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Firstly thank you for the continued support!
I am super excited for Alpha 3.24, the cargo updates here are awesome BUT are going to be a big change for people and it will be interesting to see how they react. Will it be too fiddly and annoying or will it be loved? We should see that patch in Live or Open PTU by month end.

We also have that new Sabre Raven Variant that looks like a Racer OR QED Interdictor. I think I prefer the idea over the Firebird...

If you have anything specific you want us to cover let me know. Otherwise we will be covering everything as it comes!

Once again, thank you for your support! Could do all this without you... also zin appreciates it too!



Byron Hall

Could you please give information on the hangers

Andrew Wilson

Thanks for the update! I hope the performance doesn't take too much of a hit.