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Hey, everyone!

Cog and I (Matty!) are teaming up for a mailbag in our next episode of Defining Duke Ultimate. If you have any burning questions for us that you've been holding in, now is your chance! Let's sit, have a chat, and enjoy one another's company in an otherwise slower week of gaming news. I'm excited to see what y'all come up with!

- Matty



Defining Dudes, I know Matty had been saying he was having issues with sleeping. Cog, have you gone through something like this? I went for about 2 months with only sleeping about 2 hours a night. I started having trouble focusing on anything during this time. I would get irrationally angry at myself in the middle of the night for not being able to sleep. I would start to cry because I was breaking. The only thing I found that helped get me back to normal sleep was taking Unisom for two days. I was so incredibly greatful to get my normal life back. I hope Matty has gotten back to normal sleep and Cog, if you did have this issue, what was your remedy? Have a "achievement unlocked for a normal night's sleep" kind of day!


Hey fellas! This has been burning in my brain for a few weeks now so I have to give a firm stand down to Matty. Matty stated in an appearance in Stelly that he cooks noodles in the microwave for 15 minutes to save time and to minimize clean up. On average pasta that is cooked in boiling water takes 8-10 min and the thicker pasta up to 12. You use one pot, and one utensil. It’s the same cleanup with longer cook time when you use the microwave. Matty please help me understand! Also a quick fun question… What sports franchise (excluding your favorites) would you guys own and try to build up to a championship team? Thanks for all y’all do and have a great day!


Howdy Mr making a game Matty and curious what you gotta say Cog, I’ve noticed Nintendo actually has heaps of different genres in their games but they use the same IP, is this something PlayStation and Xbox should do more? I’m not a sports guy but I’d buy Uncharted Tennis or Halo Hockey. What IPs would you like to see change genres? Cheers and have a Starfield releasing at 30fps kinda day.


Sup Matty and Cog, Im here to share my disappointment of a game i recently heard of and found out something i couldnt quite believe. The game in question is Lego Dimensions. When i had seen that it not only had a base game with lots of fun characters and crossovers, but it also had level packs for a variety of other major pop culture icons. I knew i had to have it. I looked it up and saw not only did it cost 200 dollars for the base games but each additional level pack costs 20 bucks. I for one hope one day they bundle it all together but i cant imagine the difficulty it would be with paying to use all those characters.

Matthew Ramsaur

Hey Dukes, Quick question, am I the only one who cares about the Viva Piñata series from Rare?!?!? Have a good one boys


Howdy Duke Matty & Lord Cog Been wanting to ask this for a while! With Xbox phasing out the $1 Gamepass Trial a few weeks ago, I expect a price hike to be happening before year’s end for the current $10/$15 Service. Do the Dukes agree with this assessment, and if so how high do you expect the monthly price to rise? Personally, I think Gamepass Ultimate will be $30/month by the end of 2024 - with services like Netflix costing $20/month right now it’s not as crazy as it may first seem. Have a “my subscription services cost more than my cable bill” kind of day!


Fellas, different take here that I’ve been trying to run by Colin. Some fans want a Nintendo podcast. My idea: how about we drop the occasional SS+ and DDU where we don’t have much legroom and are struggling for a topic and instead opt in for a general gaming discussion show where we can talk about Nintendo, PC, VR, etc. I think this would suit you two well as you’re both multi-faceted. Think of it as Stelly but the game version. What say you? Thanks and have a “I just got 2 new games for half-price on eBay but The Last of Us Part I is still somehow bidding over $70” kind of day.


Hey Dukes! Lately I have been going back to some older games I loved in order to get all of the achievements like New Vegas or Bioshock for example. It's been a lot of fun doing that as I get to experience aspects of the game I never have before. With that said sometimes when I am looking through an achievement list to see what needs to be done I come across some achievements that stop me from even trying due to difficulty or the grind needed to get that achievement. Are there any achievements that put you two off of that sweet 100%? Have a, "I can't 100% this game because it has multiplayer achievements and dead lobbies" kind of day.


Hey Dukes, What's your earliest gaming memory? The first time you remember picking up a controller and playing a game? For me it was a trip to my uncle's house when I was about 5 years old, he had an old Atari 2600 and I vividly remember playing a Basketball game literally called 'Basketball' with little pixel stickmen! I think I was hooked from then. Thanks as always for the top tier Xbox content and have a 'damn I'm old' kinda day!

Greg Dawson

Hi gents. Is this the worst time in xbox history? If so, what is the light at the end of the tunnel? It can't just be Starfield, no matter what, it's just one game.

Thomas Rice

On this week of constellation the team talked about conspiracy theories and Me being the mischievous person I am. Would to create a rift between the Dukes. What wacky Conspiracy Theories do you two have? Have a breaking up the Duke family KIND OF DAY


Hey dukes, Do you think that we will see more Japanese games just not launching on Xbox due to the poor console sales in Japan with Xbox selling less than 1000 consoles a month and ps5 and switch are above 40k? Thanks and have a nice day


Hey Dukes! When’s the NYC live show?

Reuben Barrett

Hey Dukes. I just got done playing Grounded, decided to give it another go after Cog said it was one of his candidates for game of the year... well he was damn right on that claim. Grounded is easily one of the best RPGs I've played in years, however I've noticed that when people talk about XBOX not having any games etc. They just blatantly ignore Grounded. Imo this game was far more creative and enjoyable than anything I've played since the release of the series X and PS5. Only Elden Ring will be in the elite tier I hold grounded too. Do you think in all honesty the Xbox has no games argument is basically just a narrative generic talking point now and will continue to be a talking point regardless of what Xbox does? Ie people will still say Xbox has no games even though weve had HiFi Rush, Forza, Halo, Grounded, Pentiment etc.


Hey Dukes! Assuming that the Blizzard/Activision deal goes through what do you see in the future in terms of Xbox and acquiring future studios and/or future Gamepass deals, do you think Xbox will start offering worse deals or straight up skipping games they might normally pick up? One of my favorite parts of Gamepass is playing these games that I would normally completely miss or that would just get buried in new releases. My biggest worry is that Gamepass becomes the "Call of Duty Plus" pass. Have a "Let's go Kraken ⚓" kind of day! -Vlad

Tdot’s Finest82

Hey Dukes! In your respective careers/lives, what do you consider to be your “final boss”, so to speak? What’s the end goal, what hurdle do you anticipate to be the one you have to clear that lets you reach your own, personal summits?


Hey Dukes — is it just me or is the timing of the doom-posting around Xbox that’s gone to another level in the last week not suspicious? The CMA is expecting to deliver a positive ruling next week for the ABK acquisition. Could this be media and fanboy trolling before a turning point in this generation? Given the facts over the last 6 months, it seems like a huge over-reaction to say the Xbox brand is dying or dead or even that far behind PS in terms of success. Half of the negativity on Xbox is self inflicted, the other half has more to do with the weakened competitiveness of the console space with PS being so dominant the last two generations. PS Positive News: - PS5s have been outselling everything buy a significant margin now that availability is widespread - GoW Ragnarok was a huge hit - Horizon DLC looks great - Marketing deals with Hogwarts Legacy and Resident Evil 4 seem to have been system sellers PS Negative News: - PS VR2 seems to be a total flop - The Last of US Part I was maybe the worst PC port ever released - Console price increases everywhere but the US - PC title price increases everywhere but the US Xbox Positive News: - First party has delivered a diverse and well reviewed slate with Pentament, Grounded, Hi-Fi Rush, Age of Empires II, Forza Horizon Ralley DLC - Constant solid Game Pass additions like High on Life, Monster Hunter Rise, Atomic Heart and Wo-Long - ABK deal looks to be heading to approval on the expected timeline of June 2023 Xbox Negative News: - Further delays out of the 1st half of 2023 with Forza and Starfield - Redfall only able to be released at 30fps at launch - Launch performance of major multi-platform releases (even 1st party ports in Ghostwire) seem to being optimized for PS5 over Xbox Series X, this is seemingly addressed later, but PS5 is clearly the lead platform this generation - 3rd parties have been skipping Xbox as a platform with the priority being the 3 bigger platforms in PS5, Switch and PC Have a media amplifying negative Xbox news and downplaying negative PS news kind of day.

cailen smith

Hey guys! Long time listener here. I love your guys insightful and educated discussion about the industry and how your not afraid to speak y'all's mind but what I enjoy the most is y'all's hot food takes. So. I wanted to know what yal think of Rochester NY garbage plate


Hey Daisy Dukes, Do either of you have any faith that we will ever get a AAA dinosaur FPS again? Out of all the FPS games we get nowadays, I feel like the dinosaur genre is the one that needs the most love. I am constantly longing for a Far Cry-like dinosaur game or an Alien Isolation esque horror game with dinosaurs. Better yet, why haven't we gotten a licensed Jurassic Park/World game from Universal yet? It's almost guaranteed that a AAA action game based in the Jurassic Park universe would sell like gangbusters. Thanks as always and I hope you all have a good day for once.

Mr. Scott If You're Nasty

Sir Dukes, I love video games, and the people who make them are very smart and much more creative than I. But, I'm just going to go ahead and say it. They live in soft areas (e.g. California) and they're seemingly soft themselves. Every time I turn around they're walking out over what some politician said or what some court decided. Crying about how someone told a joke that stereotyped genders. These people are soft and seemingly unfocused on their craft. Am I being too tough on these gentle souls?

Gabriel SG

Hey Dukes, Amid all the negativity in the Xbox ecosystem, I thought I would ask a question that might be a bit more fun to answer! What is your favourite console of all time and why? Mine is Gamecube, it had an awesome iconic design & controller, great 3rd party support & first party games that have stood the test of time (Wind Waker is a goat) Curious to hear your thoughts! Have you a, I took a shot every time Matty mentioned he is making a game, kinda of day

Anthony Palerino

Sup Dukes, What’s a game that is universally praised that never clicked with you? For me I recently tried to play RE2 remake, and I just do not get it. The vibes are all there and I don’t even mind back tracking, but it also punishes you for back tracking and exploring too often as you will run out of ammo and be forced to reload an old save. If I played it wrong, just reset me back to a point where I can play it right. Anyways, what widely-praised games simply don’t click with y’all?


Hi Matty and Cog, hope you're doing well. Why is not Xbox supporting physical sales, for its 1st party games? If I go to Amazon and look for Hi-Fi Rush or even GhostWire Tokyo all I see is digital codes, which tell me that on local stores there's no physical presence of those games in the stores. I know GamePass is there, but what about all those local customers that pass through a local game store and want to grab a game see interest in GhostWire Tokyo but only see the PS5 version in store. Aren't they losing sales by doing the all digital push? Am I out of place? Thanks for reading, have a nice day


What's up Dukes this one is for Matty, I recently finished Danganronpa V3 and would like to hear your thoughts on the batshit insane ending. Does it affect your feelings towards the other games? I don't think it ruins the story like others may feel but I'm curious to hear your full spoiler thoughts if Dustin and Ben would be so inclined to include spoiler timestamps. Also, the Ultimate Development Plan/Despair Dungeon is goated and I'll put more time into this than the entire series. Thanks and have a "I was convicted for a murder I didn't commit" kind of day.

Dick Justice

Greetings Dukes, Since this is a more relaxed conversational episode I have two things for you, you may choose one or both. One is purely speculative and the other is an inevitability in my book. Break out the crystal ball and the poker chips because the Dukes are placing bets and making predictions! When do you think the first Game Pass exclusive game will come out? By this I don't mean a streaming only game but a game you can download and play natively on your hardware but it is not available through ala cart sales and only available through the Game Pass service? Hypothetical, could Xbox get an exclusive Spiderman/X-Men game by remastering/rereleasing an old activision game if/when the merger goes through?

The Devmeister

Cog - this one’s for you and the pertinence of Colin’s old relationship with IGN. I know you’ve been on Unlocked and just listened to most recent episode. Great stuff. My question is twofold and simple - do you discuss doing this with Colin beforehand and kind of get his blessing? I know he liberated you all to be free to do whatever you want elsewhere but just curious. Secondly - you mentioned being from Iron Lords and don’t mention the Dukes on the podcasts or your affiliation to LSM. Is that a requisite from IGN? Basically just looking for some insider baseball on these crossovers! Thanks. I’m a PlayStation guy for life, don’t even own an Xbox anymore. But tune it every week to get the news from you boys and love the podcast. Cheers!


This question is for Matty During Defining Duke Episode 86, a listener wrote in and asked if you guys were going to try Death Stranding now that has been added to PC Game Pass. Both you and Cog begrudgingly agreed, but in the 8 months since that podcast was posted, I believe only Cog has followed through on putting at least a few hours into Kojima's latest work of art. More recently on an episode of Constellation, you seemed truly bewildered to hear that Death Stranding is universally praised by Chris, Colin, and Dustin, going so far as to ask Colin if he was joking. He wasn't joking. Death Stranding is incredible and it's still on PC Game Pass, though it likely won't stay there forever. Do you still plan on trying Death Stranding? Thanks for reading, Colton


Hey dukie boys, I’m a lifelong Midwestern suburbanite but I’ll soon be moving to Brooklyn to start a new job. As a couple of New York guys, any advice, tips or do’s/don’ts for this small town boy going to the big city? Thanks and have a great day