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Star Citizen - F7CM Super Hornet - Arena Commander 1.0

We take a look at how the F7C-M Super Hornet Performs and feels in Arena Commander 1.0. The closest to the Military load-out as is legally possible for a Civilian model, the F7C-M Super Hornet reattaches the ball turret and offers near milspec parts under the hood. Proving that two heads are better than one, a second seat has been added to split the logistic and combat duty, making the Super Hornet a truly terrifying mark to engage. Heavily Armed, Moderate Acceleration & Agility with a Max Speed of 200. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ships/anvil-hornet/F7C-M-Super-Hornet My System Specs: i7 4790K 4.5GHz Processor 16GB Corsair Vengeance Pro 2400MHz Ram MSI Z97 G-55 Motherboard XFX Radeon R9 290X 4096MB GFX 120GB SSD - Games / 60GB SSD - OS Windows 7 64 Professional WEBSITE - http://boredgamer.co.uk CHANNEL - http://www.youtube.com/BoredGamerUK GET GAMES - http://www.cdkeyvast.com TWITTER - http://twitter.com/BoredGamerUK All Music Provided by Matthew Huffaker aka Teknoaxe Teknoaxe Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/teknoaxe Star Citizen - F7C-M Super Hornet - Arena Commander 1.0 Star Citizen - F7C-M Super Hornet - Arena Commander 1.0 Star Citizen - F7C-M Super Hornet - Arena Commander 1.0


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