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We're more than a week distant from the recent, highly controversial PlayStation Showcase. And because we recorded our last episode directly after it, we did the best we could shooting from the hip. But with time to think, have our opinions on Sony's event evolved? We spend a lot of time talking about the fallout from the showcase, the various games that caught our eye (or otherwise), and where we think everything sits, now that we've pondered. But there's one thing we certainly agree on: A lot of people are overreacting while completely forgetting (or perhaps just being ignorant of) the brand's history. We also take time to delve into recent reporting surrounding PlayStation's crown jewel first party studio, Naughty Dog. News indicates that none other than Bungie has come off the top rope to potentially throw the kibosh on their standalone multiplayer game, indicating that it may not be ready for primetime. Has Sony mismanaged Naughty Dog into a BioWare-like situation, or is this much ado about nothing? Other news rounds out our show, as well as listener inquiries. How do we balance objective and subjective analysis? Is PlayStation focusing too heavily on sci-fi? Will PC players need PlayStation Plus to play Sony's games-as-a-service? Is Colin about to return to his roots as a deli worker?


0:00:00 - Intro

0:08:21 - Colin’s descent into madness

0:10:49 - Why is that box on Colin’s sofa?

0:13:59 - Salt in coffee?

0:20:19 - What are our general thoughts on the showcase now?

1:04:16 - Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is coming to PC

1:19:12 - What do we think of Project Q’s battery life?

1:34:08 - Jeff Ross claims Days Gone 2 would have come out last month

1:36:37 - Alone in the Dark reboot gets a release date

1:40:21 - The Witcher 3 has surpassed 50 million copies sold

1:43:27 - Gollum is very bad

1:59:18 - Mortal Kombat 1 is having an online stress test

1:59:41 - WrestleQuest gets a release date

1:59:51 - KOTOR is apparently still coming

2:00:11 - Infinity Strash gets a release date

2:02:18 - Dead By Daylight is collaborating with Iron Maiden

2:07:02 - What have we been playing?

2:18:10 - The Last of Us “Factions” game may be in turmoil

2:54:54 - Media Molecule gets a new Creative Director

3:04:48 - More details have emerged about the Snake Eater remake

3:28:51 - PlayStation Plus’ June games have been revealed

3:33:31 - NOT a misogynistic rant

3:37:12 - How do we choose to talk about something from an objective or subjective lens?

3:45:31 - Have we been to any good garage sales?

3:49:24 - Are we out of touch with game prices?

4:01:01 - Is there too much sci-fi?

4:05:59 - Where is Slitterhead?

4:09:59 - Will Sony’s live service games require a PS+ subscription?



Jesse spivey

Another glorious Friday Praises to LSM!


Holy shit this is a beefy one


Haven’t watched the episode yet but I feel like gaming as whole focuses too much on Sci Fi. A lot of games kinda just look like Destiny


4 hours 20 minutes blaze it

Joseph Gedgaudas

I feel like Matty is going to unintentionally take some strays from Colin during his Forsaken monologue.

Asique Alam

Chris's favorite word has to be "Jarring".

Josh Moore

Love the title

Jake H.

Was it intentional that Habroxia 2 be given free to Xbox Live Gold or Game Pass subscribers in South Korea? Basically means you can get it free globally. I saw this post on a Canadian deals site this morning and was surprised: https://forums.redflagdeals.com/habroxia-2-free-xbox-live-gold-game-pass-subscribers-2621427/


"I cannot handle all the negative vibe merchants. Is that all you have in you perchance?"

Zac Lebeau

I am still so surprised by the amount of discontent around the PlayStation showcase. I'm PC only nowadays so from the outside looking in I was interested to see what all the teams were working on and I was very hype to see how many of the games were coming to PC. I don't really care to "grade" these showcases or whatever they're calling them, I'm just more interested in seeing what they're working on and that's what I got


Saying that the showcase was bad does not mean you think it would hurt ps5 sales. When evaluating a console maker's showcase, people ask "does this make me excited to be on this particular platform?" They aren't asking "how does this affect ps5 sales?" We are watching commercials, not a board meeting.

Ealia Staroverov

Project Q's power is going to be minimal because it's a low end SOC that just needs to handle streaming. But even if it's not, having local games means having built in storage, which in turn balloons the price. Short battery life is also likely a cost cutting measure. We'll see how many mAh it is when specs are revealed.


Factions is my favorite MP ever, it’s just unfortunate that they did not give us anything with TLOU PT2 or the PT1 remake, and now this trouble. My only real thought I can have without more info is maybe you were right about the coop focus, and Bungie felt like not having as much of a competitive focus is why it wouldn’t last.


I thought it was a mid tier show, disappointing for how long they’d gone without a showcase, but not terrible. I had people mad at me in discussion groups for not hating it even though I said it was 2.5 to 3 out of 5 at best, lol.


When I heard the talk about Tolkien I thought Colin might have returned to speaking of the Timmy family back from the kinda funny days.

Noah Friscopp

Timothy Tolkien and the Blatant Misuse of Maybe the Most Important Fantasy IP Ever


Now I’m farther into the episode. That was my write in about Prince of Persias trophies.


Shoutout to Dustin, both in this episode and the recent sales saga, mentioning the Alan Wake 2 trailer. Control is one of my absolute favorites of all time and I've always wanted to go back and try Alan Wake but never had. The trailer/announcement coupled with the game being on sale on the PS store finally got me to dive into it. Gotta say, pretty good. It's cool to go back and see the DNA that would be in Control later. If anything, playing Alan Wake Remastered gets me reeeeeal fuckin hyped for Alan Wake 2. This IP with a more modern approach that's more horror focused really get's the blood flowin if you know what I'm sayin

David Portnov

For what it's worth, I remember Colin saying at some point in the past something like, "The next time Sony speaks, you might not like what you're going to hear." Well, that's pretty much what happened. I wasn't the least bit surprised about what we saw, which maybe made me a little more neutral than these console warriors out there hyping themselves up. Haven's game really set the tone for this showcase in hindsight.


If you truly cannot afford 70$ games and you are over 18 you need to focus more on your career and less on games.

Brandon Soto

I’m actually excited for the Q-Lite. Can finally play sidescrollers & RPGs in bed that I refuse to play elsewhere cuz I want the trophies.


Beep Beep Beep - So much conversation defending their opinion on this showcase. They all expected big things and got a bunch of third party multi plat games and Spider Man. - Collin wants to talk about context, the context here for people’s disappointment in Last Stands opinion on the showcase are based on the expectations they set going into this thing. For the past two years Collin has talked about how it was time for Sony to talk. They talked, and it was mostly about games coming to Xbox. This “we’re the rational ones stance is kind of bogus.”

william planas

With how massive the HBO show is. Its just wild to think factions could be canceled.

Zackery Parkerson

If you truly cannot find empathy for your fellow human beings and are over 18, you need to focus more on bettering yourself and less on games.

Gaelan K

Thanks guy, great episode. Great points on video game pricing, I can honestly say I feel a bit silly that I didn’t connect those dots earlier but thanks for clearing things up. Appreciate all y’all do!


I’m not saying it’s a causal relationship. It’s just a fact, gaming is a hobby. If you are struggling to support yourself so much that you can’t afford games when they’re the cheapest they’ve ever been, you need to reprioritize. Lying to people isn’t empathy.

Zackery Parkerson

Thanks for using my write-in! I was certainly focusing more on the astronomical increases to rent and groceries that are accelerating beyond the rate of inflation as Chris discussed, rather than the games industry itself. I think $70 is fair, but hard to justify for those in the lower economic rungs currently. Sorry if that was unclear!

Henry Morgan

Almost spit out my drink to Timmy Tolkien


I know y’all already mentioned this a bit but I want to emphasize for my view that I just can’t give points towards ps or Xbox for revealing 3rd party games, although I may be excited for said game I’m specifically more so looking to see ps5 or series x only next gen console exclusive games to sway me as a consumer towards why I should purchase/upgrade to one or the other console. From that perspective I can count Ff16, Spider-Man 2, sword of the sea, GT7 and maybe Phantom blade? With that being said those are solid but personally I’m not sure I’ll buy a ps5 yet based on those and previously shown exclusives. Spider-Man 2 has me pretty close though. We will see what Xbox has to show but I’m hoping they have a better showing no guarantees tho. I mostly love last of us and Bethesda games like oblivion and fallout 3/NV.


I have to give my thoughts on the showcase after hearing you guys talk about it in this episode. I have been Xbox centric since the 360 but I dabble here and there with other platforms and after the recent flops with Xbox I was paying more attention to this showcase than I normally would. I also don't keep up with rumors or leaks so I had no knowledge of what was expected to be shown or anything like that. I went into this show case completely blind and at the end, thought it was really good. I did not look at feedback until the end of the showcase and was shocked to see such upset takes. Looking back on it I can see how a lack of release dates or first party showings hurt, but it seems that the expectations Sony set ended up hurting them. Maybe if they had called it a "Third Party Focused" Showcase it would have done better. I am not sure. All I know is that as someone without any expectation for PlayStation, the showcase felt like a solid B to me. Thanks CDC for another great podcast!

Jason K

God of War on PC had a great port from release.

Dana Anderson

I feel like when colin goes on these rants about others in the field i feel so lost and confused. I don’t go to any other source for news on games though, so maybe im the odd one.

Jimmy G

We are never getting multiplayer games that most people play for 40 hours then abandon. At least not this generational cycle. The cornerstone of live service is longitudinal monetization and longevity in market. It’s practically the definition, even moreso than the multiplayer aspect. That’s the reason so many of us are leery about this new focus. If NAUGHTY DOG can’t even get their take on a service game to market, God have mercy on us when it comes to whatever the hell actually makes it through. Hard to get excited about a strategy in which you know that most games will be failures.


Still think that showcase was underwhelming. If it was titled a State of Play, it would’ve been better off.

Jason Hjartarson

I can buy a game and entertain myself for a couple weeks to a month or I could spend that in a few hours going out.


I'm about to listen to this on a flight to tokyo! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

Brannon H

If Naughty Dog thinks their game is good then I genuinely couldn't care what Bungie thinks. I don't like this obsession with live service games. I also think Colin's discussion on this topic was really great. Good episode fellas.


Timmy fuckin Tolkien 😂between this and the tomb raider script I need more British accent from Chris.


Dustin "for me" Furman strikes again

Nikitas Gagas

Bosman had an interesting critique about Fairgames(I refuse to use the dollar sign) having a confusing message. You have two groups of anarchists killing each other over a shared cause. The games mechanics mirror the greed and corruption that the game’s creators are attempting to comment on. It’s absurd.

rubber nipples 209

I played ED hunter game on PC as kid when It came out.

Jesse V

Timothy Tolkien had me dying in the break room at work. Colin, it was probably a Freudian-slip as Chris has noted in the past that Gollum looks like Tommy from The Rugrats, and Timothy is close enough lol

Josh Lucas

I’m so glad you brought up Bat Boy, Colin. I had never heard of it, but after checking it out I love it! Obviously heavily inspired by Shovel Knight but it’s so good.

Brannon H

Movie prices, at least in Texas, have stabilized since the rise 10 years ago. AMC is still a rip off buy CineMark is pretty cheap and usually nicer than AMC.


It’s funny how every time Colin gets interrupted prior to finishing his point, he says “I’m sorry, go ahead”.


I am begging you guys to stop touching the actual mic when moving it. Touch the mic arm or the shock mount. The amount of mic bumps I’m getting in my headphones is going to cause me to go deaf.

Mr. Plow

What does a multiplayer only game from a studio that doesn’t use the word ‘fun’ even look like. Great episode as always guys

Jeffrey Rommel

Chris - I hold in my pee like an adult 😂. Great ep guys!


I definitely disagreed with Colin saying that "Sacred Symbols predicted this outcome". The whole sentiment from the podcast going into the showcase was high expectations and how it had been so long since they had spoken.


Boys, France has the most successful military history. Yeah, they folded in World War 2 but just fought WW1 (where they had over 6million casualties). On French fries, I read that US soldiers discovered them in the southern Francophone part of Belgium during World War 2. Don’t know if that’s actually true but it would be the most American thing ever to call them French fries then.

Alex Landry

All hail the return of Slitterhead

Kevin Cooper

Shout out to this thumbnail... I'm glad that I'm not the only one who found Jim Ryan's sudden burst of "emotion" incredibly unsettling. Shit was like the Babadook coming out of the shadows to get me.

Greg Hommel

Kojima made this game. It’s silly to lament his lack of involvement in a remake of his game. This game deserves no less than the same treatment that Dead Space and Resident Evil have received. If they don’t treat it with that much respect, then they aren’t respecting my dollars and I will stick with Subsistence.