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Ask the Producers | Sacred Symbols+, Episode 256

It's another call-in today, but with a special twist! In this episode, Last Stand producers Ben and I (Dustin) take your calls with a focus around production and other various topics. How do we handle editing pickups for our shows? What are our favorite tricks for being more efficient on the job? What game would we be interested in attempting a speed-run of? What developers are the best at being connected to their community? What's our favorite part of western Pennsylvania? This was a really fun episode to record, so we hope you love it!



What people are now referring to as "AI" will actually be the end of the world as we know it today. It won't happen over night because it went rogue. It is already happening slowly. Exactly as planned. It's not the AI itself, it's the human corruption behind them.


I really hope buddy who called in about making friends sees this: The last thing you want is a work-from-home position. I had a position like this that involved a high level of interaction with others and it was not good. I was managing teams, putting together meetings, speaking with clients, and none of that social interaction was worth anything when it came to my happiness and contentment in life. I just turned down a much higher-paying job with my old boss because where I am at currently, I am happy interacting with people every day. Do what you think is best for you, but if you are not outgoing enough to go out and make friends, a job working from home might not be good for you. Online friends wasn't enough to warm my spirit. I needed to interact with people on a daily basis. I didn't want to believe it, but I needed to be in front of real people and see their face and feel their presence. Working from home, gaming from home, shopping from home, that is a lifestyle that will kill your soul. On the subject of making friends: everybody has trouble doing this and not everyone has the time for new ones in the first place. You have to be more outgoing than the people you are trying to befriend. Smile a lot, but don't force it. Just be happy to talk and listen. As Ben said and I agree, the number one way to treat early interactions with people is to just ask them notweird questions about themselves. Also, most important if you want to be able to call this person a friend, is that you have to follow up. Say you go to an arcade to try to find like-minded people. You see a dude who seems cool, so you say "Hey man! Want to have a go on Street Fighter 2 Turbo? I'll buy." Enjoy the game and tell them it was fun. Maybe you'll talk and hang out a bit more. If you are personable and there is a good vibe, you should be able to at least get them to agree to meet you back up at the arcade sometime for a couple games. The follow-up is the important part. YOU are going to most likely have to reach out to THEM first. Maybe the next day at some point just shoot them a text, like "Hey Bruce great meeting you last night! We gotta get past that part in Time Crisis II sometime!" if they react positively, give it a week and ask them if they want to meet back up for a bit soon. Also do not talk about your social status with people you want to befriend. They don't need to know that you consider yourself as having no friends. Your interaction with them in that moment is what is important. You have nothing to prove and don't want them feeling obligated to be your friend because they will always run the other way. I hope this helps man. TL;DR Online interactions are not enough to sate the soul's desire for interaction with others. Making friends as an adult is hard because it usually requires one person to do the heavy lifting in the beginning. Unless you just stumble across your soulmate and it's love at first sight, you will not make friends if you do not put in more effort than the people you are trying to befriend. Smile a lot on purpose because you're happy to be talking with whoever. Smiling more is a social superpower. You will be treated better by virtually every person you come into contact with if you smile, but even more importantly you will have a positive impact on their day and they might even remember you.


It’s cool hearing The Gaming Shelf pop up in the call-in, he’s a really excellent JRPG YouTuber that you guys should definitely check out!


amazing content


Dustin that shirt sick as hell brother


This episode is a great length for call-ins, but I like all of the call-ins that you guys do here. I'd just like to throw my opinion out there for the AI discussion. I don't think AI created art is stealing, and the reason I say that is because us as humans do that exact same thing. Throughout our lives, if we were to be a painter, we aren't doing everything brand new because instead we are taking what we have learned with other paintings and using that inspiration to create something new. I think AI is doing just that, except it's digital instead. Thanks for the show guys :)


Ai isn't doing that. It builds a model and technique based directly on an artists work. Using these images with perfect recall forever. If they did not pay the artists for this work, as per copyright law, then they are stealing plain and simple. AI is not at human levels of learning. It's based on models. These models are fine but they need to be built ethically. However, fundamentally, I think that AI is Pandora's box and this is no longer an issue of ethics. They are here and here to stay so we probably just need to mitigate their use in negative contexts.


but couldnt ai be compared to the way a human learns things? afterall, we are just the sum of all our experiences. and when we create art, we are using those experiences both consciously and unconsciously. if the art/music that ai are creating is something completely new, then that is the same thing we are doing as humans, just in a digital realm


for example, if i was inspired by the beatles for guitar rhythm, metallica for a lead guitar, slowdive for pedals, and bon jovi for vocals, thats creating something completely new. thats what ai is doing to, just a more direct way. so just because theyre using perfect examples, the output is something completely brand new. thats why i see it as an almost mechanical developing brain, and its similar to how we operate


Dustin, I have the same Senjutsu shirt🔥🔥 never stop repping the maiden merch we're here for it


Its not against the copyright law. Think about it like producing. You know how everyone has 808/Drums in their music? hihats? etc. most of those come from packages, which are clipped from other songs. If things are being manipulated enough, it doesn't go against the copyright laws.