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Hello everyone,

Having finally released 0.4, we're now planning to make some important decisions regarding the development of the game. One of which is to start delivering much larger updates from 0.6. But before we do that, we would like to hear our players' opinions on certain aspects of the game - that affect the development time of the project.

It'd be amazing if you could take the time to participate in the following set of polls and share your thoughts with us.

Note: These polls are just to get an idea of what the general consensus is. The results may slightly influence some aspects of the development, but they will not be the sole (or the major) factor in our decisions. You can find links to these polls down below.

(Also, just to clarify, the script work for 0.5 is already happening in full swing. So, no time is being wasted while these polls take place.)

Poll 1 

Poll 2 

Poll 3  

Poll 4 

Poll 5 

Poll 6 


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