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Evolve - Daisy Trapjaw Tracker Extraordinaire

Knowing how Daisy works can really help tracking the Monster in Evolve. Daisy is an alien version of a bloodhound which actively seeks out the Monster. Team mates who are injured can also be revived by Maggie's pet so keeping her alive is an excellent strategy for advanced players which actively seeks out the monster. Daisy tracks the Monster and can also revive her human companions. My System Specs: i7 4790K 4.5GHz Processor 16GB Corsair Vengeance Pro 2400MHz Ram MSI Z97 G-55 Motherboard XFX Radeon R9 290X 4096MB GFX 120GB SSD - Games / 60GB SSD - OS Windows 7 64 Professional WEBSITE - http://boredgamer.co.uk CHANNEL - http://www.youtube.com/BoredGamerUK GET GAMES - http://www.cdkeyvast.com TWITTER - http://twitter.com/BoredGamerUK All Music Provided by Matthew Huffaker aka Teknoaxe Teknoaxe Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/teknoaxe


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