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Hey All! It's time to submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for Episode 121 of Defining Duke.

Great ways to get your write-up used: Be pithy, be topical, and be insightful. Walls-of-text, posts littered with poor grammar and punctuation, etc., are promptly (though respectfully) ignored.

As this is an Xbox podcast, be sure your submission makes sense within that realm. You have until Wednesday, 4/26 at 3 PM ET to make your submission.



Hey Duke boys! I gotta a workout/health question, with the weather here in the Midwest heating up. I was thinking to myself let me go out for a run, as I am running something dawned on me. I hate cardio. I know it’s super important but my god it can be grueling. More grueling than leg day. So my simple questions, do you guys enjoy cardio? And if so, what cardio do you recommend besides running, walking, and hiking. Cheers boys!

Max - Fifthstring

Dukes! While I don't fault Microsoft/Xbox for pursueing Console VR like Team Blue, Do you feel like they should at least try to support some select titles on PC for it when it fits? I'm mostly looking at the next Forza Motorsport for upcoming titles but I'd like to hear your take on it with past titles like Minecraft, Skyrim and Flight Sim having it. Also; do you think they're going to cut off PSVR2 support for many of their big names titles with how Sony has treated the ABK acquisition? We know how much Bethesda loves to sell new versions of Skyrim but there's no word on it being ported over to PSVR2, add on Minecraft and that's 2 massive games that have PSVR 1 support but not V2. Have a "I spent more on my VR racing rig and computer set up then I have on console gaming in 3 years and I don't want my wife to find out" kind of day

Michael Smoley

Hey boys, I don't think I've ever heard either of your thoughts on the Xbox elite series controller. Do either of you own one and if so, what are your thoughts? I was thinking of getting one myself but would love to hear the Dukes' thoughts first.

Nathanael Myer

Hi Dukes. After hearing about the positive reviews for Minecraft Legends, a thought poked my brain. Why isn’t Minecraft Microsoft’s mascot? We default to halo because it’s always been the mascot. Chiefs popularity has long left, while an entire generation who grew up playing Minecraft. The core game is a money machine and both dungeons and legends are solid games. Just would like to get your 343 cents in on this.


Hi Dukes Xbox seems to be in a good place with its multiplayer offerings (Halo, Gears, Sea of Thieves and Redfall soon), as well as a choice of driving games and RPGs. One current gap in my opinion is the typical third person narrative type experience which you primarily find on Playstation. While Hellblade 2 is due out in the not too distant future, do you think Xbox needs to explore this genre more to appeal to a wider audience? I'd argue these experiences are the main draw to the Playstation, and Xbox doesn't really have anything that compares. On the flip side- does Xbox see these games as "one and done", therefore not conducive to growing and maintaining a recurring subscription model like Gamepass?

Lou & Rei Loper

Fantastic question, I've been using the original Elite controller since it's launch and I use it on my PC and Xbox to this day. Perfection 👌

Lou & Rei Loper

Great question, cycling (indoor or outdoor)...is the way 👌. I hope we get an answer to this one

Captain Bon Clay

Hey dukes, have you heard all the recent controversy surrounding “body cam shooters”? , they are unreal engine 5 games, the most notable being “Unrecord” which most people agree that if you didn’t know it was a video game, that you would believe it’s real footage! What are your opinion on these new “body cam shooters” ? And in your opinion how realistic is too realistic when it comes to video games? Unrecord gameplay by IGN https://youtu.be/IK76q13Aqt0


Hey Chevalier Matty and Shadow Dancer Cog, I recently built a leverless controller for my Series X to play King of Fighters, Guilty Gear and Tekken. Before that I had to use a Brook adapter to get my Hori Arcade stick to work on my Series X. I was wondering what unique accessories/controllers ya'll use currently, if any? Keep up the good work both of you.

Dylan Michael

Hey Dukes, I won’t plug anything, but I plan to release a series of videos aimed at gamers to show them how easy it is to get in decent shape once my YouTube channel starts picking up. As somebody who games every day, I was once in my late teens over 330 lbs, but I’ve been 200 and under for the last 6-7 years. My question is, what advice or aspects do you think I shouldn’t miss in this series? I want to get people to see exercise more as a game and less like a bother. Thanks boys!


This question is for Matty During Defining Duke Episode 86, a listener wrote in and asked if you guys were going to try Death Stranding now that it has been added to PC Game Pass. Both you and Cog begrudgingly agreed, but in the 8 months since that podcast was posted, I believe only Cog has followed through on putting at least a few hours into Kojima's latest work of art. More recently on an episode of Constellation, you seemed truly bewildered to hear that Death Stranding is universally praised by Chris, Colin, and Dustin, going so far as to ask Colin if he was joking. Not only was he not joking, Sacred Symbols voted Death Stranding #2 on their list of top 25 PS4 games, losing only to Red Dead Redemption 2! I get it. "Pretentious Fed-Ex simulator." It's an easy game to caricature. I'm not expecting you to fall in love with it, but I am confident that you would be pleasantly surprised by a unique experience you will not soon forget. How much longer must we wait to hear your informed opinion on the opening hours of Death Stranding?

Dakota Brown

Hey Dukes- Matty bringing up the Darth Bane novels last week and the upcoming release of Jedi Survivor got me thinking about future Star Wars games. I love the lore of Sith and any stories centered on their culture. Do you think a game about Darth Bane or another Sith Lord could work? Perhaps even a game about the rise of Palpatine under Darth Plagueis. Let me know what you both think. Have a “take a seat young Skywalker” kind of day!

Broderick Fleming

Hey Dukes, As of writing, I’m about a week away from my first therapy appointment to help treat a long struggle with depression and other mental health issues I’ve had. Lately I’ve noticed I’ve had almost no energy to play games, except for one: KOTOR. I realized it’s my “comfort” game, most of my gaming sessions recently haven’t even lasted a hour, but last night I started yet another playthrough of KOTOR and before long I realized I was 6 hours in. Do either of you guys have a “comfort” game? If so I’d be interested to hear about it.


Duke Dudes, I'm having trouble deleting Xbox videos and screenshots from the Xbox Network. Are you having this issue or is this something I just need to see if it fixes itself? It normally updates in realtime when I delete things, but what are your thoughts?


This just sounds like temporary server issues, man.


Hey boys, We are now 1 week away from the launch of Redfall and it seems like the conversation around it is pretty mixed. Since this is likely the last DD before the reviews are out, what are you guys expecting Redfalls metacritic to be and how well do you think it'll do. Personally I'm predicting mid 70s, wonder what you boys think. Have a good one fellas.

Brian Wagers

Hey Dukes, We are finally getting close to when the games associated with the major acquisitions will start to drop. Do you think these games will define this generation or will is fans need to wait one more generation to see Microsoft’s investment fulfilling its cost. Have a great one

Benn Stuart

Hey Dukes, I find it surprising Xbox hasn't attempted to make a handheld console this generation. Xbox current agenda is to give as many players the chance to play games with Game Pass, so I think it'll be a perfect fit to have their own hardware that supports this idea. I know they already have Game Pass on other handheld systems but in my opinion they're missing an opportunity not having their own hardward. I also think this would help Xbox gain some ground in Japan. I wonder what the mighty Dukes think? Big love from over the pond in England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Jeff Caseres

Hey Dukes! So the OG Xbox Splinter Cell games got taken off the MS store on Xbox except Chaos Theory. I own them and can still download but they are not purchasable. This seems to be under reported so I figured I would write in and let you guys know! What do you guys think? Splinter Cell Remakes incoming? Or just Ubisoft doing the same as other companies? Love y’all keep it up!


What up duke brothers last weeks book topic got me started into the “Metro” books the series is so good and the games are phenomenal. have either of you played the games or read the books. They’re sci-fi dystopia horror and I feel would fit the dark tones of death troopers. If you haven’t give them a shot. Much love keep doing the damn thing excited for the new episodes weekly.

Michael Limauro

Hi dukes, What is your hype level for Alan wake 2, and what month do you think it will release? Sam Lake is starting to hype it up a bit on twitter. Also would like to hear your opinion on the OG or remaster if you have played. Thanks boys!


Good evening to the best Xbox podcast on the internet- we need to talk about the broken state of open world games. This month dying light 2 launched a new combat update completely rebuilding its gore, physics, and dismemberment system. (The GORE WAR begins) As a fan of open world games- I currently find myself unable to play them at launch. They either release unfinished or completely broken. Sone examples for you: The good- ghost of Tsushima, horizon forbidden west, Witcher 3- launch finished and later drop great expansions The okay- assassins creed Valhalla- new updates have added 30+ skills, new combat, new quests, new difficulty- everything added has improved the experience and made a better game, but hasn’t redefined it The bad- dying light 2 new combat system in April, new parkour system in June. Saints row- new combat system launching as part of their dlc this year. Ghostwire Tokyo - new weapons, enemies, combat The broken- Gotham knights, cyberpunk I currently find myself with a backlog of massive open world games bc I will play for 10-20 hours, then decide to put it away and wait for all the expansions and changes to come out. Anyone who has played cyberpunk or dying light 2 in 2022 has played a drastically different game then we will have in 2023. It feels like early adopters and day 1 supporters are playing the worst version of these games and being punished for their early support. Matty- what is your view on this as I know you play a lot of these games at launch for reviews and may never even get to experience the updates? Cog- is this a reason you don’t play alot of this style of game?


Dukes, I was looking at releases coming up next month and Lego 2K Drive caught my eye simply because it made me wonder: does Cog like Legos? Just the thought made me smile. 😄 Thanks and have a “get out of the street, Link is coming” kind of day.


Hiya my Dukes. I don't like to read. I love audiobooks, but I can't do physical reading. I can't help but read each word one at a time like a silent narrator, instead of multiple words/lines at a time, so it just takes too long. This is why, in games like Horizon or Fallout, I almost never read any lore material, but I'll scour an area for audio logs. It's also why I can't seem to finish any game where I have to read all the story and dialog. So, in the age of AI, what do you think about developers supplementing actual voice actors with AI for the ancillary lore that I would love to dive into, but can't be bothered to read? Or if game developer Matty can't afford multiple actors to read dozens to hundreds of hours for his hit game, could an AI be an option? And where would we draw the line? How big of a game wouldn't be able to claim they didn't have the budget for VO so they went with an AI voice? I would love to be able to listen to books or journals in games, but I also don't want actual voice actors to lose opportunities.


Hey Dukes. We’re a week out from Redfall. What’re your final gut checks on the game. I’m personally still really excited but worried Xbox might be shipping the game out to sea without a paddle. For instance, as of writing I haven’t heard any announcement of the game going gold. I know not every studio makes an announcement for going gold (and last weeks Gamepass announcement shows the game is still coming out as intended), but I can’t help but feel like Microsoft and Arkane just aren’t certain about the game. What’re your final thoughts on how it will land and your thoughts on a general score range? Cheers and take care.

Shadi Haddad

Matty, more of a question in curiosity: why do you cover news unrelated to Xbox on the show? I recall a few weeks ago you discussing the Final Fantasy XVI previews, and thinking, "why are we bothering discussing a PS5 exclusive's preview footage on an Xbox show?" Thanks for the show


Hello Dukes, as an Xbox fan since the beginning, I’m starting to question my willingness to play on Xbox. When ghost wire Tokyo runs better on PS5 after a year of optimization, companies not porting their games to the platform for whatever reason, and redfall only giving me 60 frames on PC, why should I play on Xbox anymore? I’m not trying to doom and gloom but Xbox is clearly the inferior platform, and this is coming from a guy who’s main platform has been Xbox since the beginning. It hurts my lancer weilding, covenant killing soul. Please help me dukes, you’re my only hope.


I hate to double dip but I saw Cog upload videos on the steam deck killer the Asus Rog Ally and damn does that look nice. Native PC game pass app and steam on a handheld that is user friendly and doesn’t involve a twenty step process? Sign me up


Hey Dukes, after the recent controversy surrounding micro transactions being added to resident evil 4, I was left confused. All recent RE games (7, Village, and the remakes) all had similar time skip/ early unlock micro transactions added after launch. Why do you guys think there was such controversy over 4 remake and not the others? Thanks!

J Train

Greetings Dukes, Matty, you spoke about the Darth Bane books last week and I am about halfway through the first book and it is truly fantastic so far. I have also recently started playing KOTOR 1 on my switch which I am also enjoying. With that being said what do you think that an ideal KOTOR 3 would revolve around? I think a Darth Bane game would kick ass personally. Have a great day gentleman and hopefully my boy Vladi sees success with your Rangers we miss him here in St. Louis!

Daniel Wilson

Lads This isn’t just another Redfall question, however with the struggle to 60 on this first party game and the delayed Xbox release of Baldurs gate 3 due to co op issues on Series s. I want to hear what the future might look like when we get our mid-gen console buffs. If a Ps5 pro and a series XX release, what is Xbox going to do with 3 Sku’s just in their own house. Would this be the end of the little man or is it going to hold them back. Easy

Sean Mason

Hey Dukes, Are we blowing the notion that games keep skipping Xbox out of proportion? Sure, there are plenty of games that are skipping Xbox, but with the amount of games that are released each week, most of them (including some wonderful indies) are routinely brought to Xbox. Just look at the next few weeks. With games like Ravenlock, Cassette Beasts, and The Last Case of Benedict Fox all coming to gamepass day one, Gamepass subscribers have plenty to look forward to! Best, Sean M.

John Hanke

Hey Dukes, Last week your discussion on NYC rats jogged my memory of the mouse massacre I performed. When I first moved to Kansas city after I moved all my stuff in. I was playing a game in my room when I saw a mouse strolling through the kitchen. The amount of disrespect the mouse showed was astounding. The worst part was my roommates had moved in two weeks earlier, and when I asked him, he was like, "ohh yea, I've seen some mice walking around." and did nothing. Knowing the problem would only worsen if not addressed; I went to home depot and Hyvee (grocery store), buying multiple snap traps and Nutella. Over the next month, I proceeded to kill 30ish mice and eventually wiped out the nest. The landlord should have paid me some exterminator fees, but at least the rent was cheap. I know NYC rats are built differently, but I wanted to let you guys know my infestation story from the Midwest. I grew up on a farm; when you have a pest, you go nuclear. There are no live traps and will be no survivors—the penalty for entering the sanctity of the home. I hope you have a "you reset the mouse trap, only to hear it snap again in five minutes" kind of day.

Mike Po

Good day gentlemen, Do the Dukes have any gaming merch website recommendations? Over on Matty's YouTube channel he's rocking some great statues and figures in the background and I'd be interested to know the types of sites that sell these. I've heard you all sing the praises of the official Xbox gear shop, but are there any other sites the Dukes go to for their gaming merch needs?


What the fuck is oatmeal? Thanks and have a mushy day.


My Dukes my dukes, Being this far into this console generation now, I’m curious. Has there been any game pass titles of any kind that you’ve gone back to again and again? Whether it’s a multiplayer game you keep revisiting or a single player game you wanna do another run through I’m curious to hear if anything in the lineup has had you coming back for more Thanks and may the power of 30 fps compel you


Sup Matty and Cog, Im here to share my disappointment of a game i recently heard of and found out something i couldnt quite believe. The game in question is Lego Dimensions. When i had seen that it not only had a base game with lots of fun characters and crossovers, but it also had level packs for a variety of other major pop culture icons. I knew i had to have it. I looked it up and saw not only did it cost 200 dollars for the base games but each additional level pack costs 20 bucks. I for one hope one day they bundle it all together but i cant imagine the difficulty it would be with paying to use all those characters.


Greetings, rod slingers! I’ve been wondering… I’ve heard that since Xbox is so focused on GamePass, they’ve switched their Key Performance Indicator to being “time played” rather than “games sold.” But how is time played a measure of success? It doesn’t translate to money, or even to subscribers. There can be subscribers who play just a couple hours a month. I’m subscribed to streaming services that I don’t even necessarily use every month. So why is “time played” a measure of success for them? Technically, time played can go up or down without necessarily correlating to more/less revenue. Thanks and have a “I’m not feeling creative enough to write this line today” kinda day.


Greetings Shitwall Matty and Groundbreaking Cog. Microsoft has posted their finances for the year and things are interesting for Xbox in the moment. While hardware sales were down drastically this was somehow Xboxs second best non holiday quarter. What is there to pull from this information? Are we not as smart as we think we are?


Dukes, Xbox “set records” in fiscal Q3, according to CEO Satya Nadella. How much of this performance which Microsoft clearly views as positive do you attribute to their presence on PC? If so, do the dismal Q3 console hardware sales even mean that much to Microsoft? Obviously they’ll get it up, but clearly Xbox’s multi platform approach seems to be keeping them in the game.

Hayden Glass

Howdy Dukes! I saw Cog got a chance to go hands on with the Asus ROG Ally. Aside from that terrible name, what does the Lord have to say about it? It seems Microsoft is taking huge steps towards making Windows 11 more user friendly for handheld PCs. I love the Steam Deck, but part of that is because of SteamOS, Valve’s super impressive operating system. If Microsoft can mimic that for Windows, I would be stoked beyond reason. Thanks for all the content! Have a great day!


Heya dukes!! I’ve got a quick shoutout for none other than Xbox studios most recent game Minecraft legends, followed by an intriguing question. First off, I was moseying around gamepass trying to find a game to hold me over until Jedi survivor and I decided to try this one out, and boy am I glad I did. This fast paced strategy game made for a great time, I liked the very moderate difficulty. My question is what other game series would you like to get the spin-off treatment that Minecraft has gotten? I for one am still praying to the gods for a Halo horror game involving the flood, but a man can dream. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, Have a “Aaron Rodgers got traded to the jets and they still don’t make the playoffs” kind of day.


Hey Dukes, I'm curious about your spending habits on the Xbox platform. What are some first party Xbox games that you bought despite knowing that they will be on Game Pass forever? Are there any upcoming Xbox games that you will buy even though they will be on Game Pass day one? Finally, do you subscribe and unsubscribe from Game Pass from time to time, or do you always keep your subscription active?


As an Xbox gamer, I ended buying first party games with Gears 5 in 2019 because I know they'll never leave Game Pass unless it's a licensing issue. The only game I will probably buy despite being on Game Pass day one is Stalker 2 just because of what all those working at GSC are going through. Other than that game, there's nothing else. I subscribe to Game Pass when there's a day one game that I want to play and is a $10 monthly rental for me. Signed up a few days ago to play Hi Fi Rush which is a great game and will check out Redfall.


Good Sirs, I’ll try to make this short. I’m a 30 year old guy who started gaming when I was really young . I started on the NES and then went to the SNES, Sega, N64, GameCube, PS1, PS2, 360, Xbox One, PS4 and now the PS5. Five of those consoles really define my gaming history. The SNES, Sega, PS2, 360 and now the PS5. Back in the 360 days I was only into multiplayer games. Cod4, Gears 1&2 and Halo 3 were my life for years. I played competitively for a time too. I also played some competitive Titanfall. Since then I haven’t played online games at all really. Which is why I transitioned over to the PS4. I took a long break from gaming after not really playing my Xbox One. I got hooked on games like Bloodborne and God of War 2018. Since then I’ve only played single player games. I don’t really have a desire to play online anymore. I wanted to write in with this to represent all of the PlayStation gamers like me who don’t have an allegiance to specific consoles, but instead we follow the games we want to play. Or as Cog puts it, we follow the steak. I’m dying for Xbox to give me a reason to buy a Series X. Forza already had me 50% of the way there. I just need one or two high quality single player games exclusive to Xbox to win me over. If Starfield is a hit I will buy a series X. I think a lot of people like me will. My greatest gaming moments have been on an Xbox. Those all nighters playing Cod, Gears and Halo as a teenager will forever be some of the best times of my life.


Hey Mr Matty and Dr Duke, The subscription model feels so, so much better for introducing someone to gaming. So do we get a new catagory of gamers from this model? In recent years a even a 5 year old game feels pretty good to play. So a back catalogue game is no longer the same detriment it once was. Looking to the future, how do you think subscription models change our culture? Hope you have both have a, 'I just caught the last train and I'm going the wrong way' kind of day. Hunt


Hey dukes,hope you can squeeze this one in cause in spite of it looking optimistic the cma just blocked the merger. Microsoft president brad smith tweets that they are still committed to this merger but how much will this set them back by. thanks for all you do and hope to see you here in L.A. some day

Stephen Forgione

Hey boys, Gut check on the ABK deal after the CMA issued a motion to block and Microsoft promising to appeal? I know this is more of a question for a mind like Hoeg but given the magnitude of this news I’m sure it’s going to permeate all of games coverage. Thanks and have a “Microsoft may have to pay Activision $3 billion if the deal falls through, basically the budget for 10 AAA games” kind of day.

Nicholas Brilhart

Greetings Dukes. Obviously the big news of the day is the CMA blocking the ABK deal. My question is what do you think the best next move for Microsoft is? Do they continue to fight to acquire Activision Blizzard King or do they back off and buy smaller fish like Asobo and Sega? Thanks, and have a "Matty has acquired BK (Banjo Kazooie)" kind of day.


Howdy Dukes, With much love and respect I have a correction for Matty. “Long in the tooth” means old - as in someone who has lived a long time. It does not mean something that has gone on for too long or overstayed its welcome. Thanks and have an awesome day!

James Kinslow III

Hello, Dukes. There was really big news that dropped today (Wednesday), but what I want to know is how did the Country Music Awards get wrapped up in this Microsoft-ABK deal in the first place? Do people like Reba McEntire, Garth Brooks, and Aaron Tippin really have this much interest in Microsoft and Activision?


Dear esteemed Duke brethren, Both Microsoft and the passionate Xbox community are in dire need of a win these last few months. The hope and spirit of the fandom rested heavily on the successful completion of the ACK/BLIZ deal, yet the recent intervention of the CMA has hindered its progress. In light of this setback, one wonders what path Microsoft will take and what beacon of hope will shine for the Xbox community. Could there still be a chance for a much-needed victory once the dust has settled? How does Phil spin this and take back the initiative ?


Greetings Dukes, this is one for both Lord Turn-Based and the Baron of Bethesda. On episode 120, you talked about the possibility of a fallout tactics style game in the vein of Wasteland 3. After taking a break and recently getting back into XCOM 2 on my steam deck, I’m wondering on what your thoughts would be for that style of turn based game set in the Elder Scrolls universe. Personally, I would love to see it! I’ve been having an absolute blast with XCOM 2, and think the formula could work well really well. Off the top of my head, it could be something where you’re rebuilding a faction (perhaps the blades?) or maybe something set during the Skyrim Civil War, if they wanted that kind of flavour. You could choose either the Imperials or Stormcloaks, and work against the opposing faction, as well as the Thalmor. I feel like there are plenty of classes that could be utilised through Mele, ranged, and magic. It would be cool also, to have the tactical element from XCOM 2 by perhaps building up your Blades fortress, or Civil war camp, similar to how the avenger is built up within XCOM2. Do you guys think this could work? And if so, what sort of mechanics do we think should be included? Or would it just be too much of XCom flavour with elder scrolls coating? Thanks for your insights, hope you have a “I dunked an Oreo into my tea, and it didn’t fall into a mushy mess” kinda day.


Hello duke, I am a playstation console player who is also a massive Bethesda games fan who was left behind. I will likely buy a series X or S, when startfield releases. My question is if it is only locked at 30 fps, will there be a reason to purchase a series X at all? If I only plan to play starfield and maybe a few other gamepass games, I'm not seeing a huge reason to invest the full $500 in the X. Thanks and take care!


You guys know what we want to hear your take on this week. No need to even ask the question.


Hey Mr. Matty and Lord Cognito, Do you think that Xbox is planning for some AA and indie 3rd party games not to sell well on their ecosystem without Game Pass? I say this because if Xbox wants to continue to offer 3rd party games day one on Game Pass it would be financially beneficial to Xbox if they had the leverage of games not selling well without Game Pass. I hear a lot from Xbox about subscribers spending more on in-game purchases and even buying the games at a discount after trying it on Game Pass, but this might give Xbox the incentive/desire to exploit this trend and lead to smaller games that aren't immediately well received when announced to feel the need to go to Game Pass. I've also heard that some smaller games aren't selling well on Xbox without Game Pass, although I haven't seen the data for this. Do you think that is could be an intended/unintended consequence of Game Pass? Thanks for the great podcast and have a Xbox Breaking News Wednesday, kinda day.


Hello CMA Matty and FTC Cog, Thoughts on the CMA blocking the Xbox deal? And do you think Xbox pivots into using that money into funding their own games? Have a ‘can’t wait a month for the latest Star Wars to have its performance issues to be patched’ kind of day


Honestly you might be better off saving up for a gaming pc. You’ll be able to freely use mods and you will for sure get Starfield at 60fps or higher depending on your rig

Jeshua Anderson

Sup fellas! I wanna get right into it: Post CMA announcement Microsofts shares skyrocketed. To my memory Microsofts share holders have never exactly been crazy about the XBox division, even at points in the past pushing Microsoft to sell or spin it off. Should the ABK deal fall through and Starfield not hit like it should, could we see Microsoft do just that, or even shut the brand down? I know it sounds hyperbolic, but is it? Have yourselves a "Lets be honest, do we REALLY need the UK??" Kinda day Jeshua