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KnockBack is technically about anything, and we've naturally focused a great deal of our energy on video games. But there are other technologies vital to our childhoods that have nothing to do with our beloved consoles or handhelds. This episode of KnockBack is dedicated to that tech. What TVs did we grow up with? VCRs? What were our first stereo setups, and when did we finally get a Walkman? Did we have a home theater? When did computers enter the picture, and how did we interact with them? Today, we're surrounded by technology galore, but the Brothers Moriarty came up through decades where all of these various pieces were slowly being added, piece by piece. So let's put the puzzle together with some good, old-fashioned storytelling.



David Wilson II

I’m so excited for this episode!


seeing this as the topic made my day. thanks guys.


The ultimate age test is asking "What do you put a VHS in?" The amount of people who would say "VHS Player?" hurts 🤣


I'm 35 and a Programmer/Project Manager for a home automation and integration company. I routinely have to integrate old tech with new. Do you know how difficult it is to make something like a record player or old console work in conjunction within a unified digital operating system? If anyone wants some old tube TV's, flat screens or other heavy outdated crap I get plenty of it on the regular.

Michael Mashpotato

I remember my cousin being the first in my family to have a DVD player. The big movie was Stir of Echos. We would slo-mo the scene where the victim breaks her nail. It was fucking awesome.

Kendrick Luckenbach

Fantastic topic! Nothing like walking up to a big screen tube TV and feeling the static on your fingertips 😂 Also, shout-out to rewinding a vhs before returning to blockbuster. We had a VHS rewinder shaped like a car and it made rewinding tapes just as fun as watching them 🤗


I totally forgot about alarm clocks with the cd player and tape deck! Haven’t even thought about one of those in forever. Shout out to the PSX trick though. Used to play Japanese games like Dragon Ball Z Legends with it. Good times. Shout out to the GameShark as well.

Chris Dell

I remember seeing my first flat screen TV add on a late at night, I woke up and thought it was a fever dream.

Forrest Hunter

Shout out to mutha-fukken BRADLEES! When I was a kid living in Branford, CT, we had a Bradlees and a Toys R Us next door to one another right off the highway. What a combo. Sure, Caldor was closer to my house, but you couldn’t beat the one-two punch of those seminal establishments.


I grew up in the same area. Wild to think that Bradlees was the Target of that time.

Forrest Hunter

Wow, no shit? That’s awesome. Did you live in the Branford, East Haven area, or just in the general CT area?

Dylan Paulson

Great episode guys! I have to sound off as a collector of physical movies. I still will buy dvds, blu-rays, and 4k stuff. The quality of streaming can't touch physical! Also i appreciate Dagan's shoutout for the Criterion Collection. They're doing great stuff with high quality upgrades and extensive bonus features

David P

This is pretty nice timing for me. I just picked up an old mickey mouse CRT (with ears for speakers lol) and have been using it for my retro gaming (Although ps3 titles look much nicer on it than on modern displays!) It's been very nostalgic


My dad was a stereo nut. I recently found our old laser disk collection. The original SW trilogy is by far the standout.