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Note: We are working to figure out what's going on with Dagan's computer to avoid losing his video again. Sorry for issue!


Why Xbox?, Self Care, Reality | Constellation, Episode 26

It’s time for Constellation! The Brothers Moriarty are joined this week by Defining Duke co-host MrMattyPlays and legendary game dev David Jaffe. With the FTC vs. Microsoft situation dominating the news — and with so many people opposed to Colin’s points-of-view on the matter — the boys take the time to explain their own interpretations of recent happenings, attempting to contrast a more optimistic take on Colin’s pessimism. Meanwhile, Matty wants to explore the ways we practice so-called self-care in our lives, and how we unwind and destress from the anxieties of the world around us. Finally, Jaffe wants to discuss the very reality around us. Have you ever gotten the feeling that not all is as it seems? Technical problems and length precluded us from exploring a fourth topic this week, but Dagan will get two bites at the apple during Episode 27.


Michael Ferrari

This is a long shot, and I don’t know what you record with, but if he’s using an external display, especially a 2k or 4K one, that could be the issue. I’ve been having similar issues myself.


So many video issues lol. I’m not complaining it’s just funny how it’s all been in a row, when it rains it pours style ha. Hope you figure it out though. Cheers!

Zack Apuzzo

This vid is 3hrs 16 min long but the audio is 2:20?

iain mcmanus

jaffe cooked matty on that first topic jesus

Shadi Haddad

THIS David Jaffe would be perfect for weekly Sacred Symbols. Asked Matty the questions that needed to be asked.

Kaim Argonar

What? You mean he asked Colin the questions that needed to be asked. Colin got roasted by Jaffe for his FTC / Xbox arguments

iain mcmanus

jaffe is such a democrat lmao this was such a deep episode one of the best for sure

Tyler Kaminski

I am not understanding the comments being thrown around that Colin didn’t perform well or was “beaten” by Jaffe. I don’t think either won the argument. I feel like we still did not get answers to Colin’s question. Jaffe provided a different philosophy on the games industry, but philosophies are not facts necessarily. We still did not receive a proper answer on the economics of game pass and the potential deleterious effects it could have. For instance, Jaffe mentioned budgets not being everything. While this is true, take a look at the public reaction to literally any showcase that didn’t have games of high budget. It was a negative reaction. Fans just aren’t interested in cheaper products most of the time. As far as I’m concerned, this conversation enlightened nothing further. It was simply two opposing philosophies. There was no critical thinking done one the economic angle of game pass. If you really think Colin was destroyed in that conversation, please look into your own biases. We need a conversation where the topic is deeply examined.


Appreciate Jaffe recognizing the good things that came out of Marvel and Star Wars post Disney acquisition. He is dead on that the Star Wars brand was already tarnished way before Disney with those horrible trash-tier prequel movies.

iain mcmanus

the answer is jaffe knows colin is right when it comes to these points so the goalposts will usually move and colin doesnt seem to really want to get into a back and forth or debate with guests. personally i would love a proper debate


The prequels were better than anything Disney put out, sans Rogue One.


Star Wars Rebels, The Mandalorian, and Andor are all infinitely superior to the garbage prequels that people only like because of nostalgia and the improved characterizations from The Clone Wars cartoon. The prequels have interesting background lore that has been successfully mined by other projects, but they fail on every level as quality movies.


RoS is certainly the best prequel. I disagree with it being the best SW film, but please don't allow critics like me from enjoying the movies you love.

Shadi Haddad

No, my comment was in reference to him asking Matty the hard questions about why he and Cog are buddy buddy with Microsoft's executives. His comments this episode felt he would fit well with the regular topic on Sacred of questioning of corporations and how they shouldn't be trusted.


Matty’s topic might have been some of the best podcasting I’ve ever heard/scene. The things I related to were validating and the things I didn’t relate to were deeply insightful. I was not expecting that. Only thing missing was Dagan. Would love his take on “self-care”.

Michael Ferrari

I loved Dagan’s take on the Xbox/Activision topic. I kept thinking, “yes!!! Dust off Killzone and do what it takes!”

Michael Ferrari

I don’t think he cooked Colin, I think he wasn’t completely understanding what Colin was saying. And some of the stuff that came out during this whole ordeal has only proven Colin right if anything.

David Hotright

Love Jaffe and his topic this ep 👏

Jacob Irven

Matty and Jaffe are great dudes, glad to see them together.


he's a post-modernist through and through. i like him on the show but he's a bit of a heel for me. the stuff he spouts off as science that he is so sure about is cringe though. he has no idea half the shit he believes is just way more philosophy than it is anything involving science. just because we use data and observations to posit ideas about fundamental reality does not mean that we are doing science. tell me how you falsify "reality is a simulation" it's obviously a philosophical statement masquerading as science i don't think he would be a good co-host on any of the main shows


i don't think he would be a good co-host on any of the main shows, especially not Sacred Symbols. At one point Colin said that he really wanted Matty to answer and then Jaffe cut in and answered again instead. Too many cooks in the kitchen.

Dan P

Not to sound creepy but I love when you guys get deep and personal.

P Wolly

I get weak in the knees every time I see that picture of Dagan

David Jaffe

It's almost like you chose- consciously or not- to ignore the part where I say, 'I don't know if this is true; it FEELS true but it could also simply be little chemicals moving around my brain that feels good to think about this stuff but in reality, none of it's real'. If you think I think a lot of these fringe theories hold up to science, you are bringing your own shit to the party as I've a) never suggested such a thing and b) certainly don't agree with that statement. Do I THINK Quantum Immortality feels very true? 100%. And I find comfort that there are SOME scientists who think it is true. But is it proven or anywhere close to proven? Of course not. As with religion, the same goes with reality: I have no dog in the fight and no idea what is going on.

Tony Starrk

Simulation theory primarily comes from a thought experiment by philosopher Nick Bostrom. He's on a Lex Friedman podcast where he explains it, iirc.

iain mcmanus

I’m all for jaffe being present on last stand as much as possible. He does offer a unique perspectives and a bunch of pushback to things. Even if, granted I disagree with a bunch of it. And of course the stuff about reality is far fetched but that’s why it’s an interesting thing to tackle and wrestle with intellectually


Another great show gentleman, much appreciated 👍🏿

Jordan Knepp

Moriarty x Jaffe is my all time favorite thing in the audiosphere


One point of feedback, and I know Colin mentioned that the group of guests for this episode made it seem fitting but it really felt like one of the gaming shows (sacred symbols +, defining duke) with a bunch of constellation tacked on the end once they were finally out of the weeds of talking about Xbox. Didn't jive with me as something to bring to the constellation table. Either that or like many others this legal matter has felt so rung out by this point.


I don't know how people can't see consolidation of ANY industry as a bad thing. We are slowly moving towards the Arasaka/Militech future where the actual consumers have no effective power. I don't think the merger will stifle competitiveness, but in the same way Disney's content mostly feels paint-by-numbers now I think the same could happen to xbox if it gets too big. I suppose it's just the trend of everything in the world strictly becoming about the money, and nothing else. If this is a one off merger then I see no problem, but it's the precedent it sets that is worrisome.


Let's get it!!!

Ben Scott

This is, no bullshit, one of the best podcast episodes that Last Stand Media has ever produced. I’m devastated that Dagan wasn’t around for the latter two topics, but I love how deep the conversation got. The perspectives from three people, at their own respective phases in life, was really cool to hear. Reminded me of the conversations that happen at the fringes of family gatherings, lol. Thank you!


When Matty said he had 2 panic attacks, you can tell Colin got really concerned because he cares. Good episode!!!!

Keith Huntington

as for xbox fandom, and where it came from, i'll offer my own perspective... just like cog, i grew up a sega kid. blast processing, game gear: the color gameboy, 32-bit expansions, the arcade at home, etc. that was me. when the dreamcast was cut off, there were only 2 places to go... playstation, which lets be honest in 2001 was nothing more than the weeb box. i'm not playing no japanese spikey haired protagonist games. no thanks. or xbox. i reserved an xbox day 1 because it was american. it was gritty. it was... sega. shenmue 2? xbox. panzer dragoon? xbox. crazy taxi? xbox. and not to mention we got dead or alive. halo. oddworld. morrowind. i mean, the amount of exclusives, and amazing exclusives at that that came to xbox the first year are mind blowing. vs whatever derivative crap square enix is churning out on the other box. xbox was leaps and bounds the choice the resonated with me on a deep level. it was my tastes. my style. the 360 only emboldened that hysteria. elder scrolls oblivion, fable 2, condemned. project gotham 3 gave us motorcycles! halo 3 coming up, but for me by the time 360 launched i was already a tried and true disciple. the xbox one is where i walked away from the brand. it just no longer resonated. and sony was no longer the weeb box, sony announced shenmue 3 and that basically was the last nail for me. and then limited run being solely published on ps4, majority of my gaming that gen was sony exclusives, and limited run games. for this gen i reserved a ps5 and xbsx so i've had both since launch day. it's been great to reacquaint myself with xbox, but the passion isn't there like it used to be. maybe it's cause im old. but now i just enjoy the games and not so much the platforms.