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PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan -- sometimes known on this show as Cryin' Jim for whatever reason  -- is officially retiring from Sony next spring. Why? The demand of incessant travel, which is wearing him awfully thin after all these years (he's expected to be on three continents each and every month, an absurdity). He's been with the company since before the original PlayStation launched in '94, and his business and marketing acumen saw him rise the ranks of Sony's gaming outfit, first in Europe and then globally. A far cry in presentation from other notable personalities from within his ranks like Jack Tretton, Shuhei Yoshida, or even Shawn Layden, Ryan's more austere approach was undeniably sterile. But the results of his tenure also speak for themselves. He leaves PlayStation in an even more dominant position than he found it when he ascended to the CEO position in 2019 -- PS5's success throughout the pandemic in particular is already the stuff of industry legend -- and naturally, we have a lot to say about what the future holds following his exit. Plus: News about the recent Sony hack, Helldivers II's price, layoffs at Epic and SEGA, Far Cry 7 details, Capcom's stance on game pricing, trouble in the world of collectibles, and much more. Then: Listener inquiries. Is reaction fodder the lowest form of content imaginable? How do we feel about product placement in games? Will review bombing ever be mitigated? When can we expect Chris to join OnlyFans (and for how much)?


0:00:00 - Intro

0:12:20 - At what point is getting clipped too egregious?

0:16:30 - Is Dustin a favorite?

0:17:42 - I’ll take my answer off the air

0:20:50 - Will Chris start a feet OF?

0:32:33 - When is it okay to put up Christmas decorations?

0:44:37 - Should I complain about the rooster?

0:50:50 - Buy a PS5, get a free game

0:52:27 - You can rate games on PSN now

0:53:13 - The FTC will sue Microsoft again

0:53:52 - Was Sony hacked?

1:00:08 - Helldivers II will cost $40

1:08:55 - Epic has laid off 16% of its workforce

1:13:34 - SEGA and Creative Assembly have canceled Hyenas

1:21:20 - Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden has been delayed

1:30:26 - Far Cry 7 story details have leaked

1:35:55 - Cities Skylines II has been delayed on PS5

1:36:37 - EA’s FIFA series’ back catalog has disappeared

1:37:25 - Sekiro has surpassed 10 million units sold

1:40:29 - SAG-AFTRA votes to authorize gaming industry strike

1:41:12 - What have we been playing?

1:55:30 - Jim Ryan is retiring

2:41:32 - Horizon Complete Edition is coming

2:46:34 - Gaming Heads has had its PS license revoked

2:56:00 - Hideki Kamiya is leaving Platinum

3:03:10 - More developers are saying games are too cheap

3:36:51 - PS+ Essential games have been revealed

3:42:37 - What’s up with the reaction meta?

4:02:23 - What advice can we offer to someone hoping to go into game development?

4:08:23 - What spooky games will we play in October?

4:15:15 - Why is product placement taboo?

4:19:40 - To bomb or not to bomb

4:23:40 - What do we think about real people in video games?




Gonna be a banger episode

Anthony Palerino

Everyone please get tested for high blood pressure and cholesterol! I ate so much fast food and drank so much beer during college that I am now a 24 year old man with high blood pressure like some geriatric fatass. It’s wild how much sodium is in certain foods, definitely be mindful.

Zeke the Plumber

I remember how shocked I was when I saw how much sodium is in most any given item from KFC. I haven’t drank soda or eaten fast food in close to five years now, I cut all that out entirely.


“I would whip my dick around like Simon Belmont whipping a whip.” Forget games, Colin needs to direct his writing talents into crafting the next sexy YA novel series. Though his prudishness would probably make half of the content just pages of “insert sex scene here”

william planas

Colin keeps forgetting that avatar is coming out in December lol

Jordan Fugate

I’m a history teacher. Definitely going to have to drop the info about Washington’s hair to my class. I won’t mention the towel however.

Mr someone

Surprised Chris likes CoD3, easily the worst cod campaign imo. Colin, you HAVE to play Infinite Warfare's campaign, it's fucking AWESOME!!!


Good thing I haven't played CyberPunk yet.

Dylan Neves

I didn't want to make my inquiry more about me than it already was, but it's funny because my birthday is actually on Christmas. And you guys are right. Some years were dope with consoles and games from many relatives, but most years, especially when I got older, I would get the same amount of Christmas presents and then maybe half or even less of what others would get for their birthdays. It's also more likely that people outside of family and really close friends would understandably forget it's your birthday but outside of the holidays, everyone would know you're the Christmas kid lol. It's a bit rough. Love the way your guys' discussion went lol.


Colin is a complicated man. A wet tea bag is disgusting but a 200 year old syphilis ridden lock of hair for $10k is a "steal."

AJ The Turtle UA GB

Sooo when are we going to be able to buy Colin, Dustin and Chris's locks of hair from the LSM store????


“You can’t tell me I can’t drug this rooster.” 😄


Colin dude you said you're eating 5 eggs a night? I bet you're ripping some faaaat farts

Joshua Hutchens

This xmas/birthday talk hit home. My birthday is Dec 27th. My due date was the 25th. 100% I got some missed presents over the years.


Colin I think you would love modern warfare 2019. A lot of the missions are based off of real life events in the middle east. It's got a great single player only trophy list too that can probably be done in about 12 hours.


The conversation about games pricing is an industry issue that is echoed and amplified by gaming media and fans. If these games are not more mind blowing than the next, you get things like “Ragnarok is just DLC” or you have media docking a game for being too short. And the argument of value becomes a bigger point. We (the hardcore) have more understanding and nuance, but the average customer is gonna look at Assassins Creed vs Deadspace Remake and say “I can play AC for 100 hours or play Deadspace for 12….why would I pay $70 for Deadspace?” And these values are reflected in review scores (it’s own issue) and publishers/developers see that. So they know if they don’t make their game at least a certain length, artistic vision be damned, they will get negative feedback from reviews and fans.

Max Stahl

The PS5 is so fucking weird that I haven't bought it, yet, and I think its design is the major element that projects the "weird" factor for the company. It just happens to be a really bad way to do it.


Found myself agreeing with much of what Chris said during the game pricing discussion

Nathan Densley

Chris nailed the game cost conversation. Because Colin is absolutely right about consumers not valuing games correctly, completely undervalued. However, the idea that games are more expensive than when they used to make them out of their garage and now they are railing about game prices from their $1000 per square foot office...it does ring a little disingenuous. As a person who writes budgets, budget bloat is always a problem.

Napoleon in Rags

I’d be so curious to see the next massive game like GTA 6 or the next Elders Scroll game release at $100 and see how the market reacts…


Chris speaking facts! I don’t give a damn, give us good games and we’ll pay for them! If you release trash I’ll either ignore it or get it for next to nothing!

Victor Melchor

Yeah I went to target and Best Buy for madden 23. The employees told they were told to pull them off the shelves. So I couldn’t buy them anymore. Went online to see if I could order it off both websites and it said unavailable

Samuel Zamora

For one of the unfortunate souls born in December (my born day is the 20th), I’ve learned that my presents are for both days and I’m usually spending it with the nuclear family. For years I’ve mentioned celebrating my birthday in October, personally that’s the best month of the year. I’m just trying to hang with more friends and family in my bday since my actual birthday is during a time when it’s hectic. It’s asking to much of people during that time.


Note about that free PS5 game for new PS5 owners - it appears to be by EMAIL invite. My brother got the new Spidey PS5 and no banner. Reddit has discovered you have to have received an email about the promotion


Fellow Minnesotan, I'm surprised that they have a rooster only 10 mins drive outside of MPLS/St Paul. That's prime suburbia for the twin cities. But, there are alot of gun dog breeds in our state. So natural selection may just take place, especially if it's roaming free.


Haven’t listened to the episode yet but did they talk about payday 3’s bad launch?

Asique Alam

Who the fuck drinks from teabags tho? It is disgusting, micro plastics and shit. You gotta make tea, boil water and all that otherwise it's not tea it's sack juice.


Call of duty ww2 had a pretty sick campaign. I keep waiting for a decent price drop on vanguard, but I suspect game pass might be the go to sooner than that

Kevin Cooper

I'm not typically an LOL kinda guy... but you got me with the GW cum towel. Congrats, gentlemen.


“You can’t tell me I can’t drug this rooster!” Might be the funniest thing I’ve ever heard on this show, ever. 😭


When companies try to be “smarter” with their money, you get nothing but outrage and indignation about the working conditions. When they try to make working conditions better you get the Callisto protocol costing $160,000,000. If you want devs to have nap rooms and air hockey tables in their studios while working 24 hour work weeks, prepare for a lot more than $70 per game.

Eugen R.

Hey Colin, I love your shows and your opinions, but can you please stop to think that your brain is like straight out of rainman the movie? At the end of the Episode you talked about the name of the dark void charakter and you again said, how strange (sounds like special) your Skill is to remember such things. This I heard alteady in multiple episodes (also with the dukes). But we all remeber random sh*t from 20 years ago and also forget what we have eaten yesterday. So stop to pretend, like nobody else have such as memory… Of course my inquiry sounds harsh but, it isn’t;) I wanted to tell my Perspektive on this and maybe humblelize you a little bit ;) So no offense and I love to support yours and your collegues work!

Ladder Ape

Not sure the price of games 30 years ago is relevant in today's market...


Re: The dancing baby to the hooked on a feeling song. Was a meme-type thing from one time Harrison Ford's wife Calista Flockhart's successful Fox TV series Ally McBeal from late 90s