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This is arisushimake, the writer of TBDOL.

Starting this month, Jachu will be sharing monthly development status on my behalf - to keep our Patrons updated on my side of the things.

But before we begin, I thought it would be best to quickly explain the three major stages of my work. So, it'd be easier to follow the updates.

1. First Draft - This is the stage where I just write a basic version of the script - throwing in every single idea/dialog/scene I can think of (for that particular update).

2. Final script - Then, I take around a month to refine this basic draft into a more polished version, with full dialog and corresponding descriptions of how the scene should look like.

3. Rough Storyboard - This is the stage where I draw very rough sketches for every unique image in the update - to show how I imagined the scenes and hand them over to Jachu.

3.1 Additional work - Technically, this isn't really a separate stage by itself, but it does affect the development time, so I figured it would be better to mention it. It consists of stuff like coding, testing, designing the text message pages, editing in the mouth movements variants and any last minute revisions in the script.

So, with all that explanation out of the way, here is the development status as of 9th Aug '21:

1. The first draft of 0.5 is completed.

2. The script for 0.4 is completed.

3. The storyboard sketches for 0.4 are currently being completed on schedule. (i.e the storyboard is being completed BEFORE Jachu starts to work on that particular scene.)

And that's everything for now. Excited to bring you 0.4 as soon as we can 😊

- Arisushimake


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