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It's time to submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for Episode 109 of Defining Duke. 

Great ways to get your write-up used: Be pithy, be topical, and be insightful. Walls-of-text, posts littered with poor grammar and punctuation, etc., are promptly (though respectfully) ignored.  

As this is an Xbox podcast, be sure your submission makes sense within that realm. You have until Wednesday, 2/1 at 3 PM ET to make your submission.



Hi Dukes First time writing in but just wanted to get your opinions on how toned down the “PLAY IT DAY ONE ON GAME PASS” was in developer direct, I love gamepass but sometimes I feel it’s all Xbox wants to talk about and seeing how well Hi-Fi Rush has sold on steam it’s nice to see Xbox just advertise there games while still encouraging people who still want to own the games. Also as someone who likes to buy physical games here and there it was nice to see Redfall has got a Bite Back physical edition upgrade costing £30 here in the UK which comes with a steelbook so I can have a case on the self and still get a good deal with game pass. Hope you have a it’s my first time writing in so don’t really know what to say here kind of day.

MonstaPontes93 (Ricky Pontes)

Heyy dukes, hi fi rush was a stealth drop masterpiece! between dead space remake and this game my gaming has been mighty fine this past weekend! My question to you boys is tango game works going to play a critical role in Xbox’s future! They have imo evil within series that is really good ghostwire is not a bad game by any means but different and hi fi rush is just hitting well with audiences and critics combined I am now a bigger fan then what I was seeing they could do different types of games and make it work! Also what is next for them the future is endless imo! Thank you guys and keep up the great work as Xbox’s best gaming podcast!

Andrew M

My fine dukes, I recently watched the Phil Spencer interview on IGN. During it, the Halo master Cheeks tv show was compared to the excellent HBO The Last of Us show. How closely do you think Xbox is watching The Last of Us show and saying to themselves, we need to take the halo show in this direction? I myself know I was watching and thinking about other games that would translate well in such a medium if given the same care and attention as The Last of Us. Can y’all imagine Mass Effect: The First Contact War on HBO? Best Regards, Andrew M


Hello Dukes! Hi-Fi Rush seems to be a commercial and critical success! Making it into the Top 5 selling games on Steam, outselling Forspoken despite being on Game Pass and currently sitting at a 90 on Open Critic - is this a sign of things to come? Yes, big AAA games are important console sellers but it seems Xbox is finding success with their games developed by smaller teams within the studios. Should they focus on having perhaps one big AAA game in development and a smaller project going at the same time at most studios? Would that be beneficial or detrimental?


What up Chai Matty and Macaron Cog, Hi-Fi Rush is a certified hit! And not like a Grounded low-key hit, but a Forza Horizon 5 Hi-key hit. It is critically acclaimed and even selling well while launching in Game Pass. So with this I open up the discussion again. How much does AAA matter and what even is AAA these days? When we have games like Among Us and Fall Guys taking the world by storm more than Halo Infinite and Battlefield 2042, AA games like A Plague Tale Requiem that are better looking than AAA games with 2-3x the budget or games like Grounded that are designed so well they arguably outdo any bigger budget games in the genre, I feel like the AAA moniker is starting to lose its luster. I understand pushing the tech and graphics forward is cool and I do love seeing games like Forza Motorsport and Hellblade II do it, but I just feel like AAA games have been missing so often that it's hard to feel like it's the end all be all anymore. What are your thoughts on AAAs in 2023 Dukes? Have an "it's 3/23/23 and Xbox/Bethesda did not shadow drop Starfield" kinda day.


Sup Dukes, Been listening since the beginning DD, first time writing in. As someone who's owned every Xbox since the OG, I'm always there for any new announcements. After getting out of work on the day of the developer direct, I excitedly hopped on my TV check out to if there were any surprises. If I felt like I saw enough each game, I'd skip to the next. To my delight, there was one big surprise - Hi-Fi Rush. This looked like my kinda game. After seeing the majority of what they shown for HFR, I wanted to show my wife, she thought it was cool, then I skip to the Redfall section of the video. Fast forward to today, I'm catching up on my weekly dose of DD. While you guys are breaking down the developer direct, I hear the revelation that Hi-Fi Rush was released that day. My question - has there been anyone else that experienced this sam

Mikey Rivers

What's goodie in the hoodie my Dukes? I'm loving Hi Fi Rush, so much so that I'm considering doing the one thing I never have time for anymore. A repeat run. With so much content now-a-days, I know it's hard to find the time to go back for a second playthrough even if you thoroughly enjoyed your time with it. So I ask you this Dukes, Pie in the skiy, in a perfect world where you had all the time in the world, what are the games that you would love to revisit for a second playthrough? After HiFi Rush I need to go back to Evil Within 2 and really see what's up with it again, but Dead Space and HogLeg are creeping in fast so I know that will never happen. Cheers boys


Hi health is wealth Matty and “I love Meta Quest” Cog, Do either of you think Microsoft should make a “Xbox Store” as a physical location in a few places like NY? I bring up the question because specifically the Nintendo store has me wanting to visit NYC again to visit and even get a few games, merch, etc… What do y’all think? Have a “I hit 315 5 times on squat and I had to pull out my inner Lord Cog to do it” type of day. -AstroParrotKing


Hey dukes, Do you use the button that centers the camera behind the character? I've been doing it ever since Ocarina of Time, and I'm always baffled when I encounter a game that doesn't have this feature, most recently with Hi-fi Rush. It's super useful when you want to quickly turn around and look in the opposite direction. When a game doesn't include this feature I always have to mess with the camera sensitivity to find the right balance of speed and functionality, and it never feels ideal. Am I just a relic from a by-gone era when "Z-Targeting" meant something? Do most people just slowly rotate the camera when they want to turn around?


Dear Dukes of Bavaria, Having finished Pentiment only so recently, it is already time to go back to go even further back to Europe of Olde… Age of Empires II is now available on Series Consoles and by all accounts I’ve read… it works great, even with a controller? Will y’all be dropping in at all with friends or for the single-player modes? Lastly, did Xbox make a mistake in not staggering out Hi-Fi Rush, AOE II, and the Goldeneye port? It just feels like a LOT on top of the GamePass drops that also came out in January’s final weeks… Cheers and have a “Matty and Cog won’t hit you with the follow-back on Twitter” kinda day, Aidan


Hello there Shadow Dropping Dukes! There is a lot of talk going around with the release of Hi-Fi RUSH so I have some questions. People are saying Game of the Year for Hi-Fi Rush already and while its definitely going to be a contender for me, I cannot help but remember last months favorite word: recency bias. Plus with the game being shadow dropped, now there is talk of every game being shadow dropped including Starfield. I personally think the shadow drop strategy depends entirely on the game and the developer. Do you think Hi-Fi Rush could be game of the year or will we all forget about it by December? Also what say you in regards to Shadow Drops? As always love the content and have a good one!


Hello Dearest Dukes! I'm a week late on this but I wanted to add some important context to the conversation around Rocksteady/Suicide Squad. Matty, you've often expressed concern that Rocksteady has been working on Suicide Squad for eight years, and that gives you pause as you look ahead to the release of the game. However, in the years following the release of Arkham Knight, there were well-founded rumors for years that Rocksteady was prototyping a Superman game, but every prototype ended up being rejected by WB. All of that is to say that, although it has been 8 years since Rocksteady's most recent release, it's unlikely that all of that time was spent on Suicide Squad. Still fair to be cautious about Suicide Squad or concerned about Rocksteady in general, but to me, given this context, there's nothing to worry about yet. You guys make long commutes feel short. Keep up the killer work!


Sup Dukes! Just wanted to write in about something funny you guys mentioned on DDU about the haircuts. I agree with Cog on how that first day of the cut is something special. You feel untouchable and godly. If you have time, take a look at this 1 minute video from RDC World which explains exactly what I mean. It’s hilarious. https://youtu.be/d50mrrbHLI0 Have a “just got my haircut and forgot I had a girlfriend” kind of day.


Hello Dukes, Do you have any thoughts on Phil Spencer’s recent interview with IGN’s Ryan McCaffrey? While the discussion itself seems to have been warmly regarded, I can’t help but feel we are in for another bad year for Xbox. Thank you, and have a great day.


Hello Soldier 1st Class Dukes! Do you think Hifi Rush deserves a physical release? I think it would be nice to see Xbox getting behind this new IP from a Japanese studio and give it a nice physical edition. It has always bothered me that Halo Infinite’s campaign isn’t on the disc. Do you think Microsoft’s DRM missteps will continue?Thanks and have a delicious strawberry macaron kind of day.


Hello there dukes, I been thinking about, now that Microsoft is buying ABK and ( probably) will have another publisher under its wing, I been reminded of an old mmo play on the internet call fusionfall. Would you like to see one like that or different with all their ips in one universe?


Hello Dukes, Once again I am asking for A Plague's Tale spoilercast. That is all

Broderick Fleming

Hey Dukes, After the Developer Direct, it seems Xbox is dropping one big game a month over the next few months. What’s the potential of Starfield being an August-October drop? Fall seemingly was the time for the highlight games of the year to release, so maybe they’re aiming for that time frame? I’d like to hear what you guys think. Thanks!


Hey Dukes - I know you are both big game pass fans but will either of you get the physical edition of Redfall along with the separate Bite Back edition? I’m a sucker for steelbooks so I have both preordered. How do you feel about this separation between the limited foods and the game itself? It’s a bit different and more affordable than the monster Collectors Edition with just a digital code.

Casey Cieslikowski

What’s up my double D’s? Got an Oreo story for you and want to know on a scale of 1-10 how evil it is. A few years ago I licked the cream out of every Oreo at my parents house. I then replaced the cream with toothpaste. My mom to this day won’t eat Oreos.

The Chicken Chaser

Hey fellas, I’ll make it short, why do you think fallout hasn’t come to switch yet? I love playing Skyrim on the go but I don’t wanna shell out for a steam deck to hear that sweet voice of Liam Neeson. He is after all, my favorite jedi. Thanks for always putting on a great show guys, have a morning stretch that triggers a charlie horse in your leg kind of day

James Clark

Mannnnn O mann! Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition. DISCUSS.

Sean Mason

Hey Dukes, Given the recent news that Xbox and Nintendo will be joining PlayStation in skipping out on E3, what are the chances it actually happens this year? If it does happen will it be much more akin to that of a Pax rather than a traditional E3? Best, Sean M.

Jeffery Carlson

Hey Duke Crew, Greetings. On the haircut update from ultimate this week, the older you get the better the haircut looks closer to day of cut. I’m 42, but up until about 33 or so I had the same “issue:” the cut looked better about a week out. Now, day of its fresh. Also, thanks for shedding some light on the Limited Run KOTOR scam. That fraudulent, thieving company has offered little to no updates without any prodding until this month a full year and a third after order. Cheers and keep on keeping on. Health is wealth. Jeff

Adam Turley

Sounds like Microsoft is pulling out of E3 even though they literally sit on the board of the organization that does the event. E3 is finally truly dead. What are your guy's favorite e3 memories? Either reveals or something you experienced in person.


Greetings Dukes! It looks like Microsoft is continuing their trend of not releasing physical copies of their first party titles with Hi-Fi Rush being the most recent. Beyond my selfish desire to have this sick ass game on my shelf Xbox has game preservationists concerned with no physical copy and the PC version being locked down by Denuvo DRM. This is obviously not the first rodeo with Xbox as Grounded didn’t receive a physical edition, Halo Infinite did not have a 1.0 version of their game on the disk and it took a 3rd party to produce a disk for Psychonauts 2. Are we doomed to cope forever or is there any hope of drumming up a shit storm large enough for Xbox to take notice? I find myself a bit pessimistic. Would love to hear you all discuss this subject. Thanks and have a ‘can’t play any game pass because Xfinity is experiencing outages’ kind of a day


Dukes, with big daddy Todd having gone on record before about wanting to shorten the PR cycle for Bethesda games to weeks rather than months. Is the shadow drop of HiFi Rush possibly some sort of experiment for Howard to validate the concept. If so, could we be seeing Starfield get a similar (if less extreme) treatment?

Stephen Richard

What’s up dukes! Matty your comment about possibly giving Obsidian a chance at a Halo rpg got me thinking, what if they did, and you were one spartan/marine in a 4 person unit. Play through a story in which much like reach everyone dies, but your character. Build the love for a character in the halo lore outside of Master Chief and then in the next game, input your own character as Master Chiefs second just like how the arbiter was in Halo 3, in an all important mission. It would involve the BioWare style input of previous data, however if done correctly, I think it would bring a much different angle to a “side” character in a halo game, while giving the core story time to be on ice. Would love to know what you both think. Side note, Hi-Fi Rush’s massively successful shadow drop leaves the door open for other games to do similar launches, should be very exciting with gamepass! Hope you both have a, is 808 my new favorite Xbox character? Kinda day! Stephen

Chris Yont

Hello Duke’s I hope this message finds you well. With Microsoft’s recent announcement to increase the price of the Series X/S in Japan on February 17th do you think they will be increasing the price of both consoles in other regions?

Benn Stuart

Hello Dukes, I've recently required a Switch for some of the exclusives games, but I'm really struggling to get into the console due to Nintendo not having a trophy system. I never thought not having something in place to track certain milestones in games would effect how I feel playing them. It seems I must have flashback from class mates not believing some of my gaming achievements in the 90s and early 00s. This got me thinking; why hasn't everyone created a universal achievement system for all systems? With a lot of people having multiple gaming platforms, it seems a gap in the market for it. Would love to know what the Dukes think? Cheers!

Brian Wagers

Hey Dukes, Hope you are having a great week. The recent drop of the hit Hi Fi Rush was a nice surprise for Xbox game pass fans. Do you think the success of this launch and the goodwill it seems to be generating, will result in more fun titles like this getting made? Or do you think this is more of a one off ? Thanks, Brian

Corbin Henderson

Hey Dukes. Been thinking about Xbox’s legacy with all the dreary Halo news floating around. Xbox seems allergic to their own legacy content. Halo is being mishandled and classic Xbox IPs are left on the shelf to collect dust. It hurts my soul. Titles like Jade Empire and KoToR have just been left to die while games like halo are mismanaged. Why does Xbox not care about their legacy content? And what legacy titles would you want to see come back? For me it’s Jade Empire. Have a really good day Dukes. Appreciate you both.

Ryan Petitt

Hey Dukes, This is going to be a question for Cog. So with Lightfall about a month away, I decided to hop back into Destiny for the first time since the original Red War campaign. I bought and played the available expansion campaigns and now I’m 100% in. My question is what else do I need to do to prepare for Lightfall? I feel like still don’t have a full grasp on all of Destiny’s systems, especially weapon crafting and armor mods.


Hello Hi-Fi Dukes, The past year or so has been a golden age AA productions across various publishers. Between really polished remakes/remasters of games like Destroy All Humans 2 and Pac-Man World too brand new releases like Hi-Fi Rush and Cosmic Shake, it really feels like we are coming back to the PS2/GC era style scale and budgets for projects. And from my experience, they tend to be a lot better than the AAA productions. I felt a lot better spending my 40$ on Spongebob than even humoring buying Foreclosure or Callisto for 70$. Your thoughts on this shift in game development as budgets keep ballooning?


Hey Dukes, Second write in, but wanted to talk about Hi-Fi Rush. This game feels like something pulled right out of the golden age of the Dreamcast era or something Capcom would've put out on the GameCube alongside Viewitful Joe. You think Xbox seeing this high level of positive reception to this classic Japanese style video game will encourage more coming to Xbox?


Hey Dukes, With the Bloomberg report outlining what appears to be a complete reboot of Halo shortly following the leadership overhaul at 343, the eternal optimist in me thinks this will be a longterm net benefit for the studio and franchise. With new, hopefully more organized leadership and a pivot to an engine with a much wider talent pool to source from - the hope is that 343 can finally become the steward that's close to as beloved as the franchise they're responsible for, even if it will take a few years for the creative and operational seeds to bear fruit. Thoughts? I hope you both have a "my gigachad stud of a boyfriend chose video games with the bros over me" kind of day.


Hey Dukes, Second write in but more of a PSA for those that own a 360 and a Series X/S or Xbox One console. MS is going to be delisting various 360 games, including Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey. Thankfully, both games have a disk release but I'm sure the disk prices will rise once the delist goes into effect on February 7th.


Hey boys, Respawn just announced that Star Wars Jedi Survivor will be delayed to April 28th. While this may not seem like a big deal it now means that Redfall is launching in between what will likely be 2 of the top 5 best-selling games of the year with Jedi Survivor releasing a few days prior and Legend of Zelda releasing a week after. I think this is problem and warrants a delay, Arkane has historically struggled with sales and being sandwiched between these two behemoths seems like a mistake, but I wonder what you two think.


Hiya Dukes, just dropping in to gas up Hi-Fi Rush! I beat it this past week. It has tons of replayability and is the “Devil May Rhythm” game I didn’t know I wanted. 2023 is an obviously stacked release schedule but this game slides in early for my potential GOTY. Is shadow dropping the way of the future or are we seeing a freak accident of success with this surprise release? Thanks for the content dudes and have a “watching TLOU on HBO and thinking about what the Halo show could’ve been” kind of day


Hey Dukes, first time long time With hi fi rush shadow dropping and being a big success, will this franchise be helpful in helping Xbox getting a new show for television or a movie perhaps? With its likeable characters and fun art style, will that help it push its way onto the big screen like halo and grounded? Thanks and have a I faked having a son so I can play SpongeBob the cosmic shake kinda day

Nicholas Brilhart

Greetings Dukes. With Microsoft announcing that select Xbox Original and 360 titles are being pulled from digital storefronts in just under a weeks time, what games from this selection are must grabs before that time and do you think we will see any of them return in the future? I can't see SWKOTR 2 staying gone forever. Have an excellent day.


FYI KOTR 2 is safe. This link gives the list of games that will be completely unpurchasable: https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/10q6cui/comment/j6o59xq/

Iqan Adil

Hello Dukes, The recent shadow drop of Hi-fi Rush made me think, what's the point of a review for a f2p game, and to some extent, a game coming day one to a subscription service? Seeing the success of Hi-fi Rush, I suspect MS will do this more often.


Hello Dukes Long time frist time Matty I want to ask your advice I've been watching your videos and persona 4 Golden and listen to you for years talk about it and when you said it was a game that helped bring you threw drak times I've decided to take the plung would you recommend playing it with or without guide for Best experience and Lord Cognito respect to you and the lord's I listen every lord's day love your discussions and respect for everyone have a I still haven't finished deathloop kind of day all the best Chris

Sam Lee

Hello fellows. It's evident that Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, is fully behind the Xbox division. But we all know that CEO's come and go, so what do you think will happen if Satya is replaced by someone who isn't willing to continue backing Xbox? Will Xbox be shut down, sold off or will the brand just revolve around GamePass without first party titles? Check your prostate and have a day.


Hey Boys, I just wanted to take a moment and shoutout the “digital games only” crowd that is out there. Should we commend them for being bold and strong despite taking L after L? Or should we label them as ignorant and stubborn for still beating the same old drum? Physical is king and Microsoft delisting games from the Xbox 360 Marketplace is just further confirmation of that. Have a “I pay more for games I don’t truly own” kind of day.


hello dukes Matty my question is mainly for you today but Cog can chime in as he sees. since you had two videos about 343 and halo future and why you think them switching to the unreal engine is a better option (from matty’s unbiased opinion) from the way the game will look to the actual support they can get from it. Now I know it’s easy to assume that the prettier girl that’s easier to take care of which looks like the best option, yet is it worth it to lose all that fun factor with the other girl I don’t think so in my opinion but if you prefer to have a model that makes life easy but she’s really boring that’s your choice I guess. On a more series note I generally think you lose to much from switching to the unreal engine and in my opinion worst engine to switch to for a fps since their biggest shooters are valorant and borderlands 3. I would much rather doom engine or source engine (half life). Also it feels to me, even though halo infinite had a rough year. it had amazing start that a lot of people seem to forget and lately they’ve been delivering on content even ahead of time. Now that they finally got this thing in motion they are going to change again just why. Here’s my question do you still think that the unreal engine is their best option or should they have changed to a more preferable game engine that actually has a pedigree in the FPS space? Have great day dukes this is the best Xbox podcast only behind the lords of gaming just kidding Cog it’s really not a Xbox podcast wink wink.


Hey duke boys. Atomic heart just dropped a trailer and this game looks like wild fun. This crazy year of games has started off well and it isnt slowing down. Just curious about both of your hype level on this game?


Well well well…. if it isn’t the Big Dicked Dukes. I’ll get straight to it; should Matt Booty’s job be on the chopping block? I don’t necessarily mean fired (yet). I assume that you’re not gonna say he should be fired, because you want to see how this year goes before you cast judgement. But should his job at least be “on the line” — dependent on this year? Or do you feel like none of this is his fault and blame should lay elsewhere (i.e. the studios, Phil Spencer, etc)? Thanks n have a “my reputation rests entirely on what I do over the next year” kinda day.


Hello Million tweet views Matty and LordCog of the midnight suns. How about that viral tweet Matty? All positive reactions I’m sure. Anyway, this is for Cog. I’m 40 hours into midnight suns and I’m loving it so much more than I expected. How do you feel about the dlc so far? I know it’s just Deadpool and I have him and love him but the rest of the dlc characters have me puzzled. Venom I kinda understand him coming back somehow but storm and morbius? Odd choices since Jared Leto made the worst superhero movie of all time as morbius and storm just doesn’t seem like a vampyre hunter. Thanks for the content and have a great February! It’s HOGLEG TIME! -the mailman with a package for you


Hey Dukes, What are your thoughts on Redfall's single player seemingly requiring an always online connection? For co-op, that's an understandable decision, but it feels incredibly short-sighted to place a restriction like that on a game Microsoft wants as many people as possible to play. Additionally, now that it launches between the recently delayed Jedi Survivor and Tears of the Kingdom, what are the chances that this game underperforms due to the competition surrounding it? Thanks as always and have a "Arkane cannot catch a break" kind of day.


I'm starting to think Arkane is absolutely allergic to good PR when it comes to this game


Hey Dukes, This question is for Matty, and I apologize if this has been answered before. I'm looking to get into the Trails series and theoretically have the means to play all of them (PS consoles, PC, Switch) but wasn't sure if it was worth going all the way back. What would you recommend as a starting point for a newcomer to the series? For what it's worth, I've played plenty of JRPGs, just not this series. Thanks and keep up the good work! Rob

Kevin Rood

Hi Dukies, The GoldenEye 007 port has been released on Xbox and I've been really enjoying the nostalgia trip with higher resolution, better frame rate, and improved controls despite the mostly negative views I've seen about the port. It got me wondering what really happened with the cancelled remastered version that had been in development. It seemed to be nearly finished. While searching for that information, I came across GoldenEye 007: Reloaded which I had completely forgotten existed and was released back in 2011. Reloaded was a complete remake which had some of the essence of the original GoldenEye 007, but replaced Pierce Brosnan with Daniel Craig and had completely redesigned missions. Do you have any thoughts on the GoldenEye port, remaster, or Reloaded, and do you think people look back on GoldenEye through rose tinted glasses? Have a very nice, very evil kind of day-hausen!

Michal Dudic

Hey Dukes and Matty specifically, Regarding tofu cooking methods to get it crispy, here's something for your consideration: Shred the block of tofu (like you would shred cheese) before stir-frying it *separately* with a decent amount of oil on medium-high heat. It's gonna take a few minutes to brown and crisp up. It's the perfect form factor because it gets evenly distributed after mixing it with the rest of your stir-fry. To totally max out your stir fry game, use something like carbon steel pan or a large cast iron skillet on nothing but high heat. Makes it faster, makes it better. Veg can take more heat than one would think. Cheers, Michal