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Going to Japan was a lifelong dream of mine, and around 2019, Holly and I (Dustin) loosely decided to plan the trip for the following year. We all know how 2020 turned out, so our trip had to wait. Finally, in 2023, we got to go for about 10 days, and we had quite the adventure. Visiting Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka briefly, we got to experience city life in Japan and unashamedly did quite a bit of touristy things since we're both huge gaming and anime nerds. Now that I'm back, I wanted to tell you all about my trip, and what better way to do it than in a mailbag! Please enjoy.



Jason Bolla

Heh, episode title makes me think of James May's series on Prime. Excited to listen to this at some point.

Noah Friscopp

But did you guys go see some Gundams?

Kimon Togrou

Kinda wish Holly was on this also, I remember enjoying the episode she did with Micah.

Josh Correa

Dustin have you tried an onsen/public bath?

Dustin Furman

We wanted to but didn’t find time to fit it in. I have to go to specific tattoo friendly ones. Next time we want to stay at a hotel that has private baths.


What do we gotta do to get Holly on more LSM content? Wanted to hear from her as well. Also, even in Japan with your wife and those Dementors still trying to suck your soul away. Ohhh!

Dustin Furman

While Holly may appear once in a blue moon for Sacred Sweethearts, she's has her own job and obligations to attend to. You'll see her again soon.

Nathan R

Listing to this brought back so many good memories from my trip to Japan with my wife a few years ago. It is absolutely the best place to get lost. So many times we didn’t know where we were going, but it didn’t matter and we always saw something cool/amazing. Literally I think about that trip weekly and it was like 5 years ago.

Stevie Q

Bummer, I live in Kaihinmakuhari, wish I could have met you 👍


This is a fun episode! You legit blew my mind when you mentioned Japan has a Evangelion Park - WHAT!?