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Please welcome Ian of 616Entertainment back to Sacred+, his fourth appearance. You may recall that I (Colin) last had Ian on the show to discuss Grand Theft Auto III, which I had freshly replayed for the first time in two decades and was thus eager to discuss it. That chat planted a seed in my mind that there was more to say on the matter, though, and indeed there is: Grand Theft Auto VI's serendipitous reveal has only exacerbated by orders-of-magnitude interest in the future of a franchise whose last entry is nearing 200 million copies sold. And then there's a recent series of now-deleted blog posts from a Rockstar North OG detailing intricate and interesting tidbits about the development of the top-down GTAs, PS2's GTA trilogy, GTA IV, and even Manhunt and cancelled forays like Project Z. In other words, there's too much to talk about on Sacred Symbols itself, but all of this chatter is prime territory for a little Sacred Symbols+. Join us, won't you?



Luke Trewarne

That social media thing will for sure be called Clik Cok


Big fan of Ian, really enjoy your conversations with him and the back and forth you have

Marco Maluf

as long as I have the option to play with a MALE character, its all good, Lucia is indeed beautiful, but I pass to play as her, you can make a woman do all the crazy shit but physically can’t do as much as a male, on the same training level, I think that says it all….