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Please welcome Roman of the Russian gaming podcast SplitSkrin back to the show. Roman first appeared on Sacred Symbols+ in the Spring of 2022 (Episode #197), and I (Colin) invited him onto the show to discuss what's happening in Russia from a gaming industry perspective. I'm having him back more than a year later to talk about how things have evolved, and our conversation breaks down the four major platforms' varied realities on the modern Russian market. Between embargos, sanctions, and the strife-laden geopolitical atmosphere surrounding Russia's invasion of Ukraine, you may not be surprised to learn that each entity's audience is dealing with things radically differently. On PlayStation, for instance, Russian players are using Turkish PSN accounts to buy products with one-time use credit cards full of cryptocurrency. Meanwhile, as of two months ago, your Xbox will only work in Russia if you purchased it from a domestic source. If you imported your console, you'll receive a bespoke error message when going online, one Microsoft has yet to fully acknowledge. Nintendo's situation is probably the most interesting, as the entire operation has officially left Russia, but left its old executives in charge of a licensing operation that's nonetheless importing Nintendo products. And PC? Well, it's a shitshow, but you already knew that. Click play and join us for a fascinating chat, but be warned: The ever-scary topic of politics is the underlying theme.

Roman's Channel on YouTube 



Guns vs Kittens

Damn, was hoping this was going to be the Hoeg episode 😭 This will be pretty good though, was looking forward to the follow up

Playboy X

This was mind-blowing and thought provoking! I agree with Colin; I can’t believe that these stories haven’t been covered anywhere else.


Great fucking episode guys. LSM is awesome, good shows throughout the week!


Awesome stuff! 👍


Great job guys awesome episode

Gabriel Baker

I don’t think the voiceovers in trailers are just for the kids. I think it’s also for the PARENTS of kids who want to understand what game their kids are playing, especially if they’re not very knowledgeable about the medium.

The Rose Experience

I don’t agree with the gentleman at all regarding his take on people who take the apolitical stance. Many just don’t have an interest, find it woefully uninteresting or actively shun anything that give conflict into their life that they feel like they have no control over. It’s a bit of a presumptuous and irresponsible thing to say that apolitical people just really have political stance that would have them tarred and feathered. That’s just not correct.

Zac Lebeau

I think roman is too hard on Russian gamers using the Turkey loophole to buy games. The "why" of doing it has nothing to do with them. They have no control over it. They had to find a solution and it just so happens that the solution is in their benefit. I don't see anything wrong with that. I also don't see anything wrong with being happy about paying less for games. I see something wrong with what the Russian government is doing. Being happy about paying less for games ≠ being happy about war. Faulting the citizens for trying to procure goods and services that they desire just because the "why" of a geopolitical situation that you don't like is unreasonable.


I have not been able to continue listening to the show since I heard the discussion on the Nickmercs / Activision debacle. How the topic was handled was inaccurate and deeply troubling to me. However, I can sympathize that with how many topics you are asked to speak on each week you are bound to make mistakes. This is why you regularly make corrections on the show (something I commend). But I was further disturbed when the only time paid to the topic when it was revisited was to speak against those that were disturbed by your characterization of the issue. I absolutely oppose bullying and abusive behavior, and those that choose to express themselves in these ways do a disservice to the seriousness of this issue. However, to leave the conversation at that is, at best, inconsiderate of the other side and, at worst, an indirect defense of exploitative and violent behavior toward children. The fact is this: the problem Nickmercs, and a lot of others (myself included), have spoken of is overwhelmingly the targeting of minors for things like puberty blockers, reconstructive sex change surgeries, public drag shows, public school books depicting graphic sexual acts, and in my home state, the ratification in law of the state holding the right to indefinitely separate a parent from their child if they do not "affirm their chosen gender identity". I understand that this was something that Nickmercs clarified online. What my intention is in writing this is that you will make a correction on the show. I understand the power dynamics at play, but if this show is as impartial and fair as you all claim, then this correction would only be right in light of the kind of ethos you work to maintain.


Agreed, I don't like how the NickMercs topic was handled. A Nickmercs interview by Colin would be great imo.

Daniel Schiffer

Wow. This might be the SS+ I've listened too. Colin and co could just milk derivative game topics and they'd still be interesting to listen to their voice but this is above and beyond with guests like this. Thanks guys!


Great episode