, even if she tries to deny it. Hell, we’ve even seen this touched on before in your Christmas comic when Charlie walked in on Kitchy tickling Anyma and was briefly flustered! As such, whether she admits it or not, it’s clear Charlie gets some form of enjoyment out of what Anyma does, and that might be a factor in the foundation of their relationship. Mind you, I’m sure that’s not the whole story, as Charlie and Anyma’s relationship very clearly falls into the “it’s complicated” category, I’m just saying that shared schadenfreude might be a factor in their “friendship”, and I find that very interesting! But again, this is a “might”. I could be wrong.