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Please welcome game developer Luc Bernard back to Sacred Symbols+. It's his third visit to our show; you may recall that I (Colin) last had him on to talk about his emotional free-to-play game The Light in the Darkness, which examines a seldom-revisited portion of the Holocaust in France. Today, he returns to discuss antisemitism in the gaming sphere more broadly, and I was actually spurred on to have this conversation by a senior-ranking producer of a well-known publisher, who said Luc and I could have a fruitful and instructive dialogue (he was right). But I knew how serious this issue actually was when my friend declined to join us for the chat, afraid of the repercussions both internally and externally. That's insane, and Last Stand doesn't exist in that world. Today's episode represents only a narrow band of opinions, but we felt it was an important chance to highlight some things you may not be aware of in an industry in which many of us dwell. (And you should be aware that this is a deeply political episode, so if that sort of thing isn't for you, this won't be your cup of tea.)



Hashim Barakat

I really don’t understand what Colin meant by “Islam being the new kid in the block”. Does he mean that Islam preaches anti-semitism?

Michael Robinson

I’ve been unable to verify the death toll on the day of that tweet. We know many people are dying, we know many of them are young. Her expressing sadness at this seems like a pretty normal reaction? Unless I’m missing something, I can’t see these extremist comments and terrorist talking points. At worst, it’s an elevated numbers.

Dan P

Maybe it means that Islam is the most recent of the Abraham if religions. Jewish being first and Christian second

Marco Maluf

Colin, its nice to say that Israel need to put their guns down, but against hamas its not possible, they said many times that they will only stop when Israel is completely destroyed…. how do you put your guns down against a enemy like that