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Over the past few months on Sacred Symbols, the debate between physical and digital games has raged on. While there have been valid points on both sides, it’s become clear with recent content delisting and PSN ban fiascos that we need some clarity on what our digital rights are and the agreements we’ve made with digital content distributors. So, naturally, we had to bring on Last Stand’s legal analyst, Rick Hoeg of Hoeg Law, and Virtual Legality to enlighten us. What are we agreeing to in an EULA? What does “buy” actually mean in a digital storefront? Do we have any means of legal defense against these companies if wrongfully banned? If you like getting into some legal nitty-gritty, this episode is for you.




Colin caring more about his trophies than his actual game library isn’t surprising but it’s still crazy to hear. 😅 Also WILD that PS would only give you back your wallet amount.

James McGivern

Damn, I love this kind of discussion and analysis. Super appreciative of you guys putting this content together.

Hose A Contra Razz

I bought a PS5 that was banned at a pawn shop for $100, it plays all physical games , downloads entire game if the download is online and updates them. It also plays astros playroom game. It does no let you go online to log on psn.

Gooch Gobbler

That's probably a stolen PS5. Kinda shitty honestly. The only reason I was able to get mine back was I had the serial number and it pinged at a pawn shop. Took over a year to get it back and was a complete nightmare