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Hello everyone!

I've been working hard for the past few days. I managed to finish all of the Photoshop corrections and currently I’m combining the script with images in Ren’py. I’m somewhere in the middle of it so I guess I’ll finish it by the end of the week. In the meantime I’m creating website for the game and today I ordered new logo which I hope will look better than the current one 😄 Joshua is making some small adjustments to the text and he also helps me with copywriting - he’ll prepare a more official description of the game and materials for the website and Patreon. Beside all of those things I‘m working on the outline with Joshua for Episode 2, I have to create a trailer for the game, prepare materials for social media etc. There’s plenty of work to do but I know it’s worth it 😊

Also after I finish the code I’ll be looking for beta-testers and proofreaders but I’ll do another post only for that. I’m beta-testing half of the game myself and one playthrough takes me around 2 hours (but I’m a slow reader I guess). I’m guessing that you’ll need at least 3 hours to play the whole game at once.

There’s no regular preview because I’ll post a NSFW one today (for Mechanics and higher Patrons - 20$+). 😉

Stay tuned!


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