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Timed exclusive now ended.~


I'd been wanting to do a comic like this well before I was told I'd be going under general anesthetic for the removal of my last two wisdom teeth. I'd never had general anesthetic before, so it was a new experience for me. Honestly, the staff at the hospital really made me feel secure and comfortable. The surgeon was also amusing to the point I was laughing just before I konked out. lol 

I kept pondering on if Anyma came about dealing with the fact of what I'd been through. All loopy from anesthesia and big puffed cheeks that made me look like a hamster who'd stored up food. Many of my friends found it greatly amusing a my face as well as being drugged up. I knew Anyma would also see the entertaining values from it too. ~ 

For those wondering. Don't worry, I had this minor op on October 1st. I'm all better now.~ 

So hey, hope you enjoy my suffering and puffy face.~



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