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Star Citizen Into The Verse - Crew Stations & Ship Systems

We talk about multi crew systems and crew stations & what their plans are for Star Citizen, in today into the Verse. Multi Crew Ships, Systems & AC 2.0 MULTI-CREW SHIP SYSTEMS SO THIS IS BEING WORKED ON BY FOUNDRY 42 AND THE IDEA IS TO MAKE SHIPS MORE OF A LIVING BREATHING THING IN THE UNIVERSE AND ENCOURAGE COOPERATION BETWEEN PLAYERS TO REWARD PEOPLE RUNNING SHIPS TOGETHER. Crew Stations & Action Shelf So all ships will have seats & crew stations, a 1 man Avenger will have 1 with access to all his systems, While a Constellation Taurus will have 4 (3 Chairs & a Manned Turret). Each of these chairs may have access to different systems allowing players to split the roles of running a ship more efficently especially in battle. Tho it is totally possible to fly these ships solo or with bots too. Some crew stations will have HUDs like in Load Out Table in the Hangar, with information being viewable in realtime! Based on the Equipment and systems you install on your ships you will be able to control different aspect of your ship. Shield Management: The shield management action gives the user more granular control of the ship’s shields and generators: Reinforce shield segments which increases the segments’ maximum expansion potential as well as prioritizing its recharge position Boost the recharge of shield segments which have been damaged Tune the generator to be more effective in one of three areas: shield strength, recharge rate or recovery time Radar Ops: On a basic level the radar ops action allows you to identify targets, easing the workload of the pilot. This action will be expanded to include the ability to send commands to other fleet members: Identify targets so that the pilot does not need to Focus the radar array to find potentially hidden targets Flag weakened targets, allies in distress or particularly dangerous enemies Scan and identify sub-systems on larger ships EWAR: The electronic warfare station gives you the ability to hinder an opponent’s systems, bringing a new tactical edge to dogfighting. Use of the EWAR suite requires the installation of a specialised electronic warfare module which generates the effect in a radius. You can also fit an emitter to target specific enemies. Electronic warfare breaks down into the following areas: Dampening: Reduce the range of opponent systems Disruption: Hinder the operation of opponent systems Disable: Disable an enemy system, forcing them to restart it Debuff: Make the opponent more vulnerable Communications: The most basic form of communication will allow you to open a channel to another vessel, set up a conference call or deliver information data such as cargo manifests or ship complement. However, when additional components are slotted, automated messages become available for you to use. For example if your ship has a docking ring, you may request to dock with another ship with a docking ring. Fuel: On a basic level this action will enable you to decide which tank is being refuelled via the ship’s hydrogen scoops. Players with a refuelling arm gain additional functions for managing, refining and refuelling. Scanning: The information that appears on this action depends on what scanner array you have installed. Avionics and CPU: This action allows you more granular control of the ship’s avionics package specifically relating to CPU power. For example, you may prioritize certain systems, such as ITTS or missile lock, to gain a marginal deduction in lock-on time. Power Management: Every component and weapon fitted to your vessel will appear in the power management screen. At multi-crew level you gain more control over the individual power level each component is receiving. Navigation: This is where you might plan a route to another star system or plot a series of waypoints. Additional information will be made available to you such as fuel usage, time to destination and speed-through-point. These tools will allow you to generate routes based on fuel efficiency or time taken. We're also going to be able to see Statitics & logs on our ships Emissions / Signature & Power Usages as well as 3d Holograms of our ship to see at a glance a giant amount of information & if there is any damage. Squadron 42 Chapter 1 & Arena Commander 2.0 AC 2 Featuring Multi-Crew ships: Constellation, Freelancer and more Single-Seat Ship variants Co-operative AI Pilots In-Game AI Pilots My System Specs: i7 4790K 4.5GHz Processor 16GB Corsair Vengeance Pro 2400MHz Ram MSI Z97 G-55 Motherboard XFX Radeon R9 290X 4096MB GFX 120GB SSD - Games / 60GB SSD - OS Windows 7 64 Professional WEBSITE - http://boredgamer.co.uk CHANNEL - http://www.youtube.com/BoredGamerUK GET GAMES - http://www.cdkeyvast.com TWITTER - http://twitter.com/BoredGamerUK All Music Provided by Matthew Huffaker aka Teknoaxe Teknoaxe Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/teknoaxe


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