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What Makes A Good Starfield? | Defining Duke Ultimate, Episode 117

It's not much longer now until the next open world epic from Todd Howard and the Dukes wanted to do a final gut check. Ahead of any possible previews, review codes, new trailers, and so on, we had to ask ourselves one question: What makes a good Starfield? There's no ignoring the significance of this game, so Xbox must deliver, but here is where we get into the nitty gritty of our hopes and dreams.


Halph Pint

60fps 😂

Halofan117 Halofan

I could go into RPG elements that I am still sceptical about. But in the end the performance is vital. Even if 30 it HAS to be a stable 30. If I am getting Boston area Fallout 4 15 FPS...


Will be playing on Xbox Series X as I already have the premium edition pre-ordered. For me, a stable and consistent 30FPS with stable frame pacing during combat sequences would be my #1. Exploring, talking to NPC's, etc. doesn't need to be perfect but all combat encounters/sequences need to play and feel great. My #2 would be Alien Races which I believe will be in the game at the end of the story campaign where you get that "magic" ability and to have that ability, you're using the Alien technology that you found in your journey. This leads into the Shattered Space story expansion that takes place after the main story campaign concludes. Would work well because if you're using Magic like freezing enemies, you're shattering the space that you're currently in and the expansion would go from there. My #3 would be interesting things to discover while exploring. In other words, some exciting activities to do and some damn good side quest story lines. Future wise, I would like to see ground vehicles get added at some point like motorcycles or ATV's. Just so you can get around faster and easier than on foot or always using a jet pack. And at some point, underwater exploration and perhaps combat. Overall, im super hyped for Starfield which outside of a few hours of Fallout 4 will be my true first ever Bethesda Game Studios RPG and it being sci-fi, having dog fighting and a lot of other stuff just screams to me so yeah, hyped and looking forward to playing Starfield on Thursday evening, August 31st!! Let's go baby!!! :)

Raymond Stuart

Man, this episode makes me worry about Matty and Cog setting themselves up to be disappointed. Could this be Matty’s next Deathloop? Aliens, more than 4 factions, choice and consequence bigger than Fallout 4? Don’t let your hype and hope steal your joy of what will probably still be an excellent game.