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Hey All! It's time to submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for Episode 119 of Defining Duke.

Great ways to get your write-up used: Be pithy, be topical, and be insightful. Walls-of-text, posts littered with poor grammar and punctuation, etc., are promptly (though respectfully) ignored.

As this is an Xbox podcast, be sure your submission makes sense within that realm. You have until Wednesday, 4/12 at 3 PM ET to make your submission.


Normal People (Sacshop)

Ahoy Lord "don't look at my web history" Cog and Mr "I had the correct take on deathloop" Matty I wanted to take a moment to really give Cog some recognition as well as a huge thank you Cog was recently asked about his experience joining LSM and if he had any backlash or negative situations arise from it. A question I had for both of you when I first discovered that you, Matty, were in LSM (I watched your videos not knowing about Defining Duke..) and then discovered ILP and the immediate differences between your individual platforms and what Colin had built. My question is for both of you - did you have ANY doubt about joining his company? Side note - I know that if I were ever offered the opportunity to join a bigger platform then the one I was building while being able to keep what's already mine....I would be pretty fucking ecstatic so.... where either of you? Did you yell from the rooftops or was it like "well fuck what do I do? " Last thing Cog - after you convincing me to buy midnight suns since you have been championing it and literally yelling from the rooftops.... I will ride with you to Mordor any time (just not to deathloop) As always Have a "can't wait to get home and play some retro games on my series... oh shit they fucking removed my shit" kinda day


Yo Dukes, With the ABK deal nearing completion and Xbox probably hoping to close in the summer what are the odds we'll see one more backwards compatible/FPS upgrade drop with legacy Activision games? As much as I view it as impossible I'd love it if they could somehow get the licences for the old Spiderman games. Have a "if call of duty is bad playstation won't exist" kind of day.

That Smoke from Canada

Gents, Having recently watched the Houston show, which was dope af, I gotta ask you, Cog: if I wanted to run a football game (I grew up on Blitz, so I'm talking more simulator), what would be your recommendation? Ideally on ps4/xbone gen but I'm also just curious overall. Also, have you boys had a chance to run Midnight Suns yet and is the gameplay to writing ratio as big as I hear it is? Thanks for the content - stay frosty


Hey Multi-plat Dukes, There's been a lot of talk about all of the multiplayer games Sony is currently working on. Both of you like PlayStation, so what do you guys want to see from Sony's future multiplayer offerings? A new Killzone that finally kills Halo? A SOCOM-branded clone of Rainbow Six Siege? Horizon's take on Monster Hunter?


Greetings Dukes, Just listened to your DDU episode on Joe Staten and the discussion on how they should handle Halo's story had me thinking. I think it would be too soon to do a reboot of the franchise. MS/343 should take a path that lets them keep the great multiplayer suite they have created, but able to build on to the campaign without the extra baggage. I think they should decouple the campaign from Halo Infinite and let Infinite be the multiplayer live-service game and call the campaign portion something different entirely. Then they can build out the last remaining pieces of the story to finish off Chief's saga with a bang and let Steve Downes ride into the sunset. What do you guys think?

Your Boi Nicky V

Hey Booty Boy Barry and Titty Gobbler Matty, So, I recently re-subscribed to Game Pass, and I can’t find jack shit to play. I tried Wu Long, which is the main reason I subbed, and gave up after the ridiculously difficult 1st boss. Sure, if I’d paid for it, I’d have tried harder, but the lack of monetary investment made it easy to walk away from. Same thing with Atomic Heart, the first couple of hours suuuucked, I’ve heard it gets better but I can’t find the motivation to stick around. Sure, there’s a shit tonne of my favourite games on here – Yakuza, Titanfall, Fallen Order, Fallout 3, Gears and Evil Within, but I’ve already played them. I’m super picky and usually play anything I’m interested in at launch, so there’s not really much here for me, outside of the 3rd party day one releases, which have been pretty lacking in my opinion. Choice paralysis is definitely a factor too. I’ll be back for Starfield, but I haven’t really had a great experience with Game Pass outside of Halo Infinite and Forza Horizon 4/5. The only ‘hidden gem’ I’ve discovered is A Plague Tale, courtesy of a recommendation Karak made in the early days of this podcast. Otherwise, it’s a lot of booting something up, playing for 30 minutes, then deleting. Anyway, just thought I’d share my experience that Game Pass isn’t for everyone. Can you relate or am I hereby dismissed as crazy? Cheers cuties

9-11 is a reference to MGS 2

Hello Dukie boys, I’m here with a “correction” for todays show. There’s no easy way for me to say this but Matty what are you smoking? The movement in RE4 remake is superb and is better in every way than the original. The speed perfectly matches the size of the environments. Yeah sure there’s a bit of weight to Leon, but that’s how it was in the original as well. I know you are entitled to your own opinion but I just simply cannot understand. Have you opened your heart a bit more to it since last time? Regardless I’m mostly just busting your balls but you’re also wrong. Have a good day. 🫡


Hello Gentlemen, With the ABK deal appearing more likely to go through, how do you think other companies will respond? Do you think Sony will buy a publisher? Tencent? Google? Will the purchase of ABK start a chain reaction of further consolidation, and do you feel this would be beneficial for the industry?


Hi Dukes Long time free listener, newly subscribed patron member. With almost a third of the year behind us, 2023 is shaping up to be a year whereby aside from Forza Motorsport, the majority of Xbox exclusives are entirely Bethesda. My question is simple. Where are the games? I think it's right to call out Xbox leadership for what I consider to be pretty poor management of their studios. Am I being pessimistic, or in your eyes is it fair to raise these questions?

Max - Fifthstring

Hey dukes, Do you guys have any second monitor style games you play? A game where it requires so little attention that you can play that and another main game at the same time? I ask this because I just found out that a friend that I steam share with bought Octopath Traveler 2 on steam and my first thought instantly was "I wish it was on Xbox, i hear a lot of good about that game" but after a second, I remembered that Its a slower jrpg and that I'm able to play that and some OSRS at the same time and grind out some levels while doing so. It sounds crazy but a 20 year old MMO just talked me into playing Octopath on my desktop. And I'm excited for it Have a "I spent more on gaming peripherals and add ons than on my consoles and desktop combined" kind of day


Howdy Dukes, I want to provide a quick PSA: Midnight Suns is half price on Xbox right now. This is true for both the “Enhanced” edition and the “Legendary” edition which has all the DLC. Have a “trying to get all these Hydra goons in a row” kind of day!

Lucius Augustus

Hello Phantasma Matty and Visitant Cog, I can't lie. Redfall is starting to give off some serious 60 meta energy. This Redfall team can't seem to do anything right; from mentioning the PS5 during an interview to their complete inability to explain what their game is, I'm getting concerned. Now they've announced a month before launch, that the game will only be 30fps for both the Series S and X. What happened to these legendary tools I keep getting told will come to fruition? For me I won't be touching this game until it get a 60fps mode. I get motion sick in 30fps first person perspective games, especially with the notoriously small field of view on consoles. I will be skipping this game for the time being. How do you gentlemen feel about Redfall's announcement that they won't have a performance mode at launch.

J Boogie327

Sup Dukey Boys, So after the Redfall Tweet are we doing an about face on the IGN gameplay footage or are the bunch of cuts in Jim Ryan's stream of the game indicative of that 30fps energy? Keep up the great content and have another 10 year deal kinda day.


Hey Dukes, So, about that Redfall tweet. Yeah that one. . . . At the Redfall event, was there any back and forth Q and A, any inkling of a sign where you thought for a minute, nah, they arent being totally transparent here? They had to know at that point that this wasnt going to be 60 fps, and they could have gotten out in front of it. Thats a big L, More so because of the lack of transparency than the actual reality of it being locked at 30 fps. When is Microsoft going to get it together in their messagaing to consumers with all due respect?


Hey Dukes, Longtime lurker first time patreon Do we think that 60fps really would have gone any further to get redfall hyped up or was it just a big nail in the coffin for the twitterverse and YouTube commenteriat? Everyone was already piling on for things like always online, horrible ign gameplay videos, a “cancelled” ps5 version that wasn’t even announced (other than that infamous ign France interview) and had a general trepidation for not being a regular Arkane game (whatever that means) I’ll still be playing it because an Arkane borderlands like is the kind of thing I’d lover personally but I understand why people are disappointed with this frame rate fiasco but it’s hard to feel anything other than apathetic given how dumb all the other “controversies” have been for me Will you play on console day 1 / pc day 1 or wait for patch? Also the shortened name should be ReFa pronounced RehFaw