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It's another week, which means it's time for another all-new episode of Constellation. For today's recording, the Brothers Moriarty are joined by Last Stand's Coordinator Micah Watson and Executive Producer Dustin Furman. Micah turns 30 later this year, and wants to know our experiences with so-called milestone birthdays, the specific occasions you really want to mark. Dustin officially has the collecting bug, specifically when it comes to physical games. He's curious about which collections we've endeavored to undertake in the past, and which ones stick with us in the present. Dagan wants to chat about gambling, the ever-present accompaniment to sports, the allure of Vegas, and the reason millions of people play fantasy everything. What makes us want to put money on the line with no guarantee of victory? Finally, Colin wants to talk about conspiracy theories, but with the following presentation: Each person must put forth a trio of theories, one they're annoyed by, one they want to believe in but don't, and one they've bought into hook-line-and-sinker.



Lou & Rei Loper

I turned off Seinfeld on 'Spike's Car Radio' for this...that's how much I love Stelly. SEINFELD!!! (I feel gross now for having said Stelly lol)

Michael Mashpotato

Perfect timing. I’m about to cut my grass.

Lou & Rei Loper

There is ABSOLUTELY an amount of money that I would not want to win. I don't gamble (but my dad certainly does......) and if I ever did and won some ridiculous $100M lotto, the overwhelming majority of that money would be gone as quickly as I got it. I don't need that kind of thing hanging over my head especially with the people it would bring into your life. I'm pretty good with finances (it's like a fun RPG to me) and I can math out how much would be needed to have a nice comfy life and still have something to leave to whomever, but that money would go to others in need instead. Man I seem to agree with Micah a lot about things....well except for ham being the best meat haha. Edit: I unpaused and Micah just said she wished for a propeller hat....I rescind my previous statement 🤣😂🤣

Lou & Rei Loper

I didn't know that we'd get here, but I've been saying for YEARS that people place an unnecessary stigma on the word 'selfish'. Breathing is selfish but not looked down upon, so is eating. Not having children is selfish.....but so is HAVING children! People don't have children because the children asked to be born, they have children because THEY want children. People don't look at those two things as the same, but they are one of many things that have stigmas for no reason.

Asique Alam

I want a show from LSM done maybe every 6 to 8 months about conspiracy theories. Various different conspiracy theories. Historical stuff alien shit all that good stuff, that shit is like cracked to me.

Zack Fair

Just wanted to say Michaela, if you see this, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss!! Hope you're doing okay. On a more upbeat I'm so looking forward to hearing about todays topics, especially collecting

HORSE the Patron

My favorite conspiracy theory is that Colin does a fresh read of all the names at the end of every LSM episode.


I always thought Operation Northwoods was enough justification for why the US Government wanted JFK dead. Department of Defense worked with the CIA and proposed a plan to carry out terrorist attacks on US military and civilians so they could blame it on Cuba. Supposedly it was approved by every single person who needed to approve it until it got to JFK's desk and he rejected it. Some of the most insane stuff I've ever heard. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods


I always thought Operation Northwoods was enough justification for why the US Government wanted JFK dead. Department of Defense worked with the CIA and proposed a plan to carry out terrorist attacks on US military and civilians so they could blame it on Cuba. Supposedly it was approved by every single person who needed to approve it until it got to JFK's desk and he rejected it. Some of the most insane stuff I've ever heard. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods

Bryce Mccloskey

I'm surprised Colin shit on roulette it's my go to. I just use the Martingale and slowly make money over the night it just requires patience.

Lou & Rei Loper

The flat earth stuff is almost infuriatingly silly, as the people argue on their phones or computers using technology powered by satellites lol. The birds thing is probably the wildest shit I've literally ever heard lol. I'd sooner believe the flat earth people before I'd even entertain the idea of that haha. I would love to hear someone with good arguing skills, spell out why this is true. That would be fascinating to hear.


I can't be the only one who had Bo Burnhams "Turnig 30" ringing in their head during that age discussion? Great episode, as always!

Josh Gamez

If I'm remember correctly, Stanley Kubrick actually claimed he was the one that filmed the moon landing on his death bed or some shit, and that's probably the biggest reason that obnoxious conspiracy even has the legs it has now lol.

Josh Gamez

Maybe it's because I've always been a big believer in the paranormal but I am very much with Dagan on cryptids being real. I mean before like 200 years ago it was believed gorillas weren't real and I've even read recently that new subspecies of various animals are just now being discovered deep in the Amazon and deep underwater. It really isn't as farfetched as some want to make it sound.


Since Colin brought up Ayn Rand I want to say it would be awesome if Dustin read Atlas Shrugged. (Or listen to it)


Colin, Please pass this message along today Dagan. Colonel Sanders didn't start KFC until he was 65. He's got plenty of time.

Jason Bolla

All Subway bread is trash. The smell of those places makes me gag.


Col, is Micah always trolling or is she serious with these takes? 😅

Seany Mac

The genie conversation between Colin and Micah was pure gold 😆

Tyler Floyd

Micah is my favorite part of these episodes. She’s always so happy to be there and her cracking up at everything is so great. Not sure if she sees this but great job and so glad when you are on shows!