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Long time no see!

I’m back with some good and bad news. Let’s start with bad.

For almost 3 months I have been looking for a new writer for The Best Days of Our Lives. I wanted to find someone who would fit into Arisushimake’s style of writing and at the same time would be creative and communicative enough so we would continue on creating this story. I have interviewed over 50 candidates and most of them just ghosted me at some point (or were so expensive that I couldn’t afford them). They simply stopped responding, mostly after I gave them the recruitment task. Even when I found someone talented there was a problem with communication or understanding the style of the story. What I mean by that is that they wanted to guide the story in very ridiculous ways or completely rewrite it from the very beginning (using the same characters). I didn’t want that. After dozens of situations like this I figured out that I’m going nowhere. Who knows how much time it would take to finally find someone who would take over the story. And I didn’t want to keep you waiting for such a long time. That’s why I have a sad announcement... Sadly, I put the development of The Best Days of Our Lives on HOLD. And I don’t mean to completely throw it into trash. I’ll still be looking for a writer but I won’t put as much effort into it as I did for the past couple months. I’m sorry that it came to this :(

The good news is that for the last week or two I switched my focus towards a new game I'm creating, called Race of Life. I know that for some of you it won’t fill the void after The Best Days. But the reason why I created Underground Studio is that I wanted to fulfill my dream to make my own Adult Visual Novel. And I can do that with a completely new project where I am the one-man team. This time I want to have it all under my control so I won’t suffer from losing a team member again. Some of you may ask, why wouldn’t I just take over the story for The Best Days myself? The reason is simple - it wasn’t my style of the game. I loved making art for it but the story was 100% Arisushimake's part. If I were a writer it would be a completely different story. I don’t want to butcher it like that and that’s why I didn’t let anyone rewrite it. I would rather put it on hold for now than change what the game was meant to be.

Later today I’ll make another post where I’ll explain what the Race of Life will be.

PS: The new character from the polls will be one of the main characters in Race of Life. So don't worry I haven't forgotten about her :)


Paul Newmon

Thank you for your heartfelt comments. And, best of luck with RoL.