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Hello everyone!

First of all, big thank you to all of you for responding to our polls about Chapter 4! Those answers really helped and showed us your opinions which are very important. 😊

As a reminder, I have to say that those answers won’t decide completely how the updates will look like in the future. They pointed out a few things and certainly we’ll use extracted information to improve our development. Starting from 0.6 there will be few changes and we’re hoping that you’ll see them 😄

Second of all - our development status. Last week I had a few days off because of the wedding I was attending. During this time, Arisushimake completed 3 parts and made storyboards for them. As I returned I started working on one of the biggest parts (over 100 static renders and possible animations). Right now, I can say that the part is almost ready and I have already finished 6 nude animations. Probably, you are curious how many animations there will be. I can’t really say for sure for now but I think something around 25 is the closest number. 😊

As you know, animations weren't really my thing before developing Chapter 4. 😄 But I have to say that I really see the improvement I made and right now I feel much more confident than before. I learned a lot and even then during this time I figured out a new thing that speeds up creating animations. I started working on as basic models as it is possible - without hair, outfit, environment etc. and with very low texture resolution. This way I made 6 animations twice as fast as before. 💪

As we said before, we want to stagger our work in time and plan our work time accordingly. Updates will be getting bigger and bigger and it is important to not get into some crunch situations and deliver next Chapters to you as fast as possible.

Last thing is just a reminder that there are two polls to vote on on our Patreon page - Between The Days for our Friends and higher Patreons (5$+) and Special Render for our Best Friends and higher Patreons (10$+)! 

If you didn’t take a look and vote for now - see it! 😄

- Jachu



Thanks for the update!