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I need to make aware to all my wonderful supporters of Patreon. There will be major changes to my patreon hopefully soon. I'm also sorry to many of you who have been supporting me for fetish art. But I'm hoping by June to have this page have its fetish content removed and kerp it clean. I'm sorry to many of you who have only come here for my fetish art and I understand if you don't wish to continue your donations. I've been so anxious to announce this. I need to start working towards different ideas now and I hope many of you will still be there along with me throughout these changes and ideas. If any of you wish to download pieces from this account that are fetish. You are welcome go it, though please give respect and don't post them up. Many were for your eyes only. I'd appreciate it. Thank you guys. <3



It’s all good buddy :), I’ll continue to support


Hey, you have nothing to apologies for. This is your page, you can make whatever you wish to make on here. I'll admit, it is a shame that the kinky art will be deleted on here and there won't be anymore submitted, but your art is still amazing and I've been loving the DnD pieces you have been creating. You can count on my support still coming in every month, and then some. Wonder what projects you have planned, I can't wait to see them. Now to go get my collections on here before I lose them.