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Evolve - Oculus Rift DK2 Full Game, Intro & vorpX Settings

We take a look at Evolve on the Oculus Rift DK2 using vorpX and give you all the setting you need to get it looking good! Getting used to the Oculus does take a while and your aiming may suffer at the start. Grab vorpX here: http://www.vorpx.com/ Evolve VR - vorpX Beta The Latest Version of vorpX adds a variety of extra improvements to many games. For Evolve Beta these improvements make the game look much better for VR on the Oculus Rift DK2. Please ensure you have done all the vorpX Desktop & Pre-Game Settings First HERE -: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4fShVvfYsI&feature=gp-n-y&google_comment_id=z13igbnb4szysxdnh23itx0gpqisx50cx Then in The Evolve Settings: You can do this step with VorpX running or not. Ensure V-Sync is Disabled Shadows on Medium - They Bug out at higher settings You are Running Fullscreen Mode & at the correct resolution 1920x1080 for the DK2 1280x720 for the DK1. Apply Now in the vorpX in game settings Press Delete to access these Main Settings Letterbox 1 Mode Zoom 0.95 Set IPD & Color Bleed to your liking Turn HT Sensitivity to 0.30 HT Smoothing Medium Head Roll Off Head Tracking On Press middle mouse will allow you to detach your view and edge peek, allowing you to see the minimap or HUD clearer, or even sometimes a wider view angle. My System Specs: i7 4790K 4.5GHz Processor 16GB Corsair Vengeance Pro 2400MHz Ram MSI Z97 G-55 Motherboard XFX Radeon R9 290X 4096MB GFX 120GB SSD - Games / 60GB SSD - OS Windows 7 64 Professional WEBSITE - http://boredgamer.co.uk CHANNEL - http://www.youtube.com/BoredGamerUK GET GAMES - http://www.cdkeyvast.com TWITTER - http://twitter.com/BoredGamerUK All Music Provided by Matthew Huffaker aka Teknoaxe Teknoaxe Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/teknoaxe Evolve - Oculus Rift DK2 Full Game, Intro & vorpX Settings Evolve - Oculus Rift DK2 Full Game, Intro & vorpX Settings Evolve - Oculus Rift DK2 Full Game, Intro & vorpX Settings


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