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The Yakuza Games Report ft. Jason Polansky | Defining Duke Ultimate, Episode 126

As I (Matty) prepare myself for the Yakuza pilgrimage, I needed to know what to expect in such a long, storied franchise. Due to its popularity on Game Pass and the upcoming "Infinite Wealth" entry, now is the best time to inform yourself on burning questions with the biggest one being: Do I have to play all of these games to understand the newest one? Joining me today is Jason Polansky, Producer at Atari, to serve as the ambassador for the Yakuza series! As this was his pitch for the episode idea, I have Jason steer the ship for our conversation much like Ember's Arcade did during the MMO report.


Dio Lixzon

Two notes : 1: Yakuza 0 is definitely the best place to start. It's not like rogue one, it does a better job of introducing the series than the ps2 game or Kiwami 2: Don't rush through these games. They're narrative focused but they're also super fun sanboxes to explore and rushing through them for the story is a crime. Don't worry about the zeitgeist and don't worry about canon order and shit like that. Just buy a Yakuza game and play it. This isn't One Piece, it's fast and the furious. Just have fun playing yakuza


Yes! I can't imagine caring about Kiwami if I hadn't played 0. It adds so much to those characters. Also, if you're gonna just try one game, it helps to start with the best one

Guybrush Threepwood

Yakuza games are like pizza, even when its not that great its still good