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Thank you soo much for your continued support, I've got through about half of the list of appropiate Patreons & GameWisp Peeps with at least some help with Referrals, I will get to you &  I'll be sending out a prize to someone on that list too.

This picture is from a nightmare I had where everyone is me in Star Marine.... But I still don't get any kills!

Any feedback, suggestions OR even if you just want to chat is appreciated.

You can add me on Star Citizen - BoredGamerUK is my handle. I want to get more and more involved with some actual gameplay with other peeps.

I am really sorry that I've been erratic with my content over the last 4 weeks, I have not had a great time with my mental health. BUT I think I am mostly back on the horse now, I do have a load o crap I don't want to do over the next couple of weeks, hopefully once that is done I can live the dream, which is playing and making videos on computer games YAY!

Love Love..... also if you have been effected by depression or anxiety feel free to poke me if you wana talk about it :-) #MentalHealthISNOTtaboo




Love you too Bored, that is why we support you and love your content.