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Hey All!  It's time to submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for Episode 160 of Defining Duke. 

Great ways to get your write-up used: Be pithy, be topical, and be insightful. Walls-of-text, posts littered with poor grammar and punctuation, etc., are promptly (though respectfully) ignored. 

As this is an Xbox podcast, be sure your submission makes sense within that realm. You have until Wednesday, January 24 at 3 PM ET to make your submission.



Hey there Duke Duos! Do you guys think we should get a sequel to Halo Infinite? Or should 343 hang up the Mantle of Responsibility for a while before making one? If at all? While the multiplayer is great in my opinion, I can’t help but feel a little empty inside with how mildly lackluster the campaign was. And on top of that, there seem to be no plans to add anything story-wise to the campaign as DLC. Love to know your thoughts.


Good day Dukes. In preparation for my first time going to NY for the LSM event... I'm needing a couple MUST DO things as I'll be there for a few days (besides 9/11 memorial, statue of liberty, etc) I need a best pizza place... and a best/favorite restaurant as well, because #healthiswealth goes out the window on vacation. Feel free to add in anything else you feel we should do, and look forward to my wallet hurting, seeing you all (we forgive you Matty) and the scale hurting as well...


Hey duke boys. Xbox scored huge with this 3rd party game pass deal. Palworld has absolutely exploded on the scene. With this selling incredibly well and being on Gamepass has to be a huge win for the brand of Xbox. If you were in the meeting with the Microsoft team what would you suggest for the next play for this game. Do you think they will try and keep this exclusive. So they can have their version of a Pokemon style game. Or just keep it for as long as possible. Yes i know there is drama. Even if Nintendo does end up going after them, it wouldnt be the end of the world because they can alter the design of the creatures. The core gameplay is good enough to stand on its own. What do you guys think about all of this. Have a, we didnt think we were going to have a first quarter release, then here comes Palworld kind of day.


Hey Dukes, I'm new to your show so feel free to ignore this if asked previously. I don't want to start any fan boy arguments by this, just a genuine question. As you guys are content creators I can assume you have pretty good PCs, with having those, why have an Xbox at all? Exclusives are all on PC. This is what has kept me from purchasing an Xbox ever since Xbone, since I've always had a PC so I can still play all the greats. Really would love to hear your take on this. Thanks for the great content!


Hey Dukes, I am merely writing in to tell you that I've finally started my first playthrough of the Mass Effect Trilogy. I wonder what took me so long. I know nothing about the story too, so that's pretty cool! I'm currently 9 hours into the first one, I will write back when I have finished Commander Shepard´s story. Until then, I will traverse the stars, explore the wonders of the galaxy, meet new friends, enemies and romances, strengthen diplomatic relations between the Humans and the Salarians, the Asari, the Turians, et cetera. I will take my time, as Commander Shepard needs to be the best version of himself in order to take down Saren. Wish me luck, Dukes - I will see you on the other side.

Adam Belgharbi

Hey pals, Small critique here, I think it's pointless for write-in's to be used as a springboard for starting news discussions. If it's in the news, we know you'll cover the topics either way. I understand that they help you evaluate the engagement from us in the realm, but I can't help but feel like we should start encouraging more specific questions about the news, instead of ones that just state the news, and then just ask for your thoughts. Please don't change Dukes, I have never owned an Xbox or any other console yet I still tune in every week. You yourselves know your integrity, so don't let the comments sway you.

Logan Price

Hey gents! Have a long flight coming up. Taking the series S & X screen on its first flight. Looking for some game suggestions that run at 60 fps?