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Star Citizen - What Ship Package Under $100

What Star Citizen Ship Package to buy for under $100? I am a full on Star Citizen Fan Boy but also want to get the most bang for my buck, this series What Ship to Buy will cover a range of prices and roles. And contain incredibly biased opionons about ships and their uses, because they are my views deal with it. I am talking about packages here, so a ship, the game, access to the Beta So first off the cheapest way to get into Star Citizen & Arena Commander is to grab yourself an AMD Mustang Omega, they are free with loads of AMD graphics cards in the form of Silver & Gold vouchers, I have done a video about them which is linked in the description but briefly you can also grab them on the Reddit StarCitizen_Trades for $27 – 30 Detials below. http://www.reddit.com/r/Starcitizen_trades Video about the AMD Mustang Omega https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxRp_qNuL_E So after that there are 2 choices in my opinion Those who wish to mainly Explore & maybe do a bit of light Salvaging For those that wish to Explore the 315p is an awesome choice @ $75 for the package https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Packages/315p This ship comes with a Tractor Beam, Jump Engine & Jump Scanner as Standard Allowing you to explore the verse fully from day 1 as well as grab any loot you want with the tractor, only 24 freight units of cargo space tho, which is pretty small, but if you are exploring and maybe hunting for smaller artefacts that should be enough. The 300 series of ships are pretty fast and really manoeuvrable equipped with a S4 Engine & 12 manuevuring thrusters (THATs a lot!) There is also room to put some missiles on her if you want some other form of deterrence The Now for most other people there is THE AVENGER – This is my favourite ship & again it's $75 https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Packages/Avenger The Avenger current stock model does not come with a jump drive, although I think it is very possible that one of the Variants will. That being said you can buy a jump drive in game for her. The Avenger has a larger Engine S5, can equip up to a S5 gun on it's C2 mount on it's nose It has more cargo space 32 FU, tho I think that it is taken up with human storage pods, tho these can be removed. It also come with some missiles stock. It is a lot lighter than the 315 but has less MTs only 8 & although it can support a S3 Power Plant the stock model starts with a S2. The Avenger comes with Prisoner transport pods and is marketed as a bounty hunters ship or old police vessel. But it has loads of utility, really fast, Room for a big gun, I think it will allow you to rack up a good amount of money doing combat & bounty hunting missions early on & you can upgrade it to be a bad ass dog fighter or multi-role it. In addition the Avenger comes with the Aeroview Hangar & 6 months hull insurance which is an upgrade from the 300 Series Self Land Hangar and 4 months insurance. You will have to grab yourself an Arena Commander pass with either of those packages but they are only $5 So that's my suggestions guys, if you are not wanting to spend more than $30 grab yourself an AMD Mustang Omega If you can stretch to $80 grab yourself an Avenger or if you want to explore from day 1 the 315p Hope that helps guys, we also have an Avenger giveaway on at the moment, AVENGER GIVEAWAY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JsWltCKEX8 Don't forget to like and subscribe and i'll see you next time! WEBSITE - http://boredgamer.co.uk CHANNEL - http://www.youtube.com/BoredGamerUK GET GAMES - http://www.cdkeyvast.com TWITTER - http://twitter.com/BoredGamerUK All Music Provided by Matthew Huffaker aka Teknoaxe Teknoaxe Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/teknoaxe


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