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Hey All! It's time to submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for Episode 113 of Defining Duke.  

Great ways to get your write-up used: Be pithy, be topical, and be insightful. Walls-of-text, posts littered with poor grammar and punctuation, etc., are promptly (though respectfully) ignored.  

As this is an Xbox podcast, be sure your submission makes sense within that realm. You have until Wednesday, 3/1 at 5 PM ET to make your submission.


Jimmy Valentine

Hey Dukes! First off, thank you Cog for hanging out with us at the Cidercade. You are the truth. Seeing Cog notice the Shinobi cabinet and go into ninja mode was a sight to behold. Cog was also spot on with his game pick at the live show. I just wanted to say what I told Cog in person. I listen to Defining Duke religiously and haven't owned an Xbox in almost twenty years. Each week, you all are slowly convincing me to purchase an Xbox and join the two console party. When Starfield hits, I'm there. Thank you for all the work you do. I love the content. Cog, cop an Akuma shirt. Matty, I'll make sure to say hello at the next live show. - Jimmy/FL_KID (discord)


Hi guys, the Nintendo Switch and the more recent Steamdeck have been great successes. Given these successes and the silence regarding the next Nintendo handheld, isn't now a great time for Sony to jump back into the handheld market? Why or why not?

Daniel Wilson

Whazzup dukes I wanted to get your thoughts on the possible future where pro consoles are made. Would that make 3 versions for xbox that need to be worked on and how would this affect them ? I have also heard that recently the series s has been difficult for some and is holding back baldurs gate 3 for example. I just wanted to also add, just for fun that is...in the wired article of hogleg there was one line i felt was an instant classic "There’s no sense of place" maybe i dont understand what was intended here, but if you found yourself playing a harry potter game at Hogwarts and you didn't know where you were... i dunno fam. Anyway, have a " i played hogwarts legacy for 20 hrs with my eyes closed and hated every second of it " kinda day

Captain Bon Clay

Howdy dukes! In regards to your bathroom discussion last week, I have a Public service announcement that will save everyone lots of money and heart ache! There is absolutely no such thing as a flushable wet wipe! No matter how much the packaging lies to you, every time you flush those wipes you are flipping a coin and eventually you are going to end up with destroyed pipes or a bathroom flooded with sewage water and used wipes! Also don’t use dude wipes! They are cheap garbage and if your only experience with wet wipes is a bad dude wipes experience that’s like giving up on toilet paper because you didn’t like the texture of the 1-ply sandpaper they had back at highschool! Get the little bit more expensive ones and start with that toilet paper and finish with a wipe! Keep it clean brothers

Andrew M

My fine dukes!! Recently David Gaider the lead writer for Dragon Age: Origins mentioned how much the game would benefit from a remaster/remake. I cannot help but agree with him. I'm thinking about the great experience I had replaying the Mass Effect Trilogy with the Legendary Edition Remaster. I'm also reminded of the amazing experience my Dad had with the legendary edition as well and that was his first time with the Trilogy. I want to recommend the Dragon Age Trilogy to him too but in its current state, it just doesn't seem worth it. What are your thoughts on this? Doesn't it seem like an easy financial win for EA to give Dragon Age the same treatment before Dreadwolf comes out or close after its release? Best Regards, Andrew M


Hi, eveyone! I'm new here and I gotta say I love the vibes. First episode I listened to of Defining Duke was episode 112 and the opening comment of wiping with wet toilet paper really spoke to me on a deeper level than it probably should've. As somebody that has a morning routine in which I send the Ninja Turtles two chocolate cylinders, approximately thirty minutes apart, I feel obligated to shower every morning. Wet wipes is something I gave a try to, yet sadly it was too much for my midnight star as it would creat even more discomfort than walking with a caked up creek. I'm thankful to the op and you guys for opening my eyes to new possibilities. Granted I'll still be showering most days but this brings an option into my life that I hadn't considered and could possibly help in days I'm running late. Best wishes to all of you!


Dukes, when is the NYC live show!


Hello Traveling Cog and MIA Matty, Cog, after the live event this last Friday, did yall go to Buc-ee's and if you did what did you think? Matty, can you let us know what was going to be your most overrated game?


Hey Matty and Cog, hope you both are doing well! I wanted to talk about COD. I’ve been playing WZ 2 consistently sense it came out. I’m going to stop playing for March because the game is just fundamentally broken and not fun because of it. I feel like WZ 2 was made by people wo don’t play games. I perfect example of this is the menu systems which were made by a person who previously made Hulu menus. This is obvious in the fact that you must navigate through multiple menus just to start a game. The other reason why I think WZ 2 is broken and they are not fixing it is they have no real competition. Apex is slowly dying, Fortnite is not the same game, Halo was a disaster and I don’t even want to mention Battlefield. This is what makes Sony’s claim that they can’t compete with COD so frustrating. It just makes me sad that the attitude in the industry right now is to just play it safe and do whatever is selling over and over until it dies. Sony could work with Bungie, invest a couple hundred million, make a awesome game that was huge and stole players who already are frustrated with COD away. I know I’m simplifying a complex situation but it’s just frustrating to hear Sony say we can’t compete, COD will never go away, instead of just making a better game. Isn’t that what capitalism is supposed to be about, competition, not saying there’s nothing we can do?


Hello Dukes, I want to ask about Baldur's Gate 3 not coming at launch to Xbox due to technical difficulties, do you guys think the developers should have announced the game was coming just without a release date for Xbox, and do you think moving forward we are going to see more games not releasing for Xbox at launch because of similar situations?


Hey Dukes, With the recent suicide squad gameplay reveal, I feel it has to be asked : why are companies in 2023 still chasing their own loot driven live service game? After so many failed attempts like anthem, Godfall, Avengers, and WBs own Gotham Knights, you figured studios and publishers would have learned some kind of lesson. Even Ubisoft couldn’t compete with a game like the division 2 which was polished and well reviewed. Seems like it’s been clear for years now that unless you’re borderlands, destiny or diablo people aren’t gonna stick around, yet publishers still seem dead set on trying. Thanks for the great show every week guys!


Hey guys, Andy Robinson of VGC recently discussed the possibility of an Xbox sell-off if the Activision deal doesn't go through. Do you think that's a possibility at all? What level of "success" does Xbox need to have for Microsoft to think of Xbox as successful? As an extra hypothetical if a sell-off would occur, who would be the customers? Will Xbox be another Sega? Will Amazon, Apple, Meta, etc. enter the market through an Xbox purchase? Would the studios break away and sell to companies like Embracer? I know this is far fetched but I thought it'd be a fun exercise.


Good day Yosuke-San Matty & Dojima-San Cog, With flames of the “Console War” rising to new peaks and Microsoft and Sony’s relationship crumbling in front of our eyes, are you surprised to see that Minecraft Dungeons is going to be on PlayStation Plus Essential for the month of March? Does this show that despite the bad blood that is brewing, that at least some areas of the two businesses can come together a make a deal in the best interests of both parties? Are things really as strained as they see on the outside? Granted…this is only Minecraft Dungeons (no disrespect) but I found it interesting nonetheless. Have a “Well…Persona 4 is done so I might as well dive straight into Persona 5” kind day.

joseph lemons

LMAO Of course the media would say that, they don’t want the deal to go through 🤣😂 Microsoft isn’t stupid, please don’t start fear mongering over something that will likely happen, The only way this happens is when Nadella retires & they put a moron in his place who doesn’t care about gaming & only cares about money like ala Cryin Ryan, I’m sure Nadella has a successor in place for when he eventually retires who knows the value of Xbox & how important it is

Lucius Augustus

Hello Dukes, The past few weeks have been very messy for games media surrounding the Activision Blizzard coverage. Gaming journalist are being told off by C level executives and Intellectual Property Analysts alike, and it all seems to be for similar things, either blatantly misrepresenting the truth in their articles or not properly labeling those articles as opinion pieces and presenting their feelings as fact. Game Industry Biz had to update an article multiple times going after the CCO of ABK for a meme, people at VGC locked their account after comparing Xbox fans to Jan 6th insurrectionists, IGN posted a bunch of articles explaining the ABK situation but one of the key lawyers they received all their information from works for Google, which is obviously a conflict of interest. Honestly none of this looks good, and to top it all off we have more people from VGC claiming the Xbox division in Microsoft will be sold off if the ABK deal doesn't go through. Where's the evidence for any of this, you may ask? Nowhere to be found. Just FUD. How long do we have to question our own eyes. How long are we supposed to be told there's no media bias against Xbox and it's fans? I see FOUR LIGHTS! I leave you with a quote from Florian Mueller, an Intellectual Property Analyst, who for the first time interacted with gaming journalist and stated. "After some of the discussions here I can't help but suspect that Sony tells games industry journalists about competition law standards from an alternative universe." I hope you gentlemen have a "stuck in a Cardassian prison, being asked how many lights you see" kinda day.


Hello dukes, Matty, I hope you are doing very well. Sad to have missed you in Houston. I was wondering if Matty can tell us what his most underrated game was supposed to be and why that is? Have a “I met Lord Cog and it’s confirmed he is one of the GOATS” kinda day :)


Hey duke boys.. here is just a fun question. Is there a ritual you do with gaming. Something that no matter what, when playing a new game or just gaming in general you always do? For me whenever i beat a game for the first time i always let the credits play out? Ever since i got an achievement for sitting through the credits i just always do it now. Appreciate you both for the content. Thanks and have a great day!

Jeremy Craves

Yo, Dukes! The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice trailer just dropped without a Game Pass splash screen at the end. It will come with every piece of DLC+ improvements. This is a game I played on GP that enticed me to buy all the DLC. Is Xbox going to sell this one outside of GP? Are we close to seeing Xbox/PC exclusive The Outer Worlds 2 reveal? Have a - DDU was an hour too short this week - kind of day!


I've heard a lot of people starting to complain that normal controllers don't have enough buttons for games now. Do you think in the future that controllers will get more buttons? If so, where will the extra buttons be placed? Would Xbox bring back the "black and white buttons" from the OG Xbox? Would they standardize back paddles? Or is there something else they could add? Have a "Gee, I'd love to make a AAA game, but I don't have Call of Duty money, so I can't" kinda day.

Tyler shift

Sup fellas, last night I began to ponder about Xbox game sharing or family sharing if you will. It had me asking, “how do developers feel about it”? As the Elden Ring and Hogwarts release numbers have been released I can’t help thinking that they could be higher without that feature on the Xbox. I guess I’m asking if you gents have any insight on this?


Howdy Dukes! Do you believe Xbox will ever dabble in the VR compatibility for Xbox? What are the hurdles, potential benefits and drawbacks for Xbox in adding third party support for VR headsets for Xbox? Personally, I feel like if Xbox had jumped on this earlier it could of been a real advantage for them having VR games on Gamepass.


Hello Pizza Dukes, This isn't related to Xbox but I have to shout out this charming indie game that recently released on PC and hopefully comes to consoles in the future. It's called Pizza Tower and it's a lovingly crafted hybrid of 2D Sonic, Wario Land and 90's Nicktoons. Very early into things but the gameplay is awesome, visuals striking and music being some of this year's best. Highly recommend you guys try it out, could be a great Steam Deck game for you guys. Have a 'when are the Tickle Me Cog Plushy's going on sale' kind of day.


What up Mercenary Matty and Conjurer Cog, IO Interactive has just announced that they are making an Online Fantasy RPG. Sounds a lot like Project Dragon, right? However, I'm kinda skeptical about Xbox's involvement because if this was an XGS Publishing deal wouldn't it be announced as such? Do you guys still think the partnership is there? Have a "somehow Playstation out-maneuvered Xbox and got Project Dragon exclusively for 2 years" kind of day.


Hey Dukes, Halo Infinite Season 3 launches in one week and I was wondering if either of you are interested in jumping back into the game? The new weapons and maps along with the battle pass items seem to have the game on a better track to start the year? Also when do you think we will hear of the Joe Staten departure or if that is still even happening? Hope the live show was awesome!


Hi Dukes, Which expansion will be more epic: Elden Ring-Shadow of the Erdtree or Cyberpunk2077-Phantom Liberty?

Matthew Two T's

Hey boys, Can we talk about how everyone's emphasis on "owning" games is misplaced? A lot of people who take shots at GamePass and by extension digital game purchases do so by the method of saying that you're "renting" the games and not actually owning them. I just want to say.. who really cares about owning a disc really? I mean obviously collectors and the like but I'm talking about just physically having the disc for the sake of the disc itself. What we actually care about is the experiences while playing the game. Whether I spend $70 purchasing a game physically or $10/mo through GamePass I still get the experience. If the service shuts down or my license gets revoked I still have the experience. Additionally, games often age very poorly and the vast majority of gamers don't really spend time on older titles outside of nostalgia trips. Remakes and remasters generally offer that new experience and are also generally the best games from the past. No one remasters shit games. Is there a difference between owning an original copy of a game from 2003 vs a remaster from 2023? Not really since the experience is all that matters. Am I off base here? Sorry if you're triggered, Matty. Missed you at the live show. Salute lads. XOXO

start a infection

Hi dukes is the video today “Xbox on” posted of Phil Spencer the most cringe thing imaginable


Hey Dukes, Do you guys think Microsoft will ever follow Sony's and Nintendo's lead by locking entire games behind their subscription service? Right now, I can purchase every single game on Game Pass as someone not subscribed to the service. Meanwhile, Nintendo fans are excited to subscribe to play GBA games, and Sony has subscription-exclusive content that can only be played from the cloud. Have consumers proven that they will pay for subscription-exclusive content on the other console platforms?


Hello 2DHDukes, Have you seen the awesome Yoshitaka Amano art for the Japanese CupHead edition? It made me wonder: What artist would you like to see do art for an Xbox IP? I would like to see Todd Mcfarlane do some Doom artwork(He did some awesome Halo art for 3). Thanks and have a delicious Creme Brulee donut kind of day.


Hello boys, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but like Cog always says "it's not what you want to hear but what you need to hear". Last week you two were pondering whether Colin is a fan of the Last of Us 2. I'm afraid not only is he a fan but it was his #1 choice for best PS4 game during Sacred Symbols Live. It's okay though we still love him. Have a " I just found out my friend loves what I hate" kinda day.

Keith Huntington

dukes, (i'm sorry for being so verbose) this is more a conversational piece, but i wanted to get your takes on this. so last week i busted out the ps3 to kind of remind myself of some of the great games that really stood out on that platform. while doing so i had remembered that i never got around to checking out the limited run games' oddworld titles that i had. with these 2 games, when you insert the disc, and click on the tile to launch, it takes you to an installation screen, and the playstation installs the entire disc to your local storage. once it's done, you can eject the game, put it on your shelf, and from now on, whenever you want to play the game you just select the game tile on your games ribbon, and it launches the installed game. no disc or even psn activation is required to play. now im a huge proponent for physical media. but i wonder how much simpler life would be, if i could just go to the store and buy a game disc, bring it home and rip it to my console, and never have to use the disc again for playing, (but i still have the disc in case i have to get a new console and they pull a P.T. and delist my favorite game entirely.) but we almost had this reality. if we all recall in 2013 when the xbox one was unveiled, that was the plan. install the disc, put it on the shelf, and never have to use it again. but we all crucified microsoft over that strategy, and they patched it out for the day 1 xbox OS patch. hindsight being 20/20, 10 years later, were we wrong? was microsoft's strategy toward physical games the right idea? i just wonder where y'all sit on how different gaming would be if no one had pushed back, and would we be in a better place from a convenience factor? or would we be living in a dystopian society with robots running amok? have a "we thought we were justified in our holy war against microsoft's 2013 drm strategy, but maybe we were on the wrong side of history" kind of day.


Dukes! Getting straight to the point, what is happening with Starfield? The storyline behind this game has been one of the weirdest I’ve ever seen, they start marketing it in 2022 with the “Into the starfield” videos, then those seemingly go away, and suddenly there is a major delay. Then we get the e3 showcase, and after that radio silence until that random day in October where we are given the “talking starfield” video, first with Todd Howard and next with Will Shen. After this, radio silence again. Sure we’ve had the showcase updates, but those have really been a whole lot of nothing, stating a showcase is coming “soon” for Xbox’s biggest game is like stating water is wet (especially if it actually isn’t coming soon, that announcement was made January 25th, and now it’s march). I don’t know, it just seems to me there is a major miscommunication here between Bethesda and the fans, how hard would it have been to give a paragraph of text saying they’re hard at work on the game and shooting for a June/July window, and we’ll see the showcase in March/April. Rant over, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this game’s pre release life cycle. Have a “I’m a fallout fan that won’t see a new game until 2030” kind of day.

pen in pant

Whaddup Dukes, Your discussion about spoilers in video game trailers was a great one. I have my 2 cents about spoilers in video games. As someone who was spoiled the *thing* in KoTOR 1, that still didn’t take away from the game for me because I’m a Star Wars fan. I’m of the opinion that there should be a fair warning for spoilers in any discussion, even if the game is decades old! Because people could still discover that game as something new to them, especially young people coming into the space. Love the work y’all put out!


Hey wet wipes. I hope this finds you all too well. My inquiry concerns this toilet paper issue. Not so much as wetting the paper solution for a "situation", but for the toilet paper itself. You both are all in on the better brands and I agree. However, my girlfriend DEMANDS the cheapest brand due to more expensive brands leaving behind....residue. What is the solution to my tissue issue? Should I just buy my own? DIVORCE (we're not married)?! I can't leave her yet because she owns the Series X as she is the Xbox fan in the house. Thank you both for the best laughs at the worst of times.

Nicholas Brilhart

Greetings Dukes. With four months left for Starfield to come out in the first half of 2023, how long do you think they can possibly hold out on it's Developer Direct? Rumor's suggested we'd hear something this week, but all is quiet. Have a "Cog and crew catching your Z's" kinda day.


I know this is late but you guys are great and have a spectacular day and show as well.


Happy March from Snow Covered NY-- well, the trailer succeeded, and like the marketing simp I am Halo is downloaded once again. While the S2 maps left me wanting more, the s3 maps look fresh, the community maps look much improved, and it comes with a gun game multiplayer mode. unfortunately for Halo, this update is coming out right next to Lightfall, and after apex has launched 6v6 team deathmatch. As someone playing all 3 of these games every week, I already know halo is going to fall behind and eventually be left unplayed on my console. What is the future of halo infinite multiplayer and is there any hope of it competing with Destiny and Apex? Are we going to get the move to unreal, old maps reborn, or is infinite going to slowly die and be replaced by a new unreal-made Halo?


Dukes, Let me get straight to the point. Last week you both agreed that sometimes you have to wet your TP when things go really bad on the toliet. Do you also wear disposable gloves while wiping? Because wetting TP is only going to create a worse mess for your hands and potentially it's just going to stick to your butt. Believe me, this has happened to someone I love in a very ill-timed manner (if you know what I mean). I hope you both quit tempting fate and buy some cottenelle wet wipes. I would say have a good day, but i don't feel like you deserve that.


Greetings Dukes, I would like to make a reccomendation for some Defining Duke+ Episodes. I think it would be really cool to hear your personal nostalgic stories with Xbox (Think of Defining Duke but Knockback Inspired). An example would be your personal experiences with Halo 3 or Gears of War, the original Xbox, Favorite 360 games of all time ect ect. I think the difference in age could make for a very varied episode. Also I feel like getting to know your guy's backgrounds better would be awesome! Have a "Starfield comes out and delivers more than we expeceted" kind of day.


Hello Dukes, Just a quick correction. Last week when going over the news that Sword and Fairy: Together Forever was coming to GamePass, you said that this was the game coming to Xbox for the first time, when in fact it is already on the console to purchase as of November 2022. I can understand the confusion though, since announcing a game is coming to the service in July 2023 makes it seem like it is for something not available on Xbox currently. Thanks as always for the great content and have a "we've had a popular RPG from China on our console for months and didn't market it" kind of day.


Good day Dukes and Lords! I wanted to write in and get your take on the conversation happening about the state of Xbox as a brand. It feels like every bit of news has been bad for the last year or so with the Activision Deal being held up. From the incredible market share and sales numbers from Sony, the terrible handling of 343, and Xbox's inability to actually get announced games released it's just been one thing after another. My inquiry is, how much does all of this affect the true health and future of the company? With Microsoft basically able to print cash, do they just keep Xbox around forever regardless? Can a healthy company be consistently 3rd (and last)?