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Please welcome writer and entrepreneur Sandeep Rai back to +. As you may recall, Sandeep first came to our show nearly a year ago to talk about his awesome book Vita Means Life, which he successfully Kickstarted and launched without a hitch (and to great fanfare). Those of us who've read that book know it's the most thorough and thoughtful work yet compiled for PlayStation's second handheld, and now Sandeep is back with a treatment for our beloved PlayStation 3 (a book which yours truly will be writing in). I was thrilled to invite Sandeep back to our show to talk shop, and get the details on the approach and content of his new book, and what we might expect from a chronicle of the PlayStation brand's most tumultuous period, bar none. PS3 is special to a lot of us for a lot of different reasons. It's awesome that someone is endeavoring to give it the respect it deserves, from an era where PlayStation's very existence was on the line. Seems unthinkable today, but 15 years ago? As you'll learn, it was very much the reality.

Link to Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/52911390/it-only-did-everything-the-ps3s-unofficial-history




I really hope he covers a piece of History I don't often see people bring up or remember. There was a day shortly after Heavy Rain came out on the PS3 when a lot of the fat PlayStation 3s had an internal clock error and bricked. Sony put out a statement saying that they were looking into what they could do to fix it but they never announced anything solid, what happened is radio silence until the next day when the clock turned over and all the fat PS3s were able to be played again. This was right around the time when the PS3 was finally picking up steam and it was a really scary moment, because it could have cost them a lot of money if it hadn't resolved itself.

Ben Scott

I was checking PushSquare this morning, saw the article about the book, saw the mention of this episode, listened to the episode and heard Colin say he was reaching out to PushSquare. Full circle. Great episode and can’t wait to read the book!

Dimitreus Newell

This is hella cool, and I didn’t get the last book so I had to back both physical copies 👏🏽


Awesome interview! And backed the Kickstarter because of it. Thanks for all the content.


Sandeep.. what a lovely chap! Hardworking and knowledgeable and so enthusiastic. Great episode. Backed his project after this episode - wasn’t aware the kickstarter was live 😊

Seany Mac

Man I could gush about the PS3 for hours and hours. Even though we've gotten what are objectively better made games during the PS4 and PS5 generations, I'd say there was never a more FUN time to be a playstation fan than during the PS3 generation.


Got a backer out of me 👍

Taylor kazemba

This guy makes awesome manuals for ps vita games too.


I still have never seen a PlayStation 3 in person. The fuck was i up those ten years? Probably either porn or aliens.

Wade Says

Fat PS3 is one of the best consoles ever!