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The Last of Us (HBO) Review Discussion and Spoilercast (S1, E7) | Sacred Symbols+, Episode 272

The aptly-titled episode of HBO's The Last of Us, Left Behind, allows players to jump backwards in the timeline to get some much-needed context. In 2014's Left Behind, the only piece of DLC for the original 2013 PlayStation 3 title (and later for PS4 and PS5, as well), players are given a glimpse into Ellie's life at FEDRA boarding school. There, we meet her best friend and confidante, a fellow girl named Riley and acquire some key details about Ellie's past. While we feel HBO's run is starting to drop in quality a bit and plateau there, it's still wonderful, and we still have a lot to say on the matter.


Josh Lucente

Absolutely loving Mika’s moxie already.


The song Ellie's listening to in the gym is "All or None" by Pearl Jam, which it looks like did release before September 2003. (While the internet won't tell me when the single "Future Days" released, the album does appear to have released AFTER June 2013, so apparently Joel must've met Eddie Vedder a few months after losing Sarah or something.)

Doug, just Doug

Colin had better start doing some dishes or he's gonna be "left behind." haha

Matthew Cooper (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-01 00:37:52 I have to agree that Last of Us is cementing itself as a second-tier show. For me, Mad Men, Sopranos, Hannibal, Breaking Bad, Seinfeld are peak tv shows. This is below that, it's still very good television, but it's missing in a few ways. Some scenes do look off, like the scene showing the infected being alerted, that looked horrible to me. My bigger problem with this episode though, is I think it is further throwing off the pacing of the show overall. It's another episode that has almost no Joel & Ellie time. I've played the games tons of times, know them backwards and forwards; but I feel like if I had never played the games before I wouldn't have bought into Joel & Ellie. It's hard for me to imagine going into this blind, but I don't think there's really been enough to build their relationship for me. Only because I know the games and already care, do I care now. I don't think they had to break the first game up into two seasons of the show, I just think it needed to have more episodes, like 12-13; especially having two episodes that are almost complete tangents. For instance, the journey from Jackson to the University and what happens there should have had it's own episode. Last of Us is still good overall, and I thought this episode was good on it's own. A couple of teen girls go out for the night, drinking and having fun, rebelling like teenagers are want to do. They get caught up in the moment in this mall, forgetting they live in a world where letting your guard down will get you killed. I liked it, but overall the show isn't hitting 100%.
2023-02-28 22:44:36 I have to agree that Last of Us is cementing itself as a second-tier show. For me, Mad Men, Sopranos, Hannibal, Breaking Bad, Seinfeld are peak tv shows. This is below that, it's still very good television, but it's missing in a few ways. Some scenes do look off, like the scene showing the infected being alerted, that looked horrible to me. My bigger problem with this episode though, is I think it is further throwing off the pacing of the show overall. It's another episode that has almost no Joel & Ellie time. I've played the games tons of times, know them backwards and forwards; but I feel like if I had never played the games before I wouldn't have bought into Joel & Ellie. It's hard for me to imagine going into this blind, but I don't think there's really been enough to build their relationship for me. Only because I know the games and already care, do I care now. I don't think they had to break the first game up into two seasons of the show, I just think it needed to have more episodes, like 12-13; especially having two episodes that are almost complete tangents. For instance, the journey from Jackson to the University and what happens there should have had it's own episode. Last of Us is still good overall, and I thought this episode was good on it's own. A couple of teen girls go out for the night, drinking and having fun, rebelling like teenagers are want to do. They get caught up in the moment in this mall, forgetting they live in a world where letting your guard down will get you killed. I liked it, but overall the show isn't hitting 100%.

I have to agree that Last of Us is cementing itself as a second-tier show. For me, Mad Men, Sopranos, Hannibal, Breaking Bad, Seinfeld are peak tv shows. This is below that, it's still very good television, but it's missing in a few ways. Some scenes do look off, like the scene showing the infected being alerted, that looked horrible to me. My bigger problem with this episode though, is I think it is further throwing off the pacing of the show overall. It's another episode that has almost no Joel & Ellie time. I've played the games tons of times, know them backwards and forwards; but I feel like if I had never played the games before I wouldn't have bought into Joel & Ellie. It's hard for me to imagine going into this blind, but I don't think there's really been enough to build their relationship for me. Only because I know the games and already care, do I care now. I don't think they had to break the first game up into two seasons of the show, I just think it needed to have more episodes, like 12-13; especially having two episodes that are almost complete tangents. For instance, the journey from Jackson to the University and what happens there should have had it's own episode. Last of Us is still good overall, and I thought this episode was good on it's own. A couple of teen girls go out for the night, drinking and having fun, rebelling like teenagers are want to do. They get caught up in the moment in this mall, forgetting they live in a world where letting your guard down will get you killed. I liked it, but overall the show isn't hitting 100%.

Benjamin Nadeau

Does this show seem to be pushing an agenda rather than trying to tell a good story?


The Macho Nacho was an Uncharted 4 reference!


I mean, it's pretty accurate to the game, so it'd be better to ask if the game was pushing an agenda rather than trying to tell a good story, which I think is obviously not true.


That’s actually in Left Behind which was out before U4.


I don't think it's an agenda for gay people and straight people to both exist, so probably not.

Matthew Cooper

I don't think so; art reflects the worldview of the artist. That's not wrong or bad, it just is. Art that is too heavy-handed or preachy does get frustrating, and in my opinion is bad art, but I don't think that's the Last of Us.


We definitely need a lot more Joel and Ellie time, which I'm hoping for in the final two episodes.

Nikitas Gagas

Benjamin, did you play the game? In the game it's made abundantly clear that Ellie, Riley, Bill, and Frank are all gay characters. It confuses me how people are criticizing the show for pushing an LGBTQ agenda but not the game. Please explain this thought process. I'm genuinely curious about how it works.

Hossein Nazari

I really enjoyed this episode. I need to play the DLC now. I liked it better than episode 3 😬

Matthew Cooper (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 09:10:59 I'd like to think so, but if you remember the game, in the next section Joel & Ellie are apart for most of it. So I don't know how it's really going to go; I'm afraid that at the end of the show, TV Joel & Ellie's relationship is going to feel a little unearned.
2023-03-04 21:01:56 I'd like to think so, but if you remember the game, in the next section Joel & Ellie are apart for most of it. So I don't know how it's really going to go; I'm afraid that at the end of the show, TV Joel & Ellie's relationship is going to feel a little unearned.

I'd like to think so, but if you remember the game, in the next section Joel & Ellie are apart for most of it. So I don't know how it's really going to go; I'm afraid that at the end of the show, TV Joel & Ellie's relationship is going to feel a little unearned.