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Welcome one-and-all to yet another episode of Last Stand Media's conversational podcast, Constellation. This week, the Brothers Moriarty are joined by Defining Duke co-host Lord Cognito and legendary game designer David Jaffe. Colin has an important question for his fellow gamers: Just what do we mean when we say 'role-playing game'? Do we need to be more specific with our classifications and definitions, or are we comfortable with Madden being an RPG? Cog wants to know how we deal with defeat and loss in life. We all feel an inner energy and competition, but how do we limit those feelings in public and learn to let go? Jaffe has rediscovered his long-dormant love of reading, and wants to share his passion with the crew. Where does reading fit into our lives? Finally, Dagan just turned 50, and as such, he's wondering about missed opportunities, specifically when it comes to those random pursuits that you just never get around to. If we could drop everything right now and learn something new, do something fun and exciting, or explore the unknown, how would we use that time?

Reminder: Constellation will not normally come out on Tuesdays. This week is a bit different due to the launch of Summon Sign. New schedule fully starts next week.




On the book topic, an absolutely Colin ass book is the red rising series. Without getting into spoilers it’s about the terraforming of other planets and a caste system


I love how they meant to edit out the part before Jaffe's topic but didnt haha - great episode guys

Monterey Jack

Finally got a around to finishing this episode. You guys are hilarious. Love the dynamic with Jaffe and Cog