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It's June and we have Star Citizen Alpha 3.10.0 hopefully turning up for the end of the month. Lots of new features there… and importantly CI are trying to address the issue with backend services, so we don’t have the deployment and server issues that 3.9s branch had.

Alien Week Starts this Friday… we don’t know what that is yet though I suspect it has a ship sale with alien ships as part of it at least.

Zinya is learning how to edit and control the camera in Star Citizen at the moment… actually with that in mind IF you have some amazing video for SC that you’ve seen then send me the links… I want to show her whats possible with camera work and editing.

A massive thank you for your continued support of the channel.

I’ll continue to create Star Citizen Content and I am really looking forward to what 3.10.0 brings BUT any feedback or content ideas you guys have would really help.

You can send anything to contact@boredgamer.co.uk and i’ll see it!

I’ll be getting a more in depth update up once we know more about Alien Week and 3.10.0!



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