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Gina Carano, Peer Pressure, Epstein's Fictional List, Wishing | Constellation, Episode 57

It's time for another episode of Constellation, Last Stand Media's conversational podcast. This week, the Brothers Moriarty welcome Defining Duke co-host Lord Cognito and Sacred Symbols co-host Chris Ray Gun to the program. Chris has been sitting on a topic for a while, now, and it's a doozy: Which fictional characters would be on Epstein's vaunted 'list' of clients? Our answers may surprise you. Cog's curious about our ability -- or lack thereof -- to manifest positive outcomes in our lives. Do we think anything is possible, so long as we truly believe? Dagan wants to know in which ways we've succumbed to peer pressure in our lives (with a natural inclination towards old stories from our youth). And finally, Colin brings up Gina Carano's lawsuit against Disney, funded by Elon Musk, that seeks to get her reinstated on The Mandalorian. Naturally, this chat gets political, which is why we buried the topic towards the end. Be aware! Support us on Patreon to get early access to Constellation! Patreon.com/LastStandMedia.



Peter Pan for Epstein's Island


Natural peanut butter separates too fast for my taste. I dont need a quart of peanut oil on top after a week in the cupboard.


Is it really about Carano? Or is it away to talk about trans folks again?