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Hello everyone! 😄

There’re a lot of things going on during this week so I’m happy to brief you on 😄

First of all, I’m almost done with the second hardest part (the last one with animations). I can tell that something around 6 animations are left to do and already 25 are done. I’m really happy with the results and I hope you’ll enjoy my animations! As I said, this part is the last one with any animation needed so the only things that are left are parts with static renders. This means that from now on everything will be happening much faster and I think in the next status update I’ll tell you that at least a few parts are done. As I speak with Arisushimake (our writer) there will be around 12 parts in Chapter 5. It’s not any final statement but we’re thinking this is the closest number.

What else is happening right now? 

During this week I spent a lot of time on planning, marketing and designing decisions. We, as a team, want to make a few changes and upgrade our game and Patreon as well as we can. We’re planning on a few changes on Between The Days, adding more questions and polls on Patreon and giving you a bigger impact and involvement in the game. Right now, we’re brainstorming but I think somewhere in the end of the year you’ll start to notice those changes so don’t hesitate to be engaged. We’re always open to any suggestions so if you feel that something is missing and you’d really enjoy that - tell us! 😄

Few of those changes have already started. We’re looking for proofreaders and beta-testers so they can be involved in developing the current update. Also, we started looking for coder that would help us with upgrading the game and checking out if there’s any bugs that were missed by us and beta-testers. 😄 For now, we’re looking for someone to work with us pro bono but as maybe some of you notice that there’s a new goal on our Patreon! When we’ll be reaching 250 Patrons we’ll hire a professional coder to moderate our game from scratch. We have a lot of ideas on the menu, adding gallery, naming save files and any possible mechanics - like phone etc. Few of those changes we’ll try to add sooner, using the good will of the current coder but we think that we can’t ask for too much in this situation. 

The last thing is my apologies for Between The Days and Special Render post! I put the polls too late and completely forgot that it’s almost the end of the month. That’s why I put those posts only today. It can’t happen again so from now on - all of the Between The Days and Special Render polls will be available for you at the beginning of the month. Once again, I’m really sorry!

That’s all for now. Keep your fingers crossed that we find the best team we can to work on The Best Days of Our Lives!

- Jachu


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