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Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for this week's episode of Sacred Symbols in this thread.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.

You have until Thursday, October 26th at noon ET to submit.

Talk to you soon!



Hey Sacred Crew, I wanted to inquire about something David Jaffe mentioned this past Sunday evening. He made a post on Twitter stating he learned some "sad, frustrating, potentially super disrespectful news" regarding PlayStation. He also said, "the Sony we all came up with is mostly dead." Naturally, most people assumed the worst - mass layoffs, studio closure, or worse. Shortly after a YouTube video from Jaffe dropped where he said Connie Booth was leaving PlayStation. This followed by the collective of the internet taking a big deep breath and exclaiming - "WHO???" My question is this - is this something we PlayStation fans should be concerned about? It doesn't appear pretty much anyone has heard of this person. That isn't to say they weren't important in their role. I'm just struggling to understand why we should mourn some suit we've never heard of exiting the company. Thanks for all that you do. Cheers!

Hayden Glass

Howdy Sacred Spiders! While history may not repeat, it certainly does rhyme. A new Sony first party title is here, with a slew of insane and ridiculous takes. From whining about not being able to go in the subways, to Mary Jane’s flat ass. I wanted to ask, are we doomed? Have clout chasing, terminally online twitter junkies completely ruined online gaming discourse? Can we course correct or is it to late? Love all that you do, and congrats Collin!

Jose Mendoza

Hey CDC, this one is for Chris but y’all can chime in. As a fellow Puerto Rican I could not believe my eyes when spider man 2 messed up the Puerto Rican flag and swapped it out for the Cuban flag. How are they going to get that wrong when Miles”s heritage is a big part of what makes him Miles. I know the devs promised to fix it but I can’t help but laugh and think this has to be one of the most wild oversights I’ve seen in gaming in a long time. What are you thoughts on this? It’s also funny that they have a Puerto Rican suit in the game and they got that flag correct but just not anywhere else in the game.

J Boogie327

I know everyone wants to be done talking about the ABK deal but I think people are missing out what happens next for Sony and acquisitions. After it was deemed to have the "high end console market dominance" in certain regions(Japan and UK) I don't think Square Enix or Konami are on the table for procurement. Any publisher purchased in Japan could be blocked on the basis of a monopoly. The only way a deal could be done is thru a 2nd party partnership which wouldn't benefit Sony in the way they would want. Hence why I think Flying Jim retired, Sony is no longer allowed to operate the way it always has and Japanese 2nd party games are only allowed if PlayStation funds it or releases to multiple platforms which eliminates exclusivity. I think if Sony can snatch any publisher it'd have to be a Western publishing house. So who's on the docket other than CDPR???


What’s up boyz!? I’m 3 glasses of bourbon deep finishing up FF16 and my wife just asked me if ultima is the ultimate bad guy and now I don’t want to finish the game. Anyway, want to give Colin a shout out for his wedding this weekend. My best friend Billy is getting married the same day and there is actually a connection between you and him. Both your dads were NYC firefighters together (Chris king) and he went to your house once I guess because your dads were friends. the same day he came over to my place afterwards and said he played video games with this “older kid named Colin” and I only recently made the connection. Anyway. Congratulations to you both. Billy if you end up listening, I love you and am so happy for you.


Hey boys, let's talk Spiderman 2. What new features have you enjoyed? I love the web line creation during stealth sections. Really makes you feel like you spun a web to reach your enemies. The wingsuits are a nice touch. It's satisfying to speed around the city. You feel like you're flying. Reminiscent of Batman Arkham. Thanks, Hector


Hey sacred crew I know we are all playing Spider Man 2 and will have a proper spoilercast in time, but can we talk about at least one thing? Combat has really been elevated this time around. The parry mechanic and sheer enemy aggression on normal has caught me off guard and resulted in a few more deaths than I’d like to admit. Just wanted to hear some thoughts! Thanks and I’ll hang up and listen now.


Hello Sacred Gentlemen, I am going to Salem this week for my first vacation in a long while. Since I know you all are a bunch of lady killers, i was wondering if you had some pick up lines to use on the witchy ladies. As long as the self confidence doesn’t kill me i will be sure to use my favorite, if not all while i am there. Thanks laddies!


Hey CDC, Long time Patron first time writing in. I wanted to get your guys’ thoughts on skill points and upgrade materials in games. Although I’m thoroughly enjoying spider man 2, I find the the various upgrades (gadgets, skill points, health/damage upgrades) a tad daunting. As the type of gamer that likes to hoard l skill points and map out my upgrade path, I can’t help but get analysis paralysis with this game. So what are your guys’ thoughts on spider man’s upgrades? Follow-up, how do treat skill points generally? Are you a hoarder like myself, or do you spend them as you earn them? I’ll hang up and listen.


Hey the Notorious CDC! As of Thursday morning, the Metacritic score for Alan Wake 2 is at 89 with 28 reviews in. How do you expect the sequel to a beloved cult classic to perform commercially? Reviews are surprisingly strong, but the window is crowded. Keep molesting that chicken!


Ahoy there, Fairgame$ vs Hyenas vs The Finals. What is up with this new wave of team shooters with a cyberpunk aesthetic? Coincidence? Similar to the inFamous and Prototype release window situation? Or another rush to compete with the latest trend similar to the open worlds that Breath of the Wild spawned? If the latter, what could be the inspiration for these sci-fi fps games? As always, keep choking that chicken