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In a game full of memorable characters, David ranks near the top. One of The Last of Us' most compelling, unsettling, and nuanced personalities, David, James, and the rest of their struggling band of survivors are central to this, the penultimate episode of the HBO run's first season. Here, we see Ellie and Joel largely separated, while we also finally get the solidified father-daughter relationship we really want. There's much to discuss, so let's not delay: We'll jump right in.



A Hind D

Me and my gf were blown away by this episode. Incredible we get to experience this. Excited for the pod!!


This is SUPER long but I think I’ve put my finger on something that’s been bugging me about this show since the beginning. I think the mistake they’ve made is not adapting the gameplay, which is where most of the game’s character development and world building actually happens. They’ve often said on Troy’s podcast something akin to “So this happened through gameplay so we had to do something different here”. This is what I think has fucked with the pacing as they’ve removed long sequences of what would be exploration or action and not replaced it. This is why Colin is feeling like this relationship between Joel and Ellie has not been properly built, because all the little moments that built it in the game have been removed because they’re gameplay. An example in this recent episode is with Ellie meeting David. They said on the pod that Ellie and David built a trusting relationship through gameplay where they saved each other’s lives - but because that was gameplay they had to do something different. Did they? Could they not have had an action scene where this happens beat for beat. It’s not that I need more action as I always found the criticism of the show lacking it to be kinda dumb, but it is impacting the pacing by not having it. This made the reveal that David knew Ellie kinda flat as it was so immediate. Why not have them save each other? If anything that reinforces David’s later point about them being equals. Whilst they’re doing a fantastic job of adapting the game’s story, the refusal to translate gameplay to something that fits TV is holding it back a little.


Loved the episode and every other one this season, but there’s definitely room for improvement next season!

Sean Y

As someone who cares more about characters than plot, the show is a masterpiece. I noticed people who care more about plot are getting hung up on stuff like the resort being missing or the infected counters missing. Also, the cannibal aspect, was really in your face in the game as well.

Bogey Zero

The cannibalism was definitely in your face in the game. Ellie literally woke up to someone butchering a human body. Joel came across the same hanging bodies in the game as well.


Spoilers for the last of us part 2……… I was also just curious what people think about the fact that by the end of this season or (most likely the start of the 2nd season) we would’ve seen the Joel in this version of the story unequivocally kill two peoples fathers. One being Hannah’s dad and the other being Abby’s father. Do you think this will take away the impact of Abby’s fathers death or do you think this will only help to enforce Abby’s reasoning and motive in season 2?

Tyler Floyd

So I’m not super knowledgeable on this but could they have decided no infected in this part of show due to the cold weather? The fungi might not survive the cold in real life and from episode one they say all this could happen as the earth warms so could winters areas be much safer infected wise?


Hey guys just a quick friendly correction. There is absolutely evidence in the game that they are cannibals. Joel walked into seeing bodies chopped up and hanging and frozen in the game. The whole tiny little pieces scene is straight from the game. And Elle wakes up to see a butcher chopping up bodies to serve for food. Here’s the scene https://youtu.be/pdvur58HE4U

Avery Abrams

Really disappointed how watered down a lot of the characterization and dialogue is in this show. Why does a video game have way more subtly that a premier HBO show? They literally had David say he likes Ellie struggling like we couldn’t infer that he was a creep before that. He might as well have looked into the camera and said “I’m a child molester, by the way”. Also making him into some kind of religious cult figure? How much more on the nose could you get? Super disappointed with the writers lack of faith in the audience’s intelligence. The David in the game is far more realistic imo. Naughty Dog trusted it’s audience enough to be able to infer his true intentions. The show is just so watered down :/

Josh Gamez

It's low key oddly unsettling to see Ellie "kill" Joel in the tv show, all things considered. Lol


On the subject of Ellie’s lack of skill in the show vs the game, I wonder if the foreknowledge of the sequel has encouraged them to reserve that element of her character to show growth next season. That… or it could just be that playing television Ellie in the game would have been demonstrably less fun.

Travis B

Show runners blew their loads on episode 3 and now it feels like a mad dash to the end


Colin calling the cannibal pedophile cult leader a morally grey character is hilarious (I’m teasing) love these discussions!

Angel DeJesus

I always thought that in walking dead, it didn't make sense for there to be so many zombies still. Like they're in the deep south,hot summers, for multiple years. Most zombies should have decayed to the point of being immobile. And in this show, they don't decay like that, but they also aren't supposed to live for two decades. Also, they mentioned in earlier episodes how they tend to stick to cities, that's why the animals were in the field. Infected in that part of the country in a cold winter, would probably be frozen stiff anyway.

Gabriel Baker

Pablo Pascal ❤️😂


I have to comment on this because I feel like your guys’ analysis is close but not hitting what the real issue is on the show in my opinion. I wasn’t on board with the idea that episodes 1-6 were rushed or did not have enough character bonding moments. Good films let the viewer fill in the blanks by establishing motivation and showing changes in time and behavior. The missing action in episode 8 wasn’t the chase through the resort! It’s just a setting. The David and Ellie vs infected action mattered more because it established why David was impressed with/attracted to Ellie. The episode skips the connection that makes David feel frustrated and betrayed when Ellie wont give in to his wishes.

Marc Cairney

Did anyone else take from this story that hunting was plentiful, they were actually running down their own society in order to eat them? Ellie shot a dear just outside their camp without effort. So I’m guessing they just stopped going hunting. They had the food - and the food was doing the work.

Captain Bon Clay

In the game one of the hunters says “don’t shoot her that’s David’s newest toy” confirming Ellie wasn’t going to be his first victim


Col, I’m surprised you didn’t bring up seeing Nick Scarpino in the episode. 😅

Nathan Migom

Great episode again, probably even more sad then the show ending is knowing we won't get any more Sacred Symbols+ LOU episodes. Maybe you guys could still do a complete season 1 review episode?

Luke Trewarne

I don't think there's very much grey when it comes to David. He literally says he found God when the apocalypse started because he has a violent heart and he can now set it free


On the subject of when we'll get season two, if it's anything like this season, we'll be waiting awhile. From the wiki, "The Last of Us was filmed throughout Alberta from July 2021 to June 2022." and then 6 months later we get the show. A year for filming part 1 and they haven't even started on season 2 yet. Granted part 2 has fewer locales but I think the show will return in 2025. Maybe late next year at the earliest.

Nikitas Gagas

This is the episode I was most looking forward to as it is my favorite part of the game. I was disappointed for numerous reasons: I wasn't buying the actor they went with as David. This version was no way near as charismatic as he was in the game. He definitely gave off creepy pedo vibes but I wasn’t getting manipulative cult leader from him. Was John Hawkes even approached for the role? He would have been perfect. Would have even been cool if Troy Baker actually played the role because he did look better for the part and could have pulled it off. The episode also felt rushed and the payoff fell flat. I actually cried when Joel called Ellie "baby girl" in the game. Felt nothing here. There was just no emotional weight. He just hugs her and they walked off towards a lake. Are they gonna go for a swim? The scene should have just cut to black with her bawling in his arms. Was cool to see Joel go on a rampage but his Wolverine healing factor just made it all seem goofy. Then he just waltzes into cannibal town without even getting attacked and the snow storm didn't feel as intense as it should have been. I blame the director for their lack of subtlety and found Ramsay’s acting wasn’t up to snuff when it had been much stronger in the previous episodes.

Nikitas Gagas

“I like Joel Osteen”. Dude, you can’t just say that and not elaborate. Like all evangelists he is not a good human being.

Nikitas Gagas

He also implied that he’s raped children before being that he used to be a teacher, is clearly a pedophile, and tells Ellie he likes when they struggle. Not to mention he was planning on breeding with a 14 year-old. Yeah, not much grey there.


"Like all evangelists he is not a good human being" " Dude, you can’t just say that and not elaborate."

Nikitas Gagas

Televangelists are con men who line their pockets with the faith of weak minded people. There is more to him that is easily researchable on Google so I don’t have to write an essay here. I can’t research why Colin thinks he’s a swell guy but that’s just his opinion I suppose. Was just puzzled by how a morally sound person like Colin would Osteen.

Lou & Rei Loper

It's been a few minutes since I last played the game, but I have played it and researched it quite a ton. One sticking point about the show/commentary on David going from math teacher to psycho is.....did anyone OTHER than David say that he used to be a math teacher? I wouldn't believe a word that man said especially that, the guy on the show gave me more of a former prison con-man kinda vibe. I'm going to play it again in a couple of weeks on PC (finally), but I just wanted to remark on that.

Lou & Rei Loper

I'm soooooooooooooo glad Dagan mentioned the "ignoring the child molester" aspect of David when comparing to Joel. I have been WAITING for the final episode to ask the question (and I will) of how different is what Joel did vs what David tried to do when you take the asshole rapist stuff out of it. The way the show handled the last two episodes (I say this the night after the finale), was the first time I've thought about it in that kind of light. Can't wait for the next podcast so I can see what other people think about this idea especially pertaining to the show itself.


Great episode but am I mistaken, Chris Elliot was mentioned but definitely not in this series…..he was the caretaker with the funky hand “strong arm” in scary movie 2.