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Much has been said about Redfall, but we could never pin down what exactly happened. Sure, we had our assumptions such as Redfall being a product of Zenimax's push into live service games or that much of Arkane bailed on this project in the middle of its development. All of those were guesses but thanks to a report by Bloomberg's Jason Schreier, we now have some answers. What happened with Redfall and how do the Dukes feel? We break down the article piece by piece and react.



Angel DeJesus

I'll listen in a bit. But I've heard all week people throwing all the blame on bethesda, like Microsoft didn't have a chance to stop this game from releasing. But they didn't, cuz they have to feed gamepass. A bad game is still a game.

james o halloran

Don't know about that, if Microsoft are hands off with Bethesda studios output ultimately it's falls on the Bethesda for green lighting the project and doubling down regardless of arkanes feedback on how they felt the project should advance.

Angel DeJesus

Except Phil and other Microsoft heads got to see it, and still approved its release.


I cancelled GamePass shortly after it released. I can't be the only one. I wasn't looking forward to RedFall or anything I barely know anything about it. It was just another in a long line of trash releases and I'm not going to fund that. If you have the money to actually buy the games you want to play, GamePass is not all that great of a deal.

Sam Lee

They could've cancelled the game and avoided bad press if the headlines were "Microsoft cancels Arkane's live service project".


Maybe Xbox canned the PS version because they thought it'd make the game's development more seamless when during playtests it looked bad... It didn't work but that could've been the case!


Great episode boys


Great seeing you up and well, Cog! Gotta push back a bit on the Lord Acqusition talk though: According to Schreiers article Zenimax shifted the focus to GaaS because they wanted to get acquired. Who knows if they had chosen that route if acquisition wasn't their endgoal to begin with.