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Star Citizen - Interactive & Relative Mode - Flight Manual

Interactive & Relative Mode In Relative Mode, The Mouse turns the ship and all guns are effectively locked firing where the ship is pointing. Hotas Users will always be flying in Relative Mode, Mouse Users can toggle Relative & Interactive Modes with Ctrl+C Interactive Mode the default for Mouse, allows the ship turrets to be aimed with the mouse as well as turning the ship, this allows for gimbal and turret mounts to track & attack targets without turning to face them. Ships fly and handle differently in Interactive & Relative Modes, you may even need to adjust your sensitivity. Switching between Relative & Interactive Modes will allow you to have greater control of your ship. Be sure to test different ships & Steering Modes in the Simulator. My System Specs: i7 4790K 4.5GHz Processor 16GB Corsair Vengeance Pro 2400MHz Ram MSI Z97 G-55 Motherboard XFX Radeon R9 290X 4096MB GFX 120GB SSD - Games / 60GB SSD - OS Windows 7 64 Professional WEBSITE - http://boredgamer.co.uk CHANNEL - http://www.youtube.com/BoredGamerUK GET GAMES - http://www.cdkeyvast.com TWITTER - http://twitter.com/BoredGamerUK All Music Provided by Matthew Huffaker aka Teknoaxe Teknoaxe Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/teknoaxe


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