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The Last of Us (HBO) Review Discussion and Spoilercast (S1, E5) | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 268

Episode 5 of The Last of Us' first season on HBO represents the midpoint of our adventure, and it's here that the danger continues to ratchet-up. Trapped in Kansas City and surrounded by an unfolding rebellion that saw the destruction of FEDRA in the area, Joel and Ellie must coordinate with a couple of fellow survivors in order to escape the area and continue their westward journey towards Wyoming. Join Dagan, Micah, Dustin, and Colin (that's me!) for a lengthy chat.


Mike D

Melanie Lynsky is amazing.

Tristen Wilbers

I was personally not a fan of Kathleen/Perry. Perry needed more character development and only served as a sounding board for Kathleen to exposition dump her backstory. And Kathleen's execution felt off to me. I wish she leaned more into the Effie Trinket/Dolores Umbridge nature of her character (seemingly proper/normal woman, but with a taste of viciousness). I just didn't think her acting stood up with the rest of the cast being so so good, imo. Seems very love or hate with her character.

Matthew Cooper

A couple of points were brought up that I found interesting. First is the idea that the show doesn't have enough action, which I think is only true of episode 3. The level of action in the rest has been appropriate for a TV show. Second was how the infected move and how they seem much faster and more deadly in the show. I think both of these points are valid when comparing the TV show to the game when played on Normal difficulty. Last of Us Part 1 does have a lot of combat encounters in it and on Normal difficulty the player has enough ammo and supplies to just blast through all of it; it can be played like a straight action game where you rack up a massive body count by the end. However, when playing Last of Us on harder difficulties, particularly Grounded, it is much closer to the feeling of the TV show. There are still a lot of encounters, but with very limited resources and little health, you have to sneak around and run past enemies whenever possible. So there aren't as many all out fights when you can't just blast everyone away. And also starting with Part II and now in the Part I remake, enemy movement speed is increased on Grounded for the infected. It's most noticeable for the clickers, they get up on you so quick it's nuts. When combined with how good their senses are, the infected are much more scary. Sneaking up on a clicker is possible, but it will hear you and bitch slap you into next week so fast it is terrifying. I would say playing Last of Us on Grounded makes it more of a survival horror game than an action game. And that general feeling and pacing is a closer match to the TV show, at least I think so. I wouldn't say Grounded was "the right way" to play TLoU, especially for a first or second play through. But if you know the game well and want to experience it differently; it's a much scarier and realistic way to go through the adventure.


The only thing the show has given us that I truly wish was in the game (and I am loving the show btw) is these moments of respite. Colin I think has touched on it with games like Resident Evil, but I would love that in a Last of Us game. A lot of the exposition in-game happens on the go and it would be cool to see it around a campfire or in a safe room. Also the change of Sam being deaf was quite meaningful in a world like this. Great episode overall.


On the HBO Max issue, the HBO MAX app in general is bad but it is especially bad on PS5. If you have a good TV, like the LG OLED, use the built-in apps your tv has. They provide you with the best picture quality and all the bells and whistles. For example, the PS5 doesn’t support dolby vision, huge feature for picture quality. Also, you’re not getting the best picture quality on the PS5 because the best tv settings for watching tv and movies are different for games and unless you’re manually switching them back and forth each time, you’re quality is suffering.

Walker Simmons

I love all the foreshadowing they are doing towards Joel's final decision and that sniper action scene at night time with the infected horde and bloater was done even better than in the game. Favorite episode yet love these weekly reviews it's a great time to be a last of us fan right now

Andrew Cuschieri

Could you tell Perry was the voice actor for Tommy in the game?

Michael Thew

Kinda looks like the interest in this series has dissipated, both in upvotes and interactions on this site and on hbo max as well. Maybe alienation and calling those that didn’t enjoy an episode because it was bad, homophobes. Haven’t watched an episode since the second one and it is a shame. But at least I still got the game and no one can take that from me

Connor Galbraith

Loved the episode and your analysis. I appreciate all the foreshadowing and themes they’ve been inserting each week

Michael Thew

So what do you think about the show losing over half of their viewers this past week, maybe it’s because it was on Friday but maybe it’s something more. Interested to see how many viewers it has next week. If it continues to fall, I wonder if anyone will admit that alienating a majority of its fan base by saying those that didn’t enjoy aspects, choose one there are many, are bigots, homophobes and racist from big names including you and Bella Ramsey might have backfired. I’m just glad they can’t retroactively change the game, which is perfect in my opinion.

MOBOX Graphics

My issue with Cathleen was that it just didn't feel believable that she was as powerful/controlling as she was. But I think part of the problem is that we never saw the character develop or evolve into this final form.

MOBOX Graphics

When Cathleen was going on her rant in the middle of the street, I wanted Jole to blow her away mid-sentence. That would have been so impactful.

Michael Ferrari

Couldn't agree more. She was just there for another "girlboss" moment. She did not seem tough, or believable. I feel like overall this show is really growing on me, but these little aspects/moments just really pull me out of it.

James Schubert

Can't wait to get a Stelly Stallions jersey

Hidari Shotaro

I thought Joel asking the guy to surrender was extremely out of character, even in this show he didn't hesitate to torture momma's boy. Feels like they're trying to make Joel a much better person because he's Pedro Pascal.

Michael Ferrari

I think they're adding a bit more substance to Joel, to make him more than just a dude who's life motto in the game is pretty much "My daughter died and I don't care about anything now." I view him asking the guy to surrender was more about show how he is softening up because of Ellie not just towards her, but life in general. Which makes sense and makes it even more powerful when you see him invite Sam and Henry. I also think it's a bit of a clue that Tess's death actually mattered to him more than he let on, but at the time of her death he was still pretending like he didn't care about her as much as he really did.

Hidari Shotaro

I could see that, but I don't buy it as much as in the game. It's not just that his daughter died, he spent 20 years doing horrible things, as Tess aptly says they're shitty people. Ellie softening him up makes sense sure, but I doubt that would remove his killer instinct, especially when the dude is sniping his pseudo-daughter.


Yeah Colin, that meme is hysterical :'D

Cody Mahoney

Would have preferred the ish back story over the frank back story. Find it funny that they said in the HBO podcast themselves that they didn’t think that character needed any fleshing out. Okay, because seeing a whole community living in the sewers of a town isn’t more interesting than a couples love story? Fans loved the Ish notes.

Ravjeet B

Might be late but I wanted to point out that Henry in the game is blaming himself however he pointed the gun at Joel. Just after shooting Sam he says "Henry what have you done" very quietly then starts pointing the gun at Joel saying "its all your fault" but he is truly saying that to himself in that moment.

Kody Kindig

Craig and Neil talked about Sam still being deaf when Ellie wakes up and how it was still him inside.

Raul Hernandez

This is what happened to Rose after Charlie died… (Two and a Half Men)