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Submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for this week's episode of Punching Up in this thread.

As always, please keep your inquiries well-written and pithy. Novels, poorly-written posts, etc. are politely ignored.

You have until Monday, October 2nd at 9:00 AM ET to submit.

Talk to you soon!



I’m just here to take issue with Gene referring to Super Princess Peach as a “feminine product”. It’s a video game not a tampon.


Hi everyone, I just wanted to give a huge shout out to Gene for doing such an excellent job hosting the last episode of Punching Up. Gene, I’m impressed by your insight and capability to include everyone in the discussion no matter the topic; you’re a natural. Maybe Dustin should take more vacations so we can get Dagan and Micah in the hot seat next time! All kidding, I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful day. - Chef


Hey everyone - just wanted to send a quick shoutout to Gene regarding his recent tweet. Hope all is well, or at least that it gets better soon. Gene is a blessing to the Last Stand family - and the Last Stand family deserves to be happy and content in their personal lives! Thanks for your awesome work Gene - and everyone else associated with this pod and Last Stand in general.

Brian Salazar

Hello Punching up crew. I’ve been thinking about what the next Zelda game could look like. We know they’re sticking with the open world formula. If they make an entirely new world how long would that game take to make? Could they possibly get away with reusing the map again? Should link have more of a personality? Should they give us a more intricate story? All these questions and more circulate around my cranium. What would you want out of the next Zelda game?

Davy Sueppel

What’s up Brickie busters, Here’s what up this week. No Limp dick, pussy fart question here. Again I come with the real real. You are alone, an alien comes to you. They (whatever your preferred sex is) are beautiful. Very human like but blue skin and some different features. They say, “Make love to me and I leave this planet forever.” Do you do it? Knowing there will never be proof of the situation. Current scenarios only. If you are coupled up too bad. If you are single… too bad. Do you do the deed and keep it a secret or do you say no and suffer the consequences, if there are any? as ALWAYS love what you all do. Love Mr. Davy.


Hello mushroom eaters, Seems like gaming as a whole is too expensive all around for everyone but Nintendo. With reports of Epic laying off near 1k employees while raking in the cash of Fortnite and other companies downsizing also. Nintendo seems to have star power, is it because they run a tight ass ship and the creative employees are broke + great managerial employees? Or just broke employees? Thanks for what you guys do! Also hope all is well Gene, dunno what's going on but good vibes from this household!


Dear Upperpunchers, Have any of you ever used the Virtual Boy? We had one when I was a kid, but I don’t remember much of what it was like or what happened to it.

Michael G

Hey y'all, Just snagged my transparent blue Analogue Pocket the other day, thanks to Dustin's heads-up, and I'm currently preparing my collection for its arrival. It's got me curious: What are y'all's experiences with retro gaming hardware? Have you messed around with RetroArch gear or Analogue's lineup? Seen the light of the NES/SNES classic? Purchased one of those janky SEGA ones? Or are you still clinging to original hardware? Peace


Whats up guys. Just a little correction. Last episode Gene said that the original Prince of Persia was Sands of Time (2003). Sands of time was the reboot of the 1989 game Prince of Persia which came out on the Apple 2. There was 2 other games Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame (1993) and Prince of Persia 3D (1999). I would still like to say Gene did a good job hosting and keep up the good work guys.


Hello Super Sonic Brickers, Asking since I know how much of a Sonic guy Gene is, did you play the Frontiers Update? It adds new playable characters, new cyberspace levels and a much harder challenge than the base game offered across the board. Playing it rn and very impressed with how much a free update is offering. And will the rest of the Punchies check Frontiers out now? Have a great day guys and I pray that you feel better soon Gene. I genuinely hope it's not your cancer coming back.


Hey box punchers. I just wanted to write in to tell Dagan that he isn’t alone with vampire survivors induced carpal tunnel! For reference, I’m 23 and play rocket league daily and I don’t get any hand pains from them but I’d get intense pain in my hand from playing VS. I had to put it on hold until I got a steam deck and moved the movement to the touchpads. Anyways, thanks for the great content. I always look forward to it❤️

Simon Freeman

Hello punchingtins, You roasted me so hard for having two middle names about 3 episodes ago that I had to change my username. All in good fun though, Hope you guys are having a lovely day <3


Hey there P-Upper crew, What games do you speculate will be launch titles on the “Switch 2”? Personally I think Metroid Prime 4 a new Mario Kart, and Tears of the Kingdom port will be launch titles. Along with a Wii-sports/1-2 Switch. What do you guys think? Do you guys agree with my picks or nay?