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Hey ViPs!

Right I am thinking combing the results of the Youtube & Straw Poll for name I think the BoredCast has it for the name of the Podcast. We had around 3k votes too.

I will use the name BoredRoom for something though, maybe a segment on the Podcast.

The current thinking for the Podcast is I would grab a guest or 2 each week, from a variety of places in the community, they may be SC devs (if we can get them), Org Leaders, Content Creators, Product Makers or even general community members... It's likely zinya will co-host it with me occasionally... maybe XD

The Podcast will be focused on all aspects of Star Citizen & things that affect it. This will range from controversial topics, to meta, to hardware/technology that affect the game ANYTHING Star Citizen!

Topics & Question will be a mixture of pre-selected & submitted ones from the community as well as news / hot topics.

There might be some small pre-recorded segments and some regular segments BUT will have freeform parts.

We will have a Q&As part, questions can be LIVE or pre-submitted.

The Podcast will be sometimes done in game OR partly in game.

It shall run once a Week or once a Fortnight... I haven't decided yet!

The Typical length of the Podcast will be 1 hour PLUS, it will sort of run until it naturally ends XD I don't want a mega long one though!

More to come soon!

Thank you for the support, for voting (if you did) and your feedback!



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