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Despite the fact that Kingdom Hearts is now over 21 years old, describing it can still feel like a fever dream. Mixing Disney and Final Fantasy was already strange enough, but ironically, the most insane elements brought to the table are completely original to the series. That being said, millions of fans have come to love this beloved series due to its irresistible charm, characters, and gameplay. As a fan since the very beginning, I (Dustin) knew that I needed an outlet to discuss the series' legacy. I was excited and honored to have Brad Ellis of Easy Allies join me for this conversation. As a fellow podcaster who has inspired me for years, and also a fellow Kingdom Hearts diehard fan, we had a fantastic conversation that we hope you will love.




Hell yeah. I was hoping it was gonna be Brad. Nice pull, Dustin.

Mitch Krassin

GREAT crossover, love the Easy A crew!


Dustin and Brad together!! Oh let’s fucking go!!!

Robbie Agnew

This will be my favourite video on Last Stand Media. Bravo for doing this. The best gaming franchise.

Brandon Bishop

In my heart of hearts I I knew it could only be Brad!


Yikes! I mean "YEY!" I have never played a Kingdom Hearts game. Nevertheless I am interested in the game analysis from the experts.

Will Hahn

Couldn’t care less about kingdom hearts, but since he finally got someone from Easy Allies, I’ll give it a listen!

Brannon H

I detest Kingdom Hearts but I'm not missing a Dustin and Brad podcast

Collin Goodspeed

Nice, I’m a big fan of both Easy Allies and LSM so this is a sick crossover.

Sam Strajack

My dream is Huber/Brad jumping ship to LSM. I know this isn't gonna happen but I can dream.

Michael Mashpotato

Dope. I remember when KH2 came out. I was working at Taco Bell at the time and I actually quit my job the day the game released. I finished the game and got my job back over a week later. KH takes priority over chalupas 🤣

Bogey Zero

Fuck yeah my two favorite gaming podcasts. Love Brad

Bogey Zero

I feel like Huber is the type of guy to stick by the rest of the guys until the sinking ship sinks. Even though he’s probably the one guy left there that has enough love from the fans that he can go do his own thing. Him and Brad.


The entire Easy Allies crew is great. I fell off their content after Brandon Jones left, but I have been meaning to get back into Frame Trap.

Jeshua Anderson

Ahhhh finally a podcast I can skip. Gonna enjoy the day off LOL!!

Bogey Zero

There’s something so surreal about hearing Brad say he’s a patron and a listener of Sacred Symbols. I actually suspected he did when he started saying “stinky switch” on EZA podcasts lol.

ADN95 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-02 20:20:18 Love & Respect!
2023-05-02 17:57:53 Love & Respect!

Love & Respect!

Chris Dell

Love and respect!

James Arnold

Love and Respect! I was hoping Brad would be the guest. Great discussion, guys.

Tom Gentry


Your Boi Nicky V

Wow, I fucking abhor Kingdom Hearts and even I'm listening. Awesome crossover.

Asique Alam (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-02 22:44:56 BRAAAAAAAAD!
2023-05-02 20:31:11 BRAAAAAAAAD! Also someone needs to tally up how many times Dude was said in this episode. It might have set a record. Cuz I ain't doing it.

BRAAAAAAAAD! Also someone needs to tally up how many times Dude was said in this episode. It might have set a record. Cuz I ain't doing it.



Nathan Densley

Love the podcast, rarely give feedback. The "dudes" and "bros" were a little much here as far as for listening.


You should've replied back with one of those generic "I'm listening and learning" responses people always say when they get in trouble online, hahaha

Kashif Mohamed

I’m so stoked to listen to this! Thank you for arranging this guys


Half expected this to open with ‘Simple and Clean’ instead of the regular Sacred theme.

The Chicken Chaser (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-03 03:04:30 I’m so happy this happened finally! More of this please L & R
2023-05-03 01:00:58 I’m so happy this happened finally! More of this please L & R

I’m so happy this happened finally! More of this please L & R


Naw dude, it is so incredibly SoCal you can’t ditch it. Embrace your heritage!

Nathan Densley

No problem Bradley. I wasn't meaning it as anything mean spirited, just a suggestion to work on it. I used to public speak in schools and my tick was the dreaded, "um." Thanks for sharing with the community.

Jeremy Wagoner

We need a “Dude” counter on this episode lol

Noah Friscopp

I don’t give a fuck about Kingdom Hearts but all in for you and Brad.


Kingdom Hearts will be the first gaming Tattoo that I'll get because it was the first game to make me feel and cry, that ending of the first game turn games from something to play to a form of art.



Henry Maxwell

Shout out to Brad. He rules.



Josh Gamez

I appreciate y'all acknowledging that Metal Gear's story is just as, if not more, batshit insane than Kingdom Hearts but I never hear it get nearly the same amount of vitriol (the same can be said about Resident Evil as well, IMO). Granted I've never played the series but whenever I hear it talked about, it sounds like the most ridiculous shit I've ever heard. Lol

billion billion

Always loved Brad and Huber. I just wish they would leave EZA.

Luke Wallace

Bruh…my favorite ally!


Couldn't stop chuckling after an hour. DUDE.. yeah dude.. Dude.. DUDE!! OH DUDE.

Katana Silver

Two of the best guests so far, Brad and Bryan from psvr w/parole with Colin and Chris nowhere to be seen. Sad times indeed

Ib Saint

The disrespect to days had me almost turn this off. Good episode but don’t discount days; it’s by far my favorite KH right in front of 1.

Forrest Hunter

Dude. Duuude. DUDE! DUUUUUUDE!!!


Don’t know much about KH but I still enjoyed this crossover. Now if only I could get Huber and Dagan together. 👀

Chuck Rude

If I had a nickel for every time the word “dude” was said, I’d buy all my friends PSVR2s


I love that Brad is on Sacred Symbols +. Absolutely wild. Thank you for this!